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外事接待英语口语对话学习金融英语,把英语口语学好十分重要,下面 为大家带来外 事接待英语口语对话,欢迎大家学习!外事接待英语口语对话:接待外宾Excuse me, are you Mr.Wilson from the United State or America?请问,你是美国来的威尔逊先生吗?Yes , I am.是的,我是。I'm Mei Wen,the secretary of China National TextilesImport & Export Corporation.我是梅雯,中国纺织品进出口公司的秘书。How do you do. Miss Mei.你好,梅小姐。how do you do, Mr.W川son, Welcome to China.你好,威尔逊先生,欢迎你来到中国。Thank you. It's very kind of you to come to meet meat the airport ,Miss Mei.谢谢,梅小姐。你到机场来接我,真太客气了。It's my pleasure , I hope you will enjoy your stay here.乐意效劳。希望你在这儿过得愉快。Thank you , I'm sure I will.谢谢,我相信会的。Did you have a pleasant flight?你路途上过得愉快吗?Yes, quite a nice flight.是的,愉快,这是一次非常愉快的旅行。I'm glad to hear that , Now shall we go about your baggage?很高兴听你这么说。现在我们去看看你的行李好吗?Yes, Where is the bagage-claim area?好的,行李提取处在哪儿?Notes : Where is the baggage-claim area?行李提取处在哪儿?It's down there at Gate No 5. How many baggage do you have?在下面五号门。你有几件行李?Two suitcase,.两个小提箱Here we are , Could you point them out?我们到了。你能认出它们吗?and seepieces ofYes, This blue one, and that black one.能,这个蓝色的,还有那个黑色的。Since you have picked up your baggage. and now let's proceed through the customs.你已拿了行李,我们去进行海关检查吧。Since you have picked up your baggage,and now let's proceed through the customs.你已拿了行李,我们去进行海关检查吧。proceed through the custom进行海关检查Wilson:All right.好的。外事接待英语口语对话:会谈与谈判Good morning, Mr.Thomas.早上好,托马斯先生。Good morning, Mr. Jiang,Take a seat .please.早上好,蒋先生。请坐。We are quite interested in the refrigerators made by your company.我们对贵公司生产的冰箱非常感兴趣。In fact ,we're thinking of placing an order.事实上,我们正在考虑订货。May I have an idea of your prices?能告诉我你们的价格吗?Yes, Here is our price sheet.可以。这是我们的报价单。Thanks.谢谢How do you like our price?你觉得我们的价格怎么样?I think it's rather on the high side.我认为太高了。I should say that our price is reasonable.我认为我们的价格是合理的。As you know, our products enjoy a high reputation and are always popular abroad.你知道,我们的产品享有盛誉,并畅销海外。Comparing with the price of the other companies, I think our price is the most competitive.与其他公司的产品相比,我认为我们的产品是最具有竞争力的。No,You know now in China large quantities of homemade refrigerators have appeared on the local market in recent years.不,你知道近几年在中国,大量的国产冰箱已经上市。Their quality is good, but their price is much lower.它们质量优良,价格却便宜得多。If we import your refrigerators at your price .I'm sure few customers will buy them.如果我们按照顾你们的报价进口你们的冰箱,我可以肯定不会有多和顾客买它们的。Our price might be higher than your homemade refrigerators but our refrigerators are of better quality.我们的价格可能比你们国产冰箱的价格要高,但是我们的质量要好一些。Now more and more customers like to use homemade refrigerators because of its low price and a good quality.现在越来越多的顾客喜欢用国产冰箱,因为它们价低质优,and if you don't want to lose the market in China, Ithink you'd better reduce your price by at least 5%.如果你们不想失去中国的市场,我认为你们最好让价5%。To be frank with you , if we cut the price by 5% , it can barely cover our production cost.坦率的说,如果我们让价5%,那几乎不够成本费。I should say a cut of 3% would be more realistic.我认为让价3%是比较现实的。The leave a gap of 2%.还有2%的差价。Our purpose is to do business on the basis of eqality and mutual benefit.因为我们的目的是在平等互利的基础上做生意,So I suggest we meet each other halfway.因此我建议我们各让一半。All right ,In order to conclude the transaction, let's meet halfway.好吧,为了谈成这笔交易,我们各让一半。Everything seems to be in order now.看来一切都办好了。I'm glad we have brought this transaction to a successful conclusion.我很高兴我们做成了这笔交易。Me, too.我也是。外事接待英语口语对话:告别与送行Good morning, Mr.White, I'm glad you've come.晚上好,怀特先生,我很高兴你来了。Good evening, Mr.Yang, It's very kind of you to invite me to dinner tonight.晚上好,杨先生。今晚你请我共进晚餐,真太客气了。Sit down , please, The dinner will be ready in a few minutes.请坐。晚餐过几分钟就好。Thanks谢谢You look really smart tonight in these clothes, It fits you perfectly.今天晚上你穿着这一身衣服,真帅气,非常合身。Thank you.谢谢It's a pity that you're leaving us to tomorrow.真遗憾,你明天就要离开我们了。I'm sorry to leave you too.要离开你们我也感到非常遗憾。Hope you'll vist Guangzhou AGAIN,希望你再次到广州来。Sure .aNow the dinner is ready .Mr.White. Please come to the table.Take a seat here ,please.晚餐已经准备好了,怀特先生,请入席吧。请这边坐。Thanks, How delicious the food is!谢谢。这菜真香Mr.White here is to our friendly cooperation.怀特先生,为我们的友好合作干杯!To your health and to your everlasting friendship.为你的健康以及我们的永恒友谊干杯。Here is a knife for you.这是你的刀和叉子。No, thanks.I'd like to try to use chopsticks, today, so that when I go back I can show my wife how ot use them.不,谢谢。今天我想用筷子,这样我回去时就可以告诉我的妻子 该怎样用。Good , Here are two chopsticks for you.好的。给你两只筷子。Thanks .Show me how to use them ,OK?谢谢,教我怎么用,行吗?Yes, Hold the two sticks between the thumb and the forefinger like this.行。象这样,用大拇指和食指夹住这两只筷子。Let me have a try.让我来试试。Right .You are right.Don't talk only. Help yourself to whatever you like.对了,你拿对了。不要光说话,随便吃吧。Thanks,I very much appre
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