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论国际商务合同英译的准确性On the Accuracy of Chinese-English Translation of International Business ContractsAbstractWith Chinas market economy developing very fast and the deepening of the reform and opening up to the outside world, economic exchange with foreign countries is ever increasingly frequent, Chinese enterprises are finding more and more chances to cooperate with foreign businessmen. In order to conclude an international transaction parties should communicate with each other regularly via the help of translation. Contract, as a legal agreement, stipulates the obligations and rights for both the buyer and the seller, therefore the quality of its translation is essential to successful business cooperation.A study on the accuracy of translating contract documents will be well discussed in this thesis. Firstly, a general introduction is given about the contract, including the definition, general provisions, legal elements and the significance of this study. Then in order to apply the techniques into the development of international business contract translation accuracy, the similarities and differences of language features between English and Chinese are illustrated. Next, through the adaptation of Hallidays register theory, its application is probed in the improvement of international business contract translation. Lastly, the inaccuracy cases are explained and some suggestions are given.Key words: international business contract; C-E translation; accuracy;摘 要 随着我国市场经济的不断发展和改革开放的不断深入,市场竞争机制得到进一步完善,对外经济贸易往来日益频繁,企业涉外经营的规模逐步扩大,与外商合作的机会越来越多,起草、谈判、签订商务合同成为必不可少的环节,其中起桥梁作用的当数翻译了。而在国际经济贸易活动,合同又是中外当事人开展业务和维护权益最为重要的一种法律文件依据,因此对合同翻译就提出了很高的要求,因为合同翻译的质量对于双方当事人的权利和义务、合同本身的履行及合同争议的解决常常会带来极大的影响。因此从探究国际商务合同的准确性入手,首先阐述了国际商务合同的定义、语言特点、一般合同经常包含的条款以及研究合同翻译准确性意义的重要性,接着分析了中英两种国际商务合同在词汇,句法,篇章的语言相似性和区别性,并对词汇,句法,篇章三个层次的翻译策略进行了研究。其次,采用韩礼德的语域理论,分析了它在提高国际商务合同翻译准确性的作用和意义。最后,文章实例分析了国际商务合同翻译中其它的常见翻译失真,并总结了一名合格译者应该具备的素质。关键词:国际商务合同; 汉英翻译; 准确性 ContentsIntroduction1. About International Business Contract1.1. Definition of Contract1.2 General Provisions and Legal Elements of Contract1.3 The Significance of Studying Contract Translation Accuracy 2. Accuracy of Contract Language2.1. Language Comparison between English and Chinese Contract 2.1.1. Lexical Level.2.1.2. Syntactic Level2.1.3. Textual Level2.2. Translation Techniques to Accuracy Improvement of C-E Translation2.2.1. Lexical Translation Techniques 2.2.2. Syntactic Translation Techniques2.2.3. Textual Translation Techniques 3. Accuracy of Contract Register 3.1 Halliday: The Notion of Register3.2 Application of Register Theory in Accuracy Improvement3.2.1 Helping Identify the Contract Register 3.2.2 Helping Realize the Register Equivalence in the C-E Contract Translation 4. Analysis of Other Common Inaccuracies 4.1 Grammatical Inaccuracies 4.2 Mechanical Translation Inaccuracies 4.3 Laymen Inaccuracies5. Requirements for a Good Translator5.1 Strong Sense of Responsibility5.2 Bilingual Proficiency.5.3 Essential Professional Knowledge ConclusionNotesBibliographyAcknowledgments2 IntroductionWith the trend of globalization and Chinas entry into the WTO, Chinese business has been undergoing ever-frequent exchanges with the outside world. Contract document translation, as a form of practical translation once was neglected by Chinese translators in their translation studies, has been paid more and more attention to since the last decade. A well-translated, especially an exactly translated contract document conduces to the smooth performance of a business, while a poor one may results in costly failure. Carrying on studies in this field can lead to peoples recognition of the importance of contract document translation and thus help to improve the competitiveness of Chinese products in international market.Through the search in the western translation circles, it is found that the famous English translator, Alexander Fraser Tytler, had three principles of translation in his Essays on the Principles of Translation published in 1790. These three principles on translation are as follows:a) The translation should give a complete transcript of the ideas of the original work;b) The style and manner of writing should be of the same character as that of the original; andc) The translation should have the same ease as the original composition. 1In these three principles, “a complete transcript”, “the same character” and “the same ease” are all the description of accuracy in translation.In China, There may be abundant fruits in translation studies, such as (信、达、雅)faithfulness, expressiveness, and elegance, which is put forward by Yan Fu; Rather to be faithful than to be smooth (宁信而不顺), which is advanced by Lu Xuns, etc. Yan Fu put forward
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