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2022年考博英语-宁夏大学考试内容及全真模拟冲刺卷(附带答案与详解)1. 单选题The carpet looks beautiful but cannot( )the wear and tear of continual use.问题1选项A.stand up forB.stand up toC.stand well withD.stand up with【答案】B【解析】考查词组辨析。A选项stand up for“支持,坚持”;B选项stand up to“经得起,抵抗,勇敢地面对”;C选项stand well with“得宠信;得某人好感,好评”;D选项stand up with“给当傧相,陪伴”。句意:地毯看起来很漂亮,但( )不断使用的磨损。这个句子要表达的意思是“但是经不起不断使用的磨损”,因此B选项符合题意。2. 单选题Unable to defend themselves, some Asian countries were once( )the mercy of the imperialist powers.问题1选项A.inB.onC.toD.at【答案】C【解析】考查介词辨析。A选项in“在里”;B选项on“在之上,向,朝”;C选项to“朝,位于”;D选项at“在”。句意:一些亚洲国家由于无法自卫,一度听凭帝国主义列强的摆布。这里考查的是固定搭配on the mercy of“任由摆布,听的指令”,因此C选项符合题意。3. 单选题The most urgent thing is to find a dump for those toxic industrial wastes.问题1选项A.imminentB.recyclableC.smellyD.poisonous【答案】D【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项“即将来临的,迫近的”;B选项“可回收利用的”;C选项“有臭味的”;D选项“有毒的,恶毒的”;题干中toxic“有毒的,中毒的”,句意:最紧迫的事情是找到一个倾倒有毒工业废料的地方。因此D选项符合题意。4. 单选题People from different cultures have different( ) of the world.问题1选项A.impressionsB.foundationsC.complicationsD.conceptions【答案】A【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项impressions“印象,效果”;B选项foundations“基础,地基”;C选项complications“并发症,复杂”;D选项conceptions“概念,设想”。句意:来自不同文化的人对世界有不同的( )。本句表示“不同的人对世界有不同的印象”。因此A选项符合题意。5. 单选题The( ) of the spring water attracts a lot of visitors from other parts of the country.问题1选项A.clashB.clarifyC.clarityD.clatter【答案】D【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项clash“冲突,不协调”;B选项clarify“澄清,阐明”;C选项clarity“清楚,明晰”;D选项clatter“ 哗啦声,嘈杂的谈笑声”。句意:泉水的( )吸引了这个国家其他地方的许多游客。本句表达的意思是“泉水的哗啦啦声吸引了人们的注意”,因此D选项符合题意。6. 单选题British Prime Minister Tony Blair promised the electorate that guns would not be fired without an attempt to win a further U.N. sanction.问题1选项A.alliesB.delegatesC.votersD.juries【答案】C【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项“同盟,同盟国”;B选项“代表,委派”;C选项“选民”;D选项“陪审团,评委会”;题干中electorate“选民,选区”,句意:英国首相布莱尔向选民承诺,如果不试图赢得联合国的进一步制裁,就不会开枪。因此C选项符合题意。7. 翻译题二十四小时的全天候时间表在改变着我们的生活方式。21世纪的办公地点无处不在。我们外出度假时会随身携带无线手机或手提电脑。有些人甚至把手机带入音乐厅或会议厅,因为在他们看来,错过一个重要的商业信息是不可弥补的过失。二十四小时的超高速的“因特网时间”使我们无法静心休息和思考。越来越多的企业行政主管开始把自己有时间睡觉作为吹牛的资本。对他们来说,地位的最大标志在于无能力按照自然的生物钟而非网络钟来工作和休息。【答案】Round-the-clock timetable is changing our way of life. The 21st century office never leaves us. We bring our wireless cell phones and notebook computers when vacationing. There are people who bring their cell phones into concert halls and auditoriums. The round-the-clock hyperspeed “Internet time” wont give us quiet time for resting and thinking. An increasing number of business executives have taken to bragging about how much sleep they get. For them, the ultimate status symbol is the power to live by natures clock rather than the Nets clock.8. 单选题The octopus(章鱼)s reputation as a human-killer isnt simply an exaggeration it is a total myth. The octopus can indeed be a deadly hunter, but only of its natural prey. Clams, mussels, crabs, lobsters and an occasional sick or unwary fish have reason to be frightened of this multi-armed predator, but a person is much too large to interest even the biggest octopus. Even a giant among octopuses is much smaller than most people imagine. Far from being large enough to engulf (吞下)a submarine, as monster octopuses in movies have been known to do, the largest octopuses, found on the Pacific coast, weigh around 110 pounds and grow to a diameter of no more than ten feet.The hard, parrot-like beak(嘴)of an octopus is not used for attacking deep-sea divers, but for cutting open crabs and lobsters. Indeed, the octopus possesses such a tiny throat that it cannot swallow large pieces of meat. It feeds instead by pouring digestive juices into its victims, and then sucking up the soupy remains. A clam or scallop(扇贝)that finds itself in the grasp of an octopus has only a short time to live. But human beings are perfectly safe. Still, people rarely care to go close enough to these careful creatures to get a good look at them.1.This passage is mainly about( ).2.It is implied but not stated in the passage that( ).3.Which of the following statements is true?4.The hard beak of the octopus is used for( ).5.From the passage, we can conclude that( ).问题1选项A.the horrors of the octopusB.the largest octopus in the worldC.octopus and their behaviorD.the octopuss deadly hunting method问题2选项A.people have groundless fears about the octopusB.the octopus is not interested in human beings because they are too large for itC.the octopus is afraid of human beingsD.the octopus is a very vicious sea animal问题3选项A.The octopus usually uses its eight tentacles to tear its prey into pieces before eating it up.B.The octopus always catches sick and careless fish.C.The octopus never attacks people.D.The octopus can engulf submarines.问题4选项A.attacking deep-sea diversB.cutting up large pieces of meat
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