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课时精练: Unit3 Reading 课后作业I 单词拼写1. More and more people cannot bear the压力)of modern life.2. After the accident, he was禁止)from driving alone.3. He停止)smoking, and talked something to the person next to him.4. This heating system has an 自(动的 )temperature control.5. I am (使习惯于 )to taking a walk after supper.6. He has been brought in to 加( 强 )the defence.7. At one time, she is fine, but at another, she is (异常的 ).8. As for you, you ought to be惭愧的)of yourself.9. They think this is an (滥用) of power.10. In the long run, working regularly has a good效力)on our health.n .单项填空1. Children at the beginning of last century were to the life without television.A. disappointedB. accustomedC. puzzled D. harmful2. I found her nice and honest I saw her.A. for the first timeB. the first timeC. on the first timeD. at first3. I explained on the phone,your request will be considered at the next meeting.A. When B. AfterC. AsD. Since4. Compared with his sister,Jerry is even more to,a n d more easily troubled by emotional and relationship problems.A. skeptical B. addictedC. available D. sensitive5.In my opinion,we should put more on the quality of our products,not justthe cost.A. stress B. effectC. notice D. support6. This is the second time Ipictures with my own camera.Its time that youa picture of me.A. had taken;tookB. have taken;tookC. will take;will take D. took;have taken7. I have been accustomed toto workfoot.A.going; onB. go; onC.go; inD. going; at8. It is reported that the preside nt has put off the tripthe storm on the sea.A.in spite ofB. lead toC.due toD. as a result9. From thelook on his face we know that the result must be.A. disappo in ted; disappo intingB. disappo in ted; disappo in tedC. disappointing; disappointingD. disappo in ti ng; disappo in ted10. It has been revealed that some government leaderstheir authority andposition to get illegal profits for themselves.A. misuse B. abandonC. abuse D. accustom11. Has he decidedthe complex decision which troubled him for a long time? Not yet.A. forB. onC. againstD. between12. I know rd never been any good at school so I justtrying.A. riskB. banC. attemptD. quit13. What you have done will not haveyour fame.A. a good effect in B. a good affectC. affectD. a good effect on14. You should beof yourbehavior.A. shameful; ashamed B. ashamed; shamefulC. shame; shamefulD. ashamed; shame15. The leaderhis basketball team by bringing in several young players.A. weakenedB. strengthenedC. quittedD. banned川.完形填空One day, Mr Arnold was explaining the story of mankind to his pupils. He told them that, in the beg inning, men were no mads游 牧民):they n ever _1_ in the same place for very long. In stead, they would travel about _2_ food.He taught them about the _3_ of farming and keeping animals. This was a(n)_4_ discovery, because by learning to grow crops and _5_ animals mankind would always have food _6_ available. It also meant that people could rema in livi ng in one place, and this made it easier to set about _7_ that would take a long time to complete, like building cities. All the children were listening , attracted _8_ by this story, un til Lucy jumped up , ask ing, “ Whare we no mads again Mr Arnold ? ”Mr Arnold did nt know what to say. Lucy was a very _9_ girl. He knew that she lived with her pare nts in a _10_, so she must know that her family were not no mads so what did she _11 _“ Weiave all become no mads aga in, ” _2_ Lucy. “ Thether day, outside the city, they were cutting the forest down. A while ago a fisherman told me _13_ they fish. Its the same with every one: whe n theres no more forest left the foresters go elsewhere and whe n the fish _14_ the fisherme n move on. Thats what the no mads did , isnt it ? ”The teacher _15 _ thoughtfully. Really mankind had turned in to nomads. _16_ look ing after the land in a way that we could be sure it would keep 二17_ our n eeds we kept abusing it until the land was _18_ . And then off we would go to the next place!The class spe nt the rest of the after noon talk ing about what they could 19.The n ext day every one atte nded class weari ng a gree n 斗 shirt , with a 20 on it that said “ am not a no mad ”1. A. playedB. stayedC. studied D. worked2. A. in favor ofB. in exchange forC. in search ofD. in preparation for3. A. inventionB. advantageC. planD. trick4. A. differentB. convenientC. difficultD. important5. A. look forB. vote forC. care forD. hunt for6. A. readilyB. actuallyC. suddenlyD. hardly7. A. livesB. tasksC. lessonsD. promises8. A. eagerlyB. easilyC. rout in ely D. deeply9. A. funnyB. cleverC. humorous D. lucky10 A.houseBgardenCcaveDforest11A. emphasize BhearCmeanDwant12A.claimedBcontinuedCinsistedDcried13A.that
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