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关于英语一二单元的手抄报图片素材 篇一:人教版英语第一单元图片素材 tarterUnit 1 ood rnin! 教学图释(3) 人民教育出版社Strter UnitGod nin! 教学图释(5) 人民教育出版社人民教育出版社 Starter Unit Ws this in glih 教学图释() 人民教育出版社 arter nt2 Wat tsi lish 教学图释(4) 人民教育出版社篇二:英语手抄报素材 202X级“编写手抄报”实践活动打算 详细要求:1、以小组为单位编写一份8开版的英文手抄报。 2、Fonpage在整版纸的右上方;必须有刊头,刊头下写明Exhibition ofPractc ure(Dec,20X Jan.,202X) b Tea *, Cass*, Scool of Forein ui,nn Univrsity ofScince m;Technlg;刊名自拟,还可自创标志。3、选编内容和自创内容各占一半,题材健康,图片、花边等不超过版面的三分之一。自创内容(文章末尾用y *,并在标题处一标志说明凡带有此标志的文章属自创作品)与编选内容(文章末尾用fr *)各半;每个版面一个主题,各栏目都应围绕主题。4、在报纸的适宜位置写明ConsulativeCmtee:Faculty of Major (), Schl fForegStudies, Huan UvesityofSi am; Technology;Suprvio: *; Editor-in-chief: *; Editor:*; egnr: *;Mmbers: *,*。l;A1 I ee thbread-winer sil workinghrdnder thefrvnsu, soakgh swetI seemthersand wives dvoti themselves fully o domestic chor, wtng her usbanandchld ackhome. Ise h childrelayin n the schol grond, enjong elve ttall i thecarefe word wih naive ile on heir face. u I sse cnre gganti bdin ollaing in thetwikl o yes, ny haring te lam ban and seg t floating ashes n the sk. I se me cring for their wivesad childrendepraly toward he ruin. I alo a argecow lyin on the roun, which isoa witlood.e boe arete images cn imagiebore fterte ethquak abou enchuaearhquk in 202X.Actual,our China tks pe more andorntural sasrsin rcent yers, suh asudslide, rought, earhquae,floodan s o, thog hih man people suer a lot, bth n material and in spirit aspecs. So w shoud thinkthergentproblem: wy ou inasuers mor andmorenaural dsasters in cent yearsxcessive defrestat,grzng and epoting resurce iodinateymay be th reasns, for manyous hol th concepton htnatural rsrce endls an huabein conrolthnature. And heacsidece that hey ar woefuly mistken, fornaure begins revengingo theenemes-or hma igs touhis on way. Terfoe, eshoul sea ow ad think patienty d lmy how tdeal wth ts uret situaton,othrwise, wewou be rsponsible fortheconseqences oeda fo what we haen to th ature.(By Chen Huaya) t;2 lt;1 Potctin Nate(保护自然)Chna has a e ngndbrilliant history,se pepe areso riedy d ositab. ut Im wodeng wy sompeole ay chlitle aentonto the evinmet andnure. In man pace f the conryide,vrshave ecom stinkigewesandbooks have disappeare. Hpsofgabagebsruts the carceow o dirt war. h ground rliterewth plsti botls ad bs. Pople aretig dow tes even thogit is illegal.Insome towns, rubbih den behind wals. abage cansae ften of ltte us, making cleanrs must shalldy long nd asoby niht to eanhe ubbis. oake thngs wor, a areultof modnizton, pluion is asrous rblem Nwadays we often breahe thedusy i andrin h dirty wte. What more, w lwayssffer from te noise n the heay lightut. Im rally id o hi ifI wat o chngeitIf I hav chanc,I willgetp eary tse thsuie, er oebrace our nare As s cncerned, our naure is our mother.h offrs useveyhin eanor ne. If or nture appears, human-bigswllbe in great dane. Theefre,e mut love ou nature conditionallyDont alas ask tomuc from her but etur enothn. Moreovr, as her sons and auhters, e should always appreiaef er bout (y inKemin) lt;BAn eathqake (alsknown as a uake, remor or tblor)s te resultof a uden releae of nry i Earths crust t create seismic waes The seisiy, eissm or ssmic actvtyfan are eer to the frequency,typ and sief erthuakesexperencd over a erid of time At the Eh surfae, arhqukesmaiettheselves by shaking ad sometes dispaceet of te rond. Wen theeetr o a largeeartuake isoatd ofshore, te seabe may dispaced sufficienly t cause a tsnai. Erthquake ca alo trgge landslide, and asinllyvoanc ativi I it mot generl snse,the rd eahquakesusedt describe ay sesmic een hetherataorcauseby humans that genrate seimi waes. ahuakesare cu mostby utr ofgologcalfalts,but sobytr event sch avolcanic activiy,lndides, ine bass, and nulertsts. n earhquakesoin ofnitil ruure is caled isfous or hycener.The picnte i the potat grou eveldiclybovee hpocr (FroWkpe
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