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限时规范练5 Unit 3 Celebration A核心素养关键词:培养学生人与社会、了解未来生活的思维意识限时规范练第10页一、阅读理解ATheRedBicycle is a storybook about a bicycles journey from North America to the countryside in West Africa.The full name of the book is TheRedBicycle:TheExtraordinaryStoryofOneOrdinaryBicycle,and was written by Jude Isabella from Canada.Leo wants a bike,not just any bike but a red one.He makes money by doing part-time jobs until he has enough money to buy it.He loves his new bike and names it Big Red.He rides Big Red everywhere for many years until he is finally too big for it.Because he has taken such good care of the bike,it looks almost new.He wants to give the bike to someone who really needs it,and will love it the way he does.Leo learns about a charity that sends donated bikes to people in Africa.When Big Red arrives in Africa,the bike finds a new owner,a young girl named Alisetta.She learns to ride Big Red and uses it to help her family on their farm.She also rides Big Red to the market to sell goods that her grandmother made.She earns money so her sister can go to school.Alisetta earns enough money to buy another bike.But while she is gone,Big Red is destroyed by a pig.A worker from a hospital then takes Big Red,repairs it,and turns it into an ambulance.Then,a young woman,named Haridata,uses the bike to bring sick people to the hospital.What a wonderful journey the bicycle takes and what a useful life it has.TheRedBicycle is a great story.It will inspire children from around the world to help others,and do something as simple as donating their bikes to a charity.【篇章导读】本文是记叙文。文章介绍了JudeIsabella所著的红色自行车。该书以一辆红色自行车为线索,讲述了它意义非凡的生命旅程,鼓励青少年乐善好施,帮助他人。1.What is TheRedBicycle about? A.A bicycle making a difference to many peoples lives.B.Leos journey from North America to West Africa.C.Jude Isabellas travel experience in Canada.D.A global journey on a red bicycle.答案A解析推理判断题。根据第一段中的“TheRedBicycle:TheExtraordinaryStoryofOneOrdinaryBicycle”和文章末段中的“Whatawonderfuljourneythebicycletakesandwhatausefullifeithas”可知,该书是关于一辆平凡自行车的非凡故事,讲述了它在他人的生活中做出贡献的故事。2.How does Leo get his bike?A.He gets it from a charity.B.He borrows it from others.C.He buys it by saving money.D.He receives it through a donation.答案C解析细节理解题。根据第二段中的“Hemakesmoneybydoingpart-timejobsuntilhehasenoughmoneytobuyit”可知,Leo攒钱买下了这辆红色自行车。3.What happens to the red bicycle after Alisetta buys a new one?A.It is brought to patients who need it.B.It is turned into an ambulance.C.It is damaged by her sister.D.It is fixed by Haridata.答案B解析细节理解题。根据第三段中的“AworkerfromahospitalthentakesBigRed,repairsit,andturnsitintoanambulance”可知,Alisetta买了新自行车之后,红色自行车被改装成救护车。BFor all those who agree with Neil Gaimans motto in AmericanGods that “a town isnt a town without a bookstore,” what might be the perfect holiday choice has just been listed on Airbnb:the chance to become a bookseller for a week or two.For the total cost of 150 a week,guests at The Open Book in Wigtown,Scotlands national book town,will be expected to sell books for 40 hours a week while living in the flat above the shop.Given training in bookselling from Wigtowns community of booksellers,they will also have the chance to put their “own stamp” on the store while theyre there.“The Open Books aim is to celebrate bookshops,encourage education in running independent bookshops and welcome people around the world to Scotlands national book town,” says the Airbnb listing.The Open Book is leased (出租) by the Wigtown Book Festival from a local family.Organisers have been letting paying volunteers run the shop for a week or two at a time,and opened the experience up to the world at large.“I wouldnt call it a working holiday,” said Adrian Turpin,director of the Wigtown Book Festival.“Its not about cheap labour (体力劳动) its about offering people an experience.” The money is “just necessary to cover our costs,” said Turpin,admitting that “it can be a hard life,selling books in a small town,so its not a holiday for everybody.”“I think the shop would have closed,without this,” he said.“So part of the idea was to get new people in people who would hopefully end up having a good time and a long-standing relationship with the town.”The idea comes at a difficult moment for independent booksellers.In 2005,there were 1,535 independent bookshops in the UK,with the number dropping to 939 by 2014.So far,The Open Book has been leased around 10 times,with guests including those from The Bookshop Band,a librarian from Portland,a Dutch government employee,and an 80-year-old couple.【篇章导读】本文是新闻报道。苏格兰西南部的威格敦小镇是苏格兰的“国家图书镇”,在小镇的众多书店中,有一家书店可对外出租,这种经营方式使得几近倒闭的书店生机焕发。4.WhatdoesAirbnboffer?A.NeilGaimansbooks.B.Mottosoffamouspeople.C.Achancetorunabookstore.D.Aholidaytriptosmalltowns.答案C解析细节理解题。根据第一段中的“whatmightbetheperfectholidaychoicehasjustbeenlistedonAirbnb:thechancetobecomeabooksellerforaweekortwo”可知,Airbnb提供经营书店的机会。5.What can be learned about The Open Book?A.It c
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