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2023年下半年甘肃省教资面试备考:高中英语语法课教案设计 更多教师资讯:甘肃教育信息网 2023下半年甘肃省教资面试备考:高中英语语法课 教案设计 关注微信:甘肃教师考试(微信号:gsjsks),小编会每周定期给大家发送更多面试备考资料及考试信息。 需要更多指导,请选择在线咨询一对一解答。 2023下半年甘肃省中小学教师资格考试(面试)公告已发布,面试报名时间为12月16-20日,审核确认时间为12月16-21日;缴费确认时间为12月16-23日,面试时间为2023年1月7日-8日,以下为甘肃教育信息网为大家准备了面试备考信息,望考生及时查看。 Paive voice I Teaching aims: Knowledge aim: Students can master the usage of grammar item “paive voice”.Ability aim: Through different kinds of teaching activities, students can use “paive voice” to expre themselves appropriately.Emotional aim: After learning this cla students will become interested in learning grammar.II Teaching key point and difficult point: Key point: learn usage of the grammar item “paive voice”.Difficult point: use these grammar item correctly and fluently in daily communication.III Teaching procedures: Step 1 warming-up: 更多2023下半年甘肃省教师资格证面试信息可以查看甘肃教育信息网 Greeting and show some pictures about different kinds of animals, and ask students “which one do you like best? Why?” Step 2 presentation 甘肃中公教师考试网祝您备考成功!点击查看甘肃教招考点大全 更多教师资讯:甘肃教育信息网 Task 1.Show pictures about the antelope in the story and ask students to gue what happened to him.After discuion, show the teacher material on PPT and ask students to find answer and if there is any principle in this expreion.Task 2.Lead students to find the “paive voice” form that have been used for the story.Ask students if there is any law in them, especially the form.Task 3.After students having a discuion, the teacher presents the principle of the “paive voice.” on the blackboard.Step 3 Practice Do some drills about “superlative degree”, like fill in blanks: How long _ your uncle _ (be) in the city? Last year a large number of three_(cut) down.I had hoped to see her off at the station, but I_ too busy.The play had already been on for quite some time when we_ at the New Theatre.更多2023下半年甘肃省教师资格证面试信息可以查看甘肃教育信息网 Step 4 production Group work: Divide students into 6 groups and try to imagine what will happen going on.Students should try to expre themselves by using paive voice as much as poible.Step 5 summary and homework Do a summary by asking questions and ask students to write an article about the story.IV Blackboard design paive voice Were being killed for the wool beneath our stomachs.Our fur is being used to make sweaters for people like you.As a result, we are now an endangered species 以上就是教师资格面试高中英语语法课教案设计解。 甘肃中公教师考试网祝您备考成功!点击查看甘肃教招考点大全 更多教师资讯:甘肃教育信息网 相关推荐 2023下半年甘肃省中小学教师资格考试(面试)公告 更多2023下半年甘肃省教师资格证面试信息可以查看甘肃教育信息网 甘肃中公教师考试网祝您备考成功!点击查看甘肃教招考点大全 下半年甘肃省教资面试备考:高中英语语法课教案设计 高中英语语法课教案 高中英语语法教案 高中英语语法课教学设计 河北教师资格面试高中英语语法课教案设计 海南教师资格面试高中英语语法课教案设计 高中英语语法试讲教案 高中英语语法复习课教学设计(推荐) 高中英语语法填空教学设计 高中英语语法教学设计 定语从句
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