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Would you kindly sign the exchange form, giving your name and address? 请在兑换单上签字,写出你的姓名和地址,好吗? Id like to know if you could change this money back into U.S. dollars for me. 我想知道能否把这笔兑回成美圆。 Could you change these French francs for me? 能给我兑换这些法国法郎吗? Can you give me 100 dollars in Swiss francs? 能否给我100美圆的瑞士法郎? Id like to convert the full amount of the remittance into U.S. dollars. 我想把全部汇款换成美圆。 Id like some coins for this note. 我想把这张纸币换成硬币。 Useful Words and Phrases currency, money 货币 money changing 兑换货币 Tell me the current rate for RMB, please. 请告诉我人民币的现价。 Whats your selling rate for RMB yuan in notes today? 你们今天人民币现钞的售价是多少? foreign exchange 外汇 exchange rate 外汇率 西联汇款Western Union Money Transfer营业员请用户出示证件,用户向营业员询问汇款的限额。Excuseme,mayIremitmon eyabroadhere?请问我可以在这儿往国外汇款吗?Sure.Please show me your passport/ ID card.可以。请出示您的护照(身份证)。How much money can I send by Western Union?通过西联汇款方式我可以寄多少钱?The maximum amount forsending through Western Unionis $2000 per person everyday.最高限额是每人每天2000美元。 00:01.82兑换外币00:03.63Key Sentences00:05.16重点句型00:06.69Todays exchange rate of RMB to USD is 812 RMB yuan equal to 100 US dollars.00:17.04今天的汇率是812元 人民币兑100美元.00:27.40What kind of foreign currency have you got? Whats the exchange rate today?00:34.38您持有什么外币?今天的汇率是多少?00:41.35What kind of currency do you want to change?00:45.52您想换哪一种外币?00:49.68Sorry youve filled a wrong account number Please refill it.00:59.08请点清钞票,保存好水单.01:08.47What is the equivalent of five dollars in RMB yuan?01:13.55五美元相当于人民币多少元?01:18.63We list the exchange rate issued by the Peoples Bank of China every morning.01:25.36我们是根据每天早上中国银行发布的汇率挂牌的.01:32.08What are you going to convert,bank notes or travellers checks?01:38.47你要兑换什么,是现钞还是旅行支票?01:44.86Dialogue 1 A:Excuse me.B:Can I help you?01:49.28对话1 劳驾.您要什么服务?01:53.71A:I want to change some US dollars into RMB.01:56.74我想把美元换成人民币.01:59.77B:Of course.02:00.40当然行.02:01.03We are an authorized foreign exchange bank and can change them for you.02:04.02我们是指定经营外汇业务的银行.可以为您兑换.02:07.01How much do you want to change?02:08.47您要换多少?02:09.93A:Let me see.Fifty US dollars.B:Very well,sir.02:12.90让我想想,五十美金.好的,先生.02:15.86Notes I want to change some US dollars into RMB.02:22.15我想把美元换成人民币.02:28.43change Where can I change my dollars for pounds?02:30.65请问我可在哪儿将美元兑换成英镑。02:32.87Here is your change.02:36.08这是找您的零钱.02:39.29I have no small change02:40.54我没带零钱. 03:31.62B:Very well.Please fill in this application form and sign your name,sir.03:34.90好的,请填这张申请表,然后签名,先生.03:38.18A:All right.Which address shall I give you,my home address or hotel address here?03:42.40好的,该给你哪一个地址, 我家的地址还是这里的饭店地址?03:46.61B:Your hotel address,please.03:48.16你所在饭店的地址。03:49.70A:Right.Where am I supposed to sign my name?03:52.39请填您的饭店地址dot.好.我该把名字签在哪里呢?03:55.08B:Here,on this ted line,sir.03:56.83这里,虚线上面,先生.03:58.58A:Here you are,is that all right?04:00.51好了,这样子可以了吗?04:02.44B:Let me see,oh,would you mind telling me your passport number,sir?04:06.01我看一下.嗯,您介意告诉我您的护照号码吗?04:09.58A:Of course not.Let me see.Its E 56789.B:Thank you,sir.04:14.49当然不.我看看,.是E56789.谢谢,先生. 05:27.21Dialogue 3 A:Good afternoon,madam May I help you?05:31.78下午好,夫人.我能为您做点什么?05:36.35B:Id like to change some money.05:37.97我想兑换些钱.05:39.59A:What sort of foreign currency have you got,madam?05:42.06夫人持有何种外币.05:44.53B:US dollars.Whats the exchange rate today?05:46.86美金.今天的汇率是多少?05:49.18A:According to todays exchange rate,05:51.71依照今天的汇率,05:54.25every US dollar in cash is equivalent to 8.659 RMB yuan.05:57.531美元换8.659人民币元.06:00.81How much would you like to change?06:02.75您准备兑换多少?06:04.70B:1,000.Here you are.06:06.321,000美金,给你.06:07.94A:Very well.This is exchange memo.06:10.65好的.这是兑换水单.06:13.37Please fill in your name,passport number,06:14.50请填上您的名字,护照号,您的国籍06:15.64your nationality,and the amount you intend to change.06:17.45及所要兑换的钱款金额.06:19.27B:Here you are. Will that do?06:21.49 给你,行了吗?06:23.71A:Quite well.Here is the money,8,659 RMB yuan in all.06:28.78很好.这一共是8,659元,06:33.85Please check it and keep the exchange memo06:35.44请点一下,拿好水单.06:37.03B:All right.By the way whats the use of memo?06:39.64好的,顺便问一下水单有什么用处?06:42.26A:If you have some RMB left while you are leaving China,06:45.01在您准备离开中国时如果还剩一些人民币,06:47.77you can change it back into US dollars06:49.95您可兑换回美金06:52.13in Bank of China or at the airport exchange counter.06:54.01可到中国银行或机场外汇柜台前进行兑换.06:55.89There you will be asked to show the memo.06:58.56在那里,您将被要求出示水单的.07:01.22B:I see.Thank you very much.A:Not at all.07:04.23我懂了,谢谢.不客气.
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