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9A Unit 5 短语9A Unit 5 Films 词组1. 更现实一些be more realistic2. 对电视而言太好be too good for TV3. 而是在好莱坞be in Hollywood instead4. 想要当一名女演员 would like to be an actress5. 宁愿当一名导演would rather be a director6. 好莱坞空前的最杰出的女演员之一 one of Hollywoods all-time greatest actresses7. 不但。而且not onlybut also 8.世界的其他部分in other parts of the world9.哀悼。的损失/去世mourn the loss / death of 10.开始上芭蕾舞课begin taking ballet lessons11.在很小的时候at a very young age12.把她大部分的精力投入到芭蕾舞训练当中 put most of her effort (u.)into ballet training13. 由于她在这个领域的努力 because of her efforts (c.)in this area14.进入电影界 enter (=go into) the film industry15.当在这部影片中表演时while acting in the film16.吸引某人的注意力attract ones attention17.写一部叫做。的小说write a novel called18.被改编成一个剧本be made into a play19.坚持。insist on 20.是在这个剧中主角的最佳人选 be the perfect girl to play the lead role in the play21.标志着某人成功事业的开始 mark the beginning of ones successful career22.不久之后/不久之前shortly after/shortly before23.扮演一个年轻公主的角色play the lead role of a young princess24.在(。电影)中扮演主角play the lead role in25.很成功be a big success=be very successful26. 赢得一个奥斯卡最佳女演员奖win an Oscar for Best Actress27. 由于她在这部影片中的角色for her role in this film28. 在她的一生当中 during her lifetime29. 贯穿她的演艺生涯throughout her acting years30. 在电影中/电视上最后一次亮相 take her final/last appearance in her last film/on TV31. 有赢得四次奥斯卡提名 earn four more Oscar nominations (=another four)32. 通过向我们展现自然的美by showing us the beauty of nature33. 超越。go beyond34. 把某人当成。来纪念remember sb. as35. 奉献于/投身于做。devoteto doing36. 她生命中的最后几年the last few years of her life37. 与联合国儿童基金会紧密合作work closely with UNICEF38. 被给予。荣誉be honoured / honored with39. 一大推奖项a number of awards40. 授予某人。present sb. with sth.=present sth. to sb.41. 得癌症have cancer42. 在她的花园中最后一次散步take her last walk in her garden43. 平静地与世长辞pass away peacefully=die peacefully44. 很有魅力的人someone of great charm45.有着吸引人的品质have an attractive quality46. 持续了四十年 last for about forty years47. 一个建立在她的小说基础上的剧本a play based on her novel48. 以有关未来的幻想故事为基础的电影 film based on imaginative stories about the future49. 和某人打架/对抗fight with/against sb.50.把她的杂志丢在了教室里 leave her magazine in the classroom51. 上气不接下气地到达arrive out of breath52. 第一个到达电影院的人be the first one to arrive at the cinema53. 买一些爆米花buy some popcorn (u.)54. 我们所有的五个人all five of us55. 最好(不)做某事had better (not) do sth.56. 以便so that57. (不)应该做。ought to do=should do / (oughtnt to)58. 看影评read the film review59. 多锻炼exercise more=take more exercise60. 适合所有年龄段的人be suitable for all ages61. 票价ticket price62. 一部三个小时的向你展示很多年前北京摸样的纪录片a three-hour documentary that shows you what Beijing was like many years ago63. 描述一个住在北京胡同里的家庭的故事 tell the story of a family that lived in the hutongs64. 被选作恐龙家族的未来之王 be chosen to be the future king of the dinosaur family65. 爱上。fall in love with66. 乘船旅行travel on a ship67. 将恐龙栩栩如生地搬上屏幕bring dinosaurs alive on screen68. 特价special offer =discount69. 认为动作片当中的打斗think about fights in action films70. 在。有着坏的影响have a bad effect / influence on 71. 一位有经验的女演员an experienced actress72. 很好地扮演中国女强人的角色 play the role of strong Chinese women very well73.被认为是一位有能力的女演员be considered as a talented actress74.其它的她出演过的电影 other films she has taken part in / acted in75. 放映 be shown=be on1
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