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Unit 5 FilmsPeriod 8 Maintask & Checkout 班级_姓名_小组_评价_【学习目标】1. 阅读关于著名影星巩俐的文章。 2. 写一份资料单,介绍自己最喜爱的影星。 3. 完成一篇描写自己最喜爱的影星的文章。4. 复习本单元的重点词汇和语法。【导学提纲】预习,回答下列问题1.When and where was Gong Li born?2.What does she look like?3.When did she started acting?4.How did she started acting?5.What films has she acted in ?6.What awards has she received ?【展示交流】1. 组内互查预习情况,回答问题并校对答案。2. 小组合作,根据课本95页A1部分的内容,完成A2部分的练习。3. 小组合作,核对答案,大声朗读A2部分。4. 小组合作,讨论本篇短文的结构,并讨论他们最喜爱的影星及他们主演的电影。5. 小组合作,将收集到的资料填入B部分,并根据资料单写一篇文章介绍他们最喜爱的 影星。6.小组合作,展示交流。【个案补充】_【盘点收获】 consider大致有两种含义。一、consider作“考虑”解,常用于以下句型: 1consider+名词/代词/动名词。 Youd better consider my suggestion. 你最好考虑我的建议。Im considering going abroad some day.我一直考虑有一天出国。2.consider+从句或“疑问词+不定式”。Have you considered what he suggested?你们考虑他的建议了吗?We must consider what to do next.我们必须考虑下一步要做什么。二、consider作“认为”解时,常用于以下句型:1.consider sb./sth+.(as)+形容词/名词。其中,as可以省略。We consider him honest.我们认为他很诚实。At first they considered me as a doctor.起初他们认为我是医生。2.consider+sb./sth.+不定式。其中,不定式通常是to be(可以省略)或其他动词的完成式。We consider this matter to be very important.我们认为这件事很重要。3.consider+宾语从句。We consider that the music is well worth listening to.我们这首音乐很值得一听。 【反馈矫正】一、单项选择( )1.-_I hand in my homework now, Mr Zhao? -No, you _. You_ hand it in tomorrow.A. Shall; may not; have to B. Can; mustnt; need C. Should; cant; may D. Must; neednt; can( )2. We bought three tickets at a _ price. A. especially B. especial C. special D. specially ( )3. By the time I got there, the football match _ already _.A. has; finished B. was; finished C. had; finished D./; finished( )4. The shopkeeper said they _ the shoes in my size.A. have sold out B. sold out C. sell out D. had sold out( )5. Peter forget to take the film ticket with him. He _ it on the desk.A. had left B. has left C. was leaving D. would leave( )6. Zhang Guoli _ many successful films since 1980.A. had taken part in B. had joined C. has taken part in D. took part in( )7. It is _ that Gong Li is a talented actress. A. well-known B. well known C. well know D. well knowing( )8. The medicine he took had no effect _ him at all.A. to B. for C. on D. with【迁移创新】 一、用所给动词的适当形式填空1.Yuan Longping _ as Father of rice. (consider)2.By the time the guests arrived, the cook _ the food already. (cook)3.The teacher told us that light _ faster than sound. (travel)4.He _ standing outside for an hour yesterday because of his mistakes. (keep)5.Mrs Zhang is devoting all her time and energy to _ (be) a mum right now.6.He decided to try his best _ the homeless people. (help) 7.-Where were you at that time? -I _ with my sister in the sitting room. (argue)8.Mr Li was acting in a documentary last month. But I dont know if he _(finish) it.9.He promised that he _ (wait) for me until the end of this month.10.The programme _ the topics that students are interested in, so he likes it.(cover)11. What _ you _ (plan) at this time yesterday?12. It seems that the old man _ (lose) something important.13. He puts all his effort into _ (practise) playing the piano.14. By the time the war _ (break) out, most of people _ (leave).15. As he _ (stand) up, the glass _ (drop).16. We couldnt catch up with them because they _ (start) too long before us.17. I believe you _ (not argue) with each other later.18. She _ (take) an actors training course before she _ (become) an actress.19. Everyone _ (attract) by the beauty of the West Lake.20._ (not get) off the bus until it _ (stop).
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