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2022年考博英语-煤炭科学研究总院考试内容及全真模拟冲刺卷(附带答案与详解)1. 单选题All the evidence ( ) that he stole the money.问题1选项A.recommendsB.proposesC.suggestsD.advises【答案】C【解析】考查动词辨析。A项recommend “建议、推荐”,B项propose “建议、打算、求婚”,C项suggest “提议、显示、暗示”,D项advise “劝告、忠告”;句意:所有的证据都显示是他偷了钱。因此C选项正确。2. 单选题Put both vegetables into a bowl and ( ) with a potato masher.问题1选项A.crashB.crushC.clashD.crack【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。A项crash “碰撞”,B项crush “压碎”,C项clash “冲突”,D项crack “使破裂”;句意:把这两种蔬菜都放进碗里,用捣土豆器捣碎。因此B选项正确。3. 单选题As noted, among those who were cognitively normal at the start of the study, ( ) alcohol drinkers appeared to be protected against dementia.问题1选项A.moderateB.minimumC.mediumD.middle【答案】A【解析】考查形容词辨析。A项moderate “有节制的”,B项minimum “最小的”,C项medium“中间的”,D项middle “中等的”;句意:特别提到的是,在研究最初,认知正常,饮酒适度的人表现出对老年痴呆更好的防御能力。因此A选项正确。4. 单选题Some parents ( ) education with exam success.问题1选项A.equalB.equateC.equalizeD.equality【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。A项equal “等于”,B项equate “视为平等”,C项equalize “使相等”,D项名词equality “平等”;句意:有些父母把教育和考试成绩优秀视为一样。因此B选项正确。5. 单选题The law can ( ) fathers to make regular payments for their children.问题1选项A.compelB.complyC.complainD.combine【答案】A【解析】考查动词辨析。A项compel “强迫、迫使”,B项comply “遵守、顺从”,C项complain “抱怨”,D项combine “联合、结合”;句意:这项法律可强制父亲定期支付子女的费用。因此A选项正确。6. 单选题The new policies will ( ) rather than help poor families.问题1选项A.hideB.hinderC.hintD.hind【答案】B【解析】考查形近词辨析。A项动词hide “隐藏”,B项动词hinder “阻碍、打扰”,C项动词hint “暗示、示意”,D项形容词hind “后部的”;句意:新政策将阻碍而不是帮助贫困家庭。因此B选项正确。7. 单选题The ( ) for travelling without a ticket is 200.问题1选项A.penalB.panelC.panelizeD.penalty【答案】D【解析】考查形近词及词义辨析。A项形容词penal “刑事的、刑罚的”,B项名词panel “仪表盘、陪审团”,C项动词panelize “处罚、处刑”,D项名词penalty “罚款、罚金”;句意:长途旅行不买票罚款200镑。因此D选项正确。8. 单选题A few months of grooming, mentors and founders can then ( ) hundreds of people to watch their companys official introduction to society.问题1选项A.summonB.uniteC.gatherD.assemble【答案】A【解析】考查动词辨析。A项summon “召唤”,指运用权威或行使权力指示、命令、吩咐,或要求某人去某处,常用于正式的集会或公务等方面;B项untie “团结、合并”,指将两个或两个以上原本分散或对立的事物联合起来,或者指主动联合自己周围的人或物,使之围绕在自己身旁;C项gather “聚集”,多强调按照一定目的或计划有选择的使人或物聚集在一起;D项assemble “集合、聚集”,更突出聚集或收集的目的;句意:经过几个月的培训后,导师和创始人可以召集数百人观看他们公司向社会的正式介绍。因此A选项正确。9. 翻译题Space X will send a spacesuit-clad crash test dummy to the International Space Station as part of a trial flight for its Crew Dragon spacecraft. The mission will take place on 2 March and will also deliver supplies to crew aboard the ISS. An array of sensors built into the mannequins suit will help provide key data ahead of the first human passengers going aboard the capsule later this year.Mr. Musk revealed the cost of a ticket to Mars on board a Space X flight would be less than $100,000. Taking questions on social media, he wrote: Im confident moving to Mars (return ticket is free) will one day cost less than $500k or maybe even below $100k. Low enough that most people in advanced economies could sell their home on Earth and move to Mars if they want.Section A Translate the following passage into Chinese.【答案】Space X公司将把一个穿着航天服的撞击试验人体模型送往国际空间站,这也是其Crew Dragon载人宇宙飞船试飞任务的一部分。这次任务将于3月2日进行,并将向国际空间站的宇航员运送物资。该人体模型所穿的太空服上安装了大量的传感器。今年晚些时候,在第一批人类旅客将登上太空舱之前,这些传感器将有助于提供重要数据。马斯克先生透露,乘坐Space X宇宙飞船前往火星的票价可能会低于10万美元。他在社交媒体上接受了人们的提问,并写道:“我确信,将来有一天搬去火星(返程票是免费的)的票价会低于50万美元,甚至可能会低于10万美元。这个票价足够低了,发达经济体的多数人都可以卖掉他们在地球上的房子,搬去火星,如果他们愿意的话。”10. 单选题During my second year at the city college, I was told that the education department was offering a “free” course, called Thinking Chess, for three credits. I (1) the idea of taking the class because, after all, who doesnt want to (2) a few dollars? More than that, Id always wanted to learn chess. And, even if I werent (3) enough about free credits, news about our (4) was appealing enough to me. He was an international grand master, which (5) I would be learning from one of the games (6). I could hardly wait to (7) him.Maurice Ashley was kind and smart, a former graduate returning to teach, and this (8) was no game for him; he meant business. In his introduction, he made it (9) that our credits would be hard-earned. In order to (10) the class among other criteria, we had to write a paper on how we plan to (11) what we would learn in class to our future professions and (12) to our lives. I managed to get an A in that (13) and learned life lessons that have served me well beyond the (14).Ten years after my chess class with Ashley, Im still putting to use what he (15) me: “the absolute most important (16) that you learn when you play chess is how to make good (17).On every single move you have to (18) a situation, process what your opponent is doing and (19) the best move from among all your options.” These words still ring true today in my (20)as a journalist.
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