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英语六年级下册导学案年级六年级时间 单元M6 U2 主备人 课 型新授课时1课 题The name of the spaceship is Shenzhou V.审核人学习目标Knowledge and skills:掌握单词home/ space/ interestedProcess and method:情景教学法、游戏教学法Moral object:能赠送和接受礼物。重点难点全体学生能使用: The name of the spaceship is Shenzhou V.教法情景教学法、游戏教学法学法小组合作法课前准备多媒体、录音机学 习 过 程二次备课学 案导 案Greeting to students.Learn the words.Do activity book.一【Warming up】激发学生的愉快情绪,活跃课堂气氛二【Show out aims】aims: 掌握单词home/ space/ interestedImportant points: 全体学生能使用: The name of the spaceship is Shenzhou V.三【Presentation】 Learn to the phrase:四【Group work】 Act out :Have a reading show. Have a test.五【Practice】 1. on the earth 2. decide to do sth. 3 .buy sb. sth. 4 .space travel 5. be interested in 6. show sb. sth.六【Promote】 1 .back he some presents brought. _ 2. me buy please pen a. _八 【Homework】Remember the words and can use the drills.T : It took us to the earth. Lets listen ,read and act out.(1) Listen to the tape and answer the question: 1. It was Damings birthday yesterday. 2. I bought a lot of things. 3. It was a book about space travel. 4. Simon was interested in the book too. (2) Act out :Have a reading show. Have a test. 短语:1. on the earth 2. decide to do sth. 3 .buy sb. sth. 4 .space travel 5. be interested in6. show sb. sth.板书设计 M6U2 The name of the spaceship is Shenzhou V.短语:1. on the earth2. decide to do sth.3 .buy sb. sth.4 .space travel5. be interested in6. show sb. sth.课后反思 整体而言,本节课的教学目标明确,在教学过程中,设计了不同的教学活动,既有全班的整体练习,也关注到了个别学生的学习活动,充分体现了以学生为主的教学理念,符合学生的学习心理和学习规律。本模块目标明确,重难点突出,较好的达到了教学目的。前置性作业: M6U2 The name of the spaceship is Shenzhou V.一 听读课文三遍,预习。二 翻译下列短语。1. on the earth2. decide to do sth.3 .buy sb. sth.4 .space travel5. be interested in6. show sb. sth.
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