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考研考博-考博英语-西南财经大学模拟考试题含答案1. 单选题The survey found 80 percent of viewers were ( )by the violent scenes in the film.问题1选项A.damagedB.alertedC.offendedD.discouraged【答案】C【解析】动词辨析题。damage损害;alert警惕;offend冒犯;discourage阻止,使气馁。句意:调查发现,80%的观众会被电影中的暴力镜头所触怒。be offended by意为“被.触怒”,选项C符合句意。2. 单选题The British Library ( )the right to a free copy of every new book published in the United Kingdom.问题1选项A.containsB.retiresC.retainsD.conveys【答案】C【解析】考查动词辨析。contain意为“包含,容纳”;retire意为“退休”;retain意为“保持,保留”;convey意为“传达,传递”。句意:在英国出版的每一版新书,大英博物馆都拥有免费获得一册的权利。3. 单选题A remark may be completely( ) when it is passed on through different mouths.问题1选项A.distortedB.restoredC.recoveredD.misled【答案】A【解析】考查动词词义辨析。distort “歪曲,扭曲”;restore “修复,恢复”;recover “恢复,重新获得”;mislead “误导”。句意:当一种说法被不同人讲述后会完全被扭曲。选项A符合题意。4. 单选题The ( )is nearly dead, so I cannot start the car again.问题1选项A.beanB.beamC.brakeD.battery【答案】D【解析】考查名词词义辨析。bean “豆;毫无价值的东西”;beam “横梁,光线,电波”; bake “烤,烘烤食品”;battery “电池,蓄电池”。句意:电池没电了,所以我不能启动车。选项D符合题意。5. 单选题In the early 1990s various measures were ( ) to encourage savings, stimulate investment and motivate worker effort.问题1选项A.implementedB.impartedC.complimentedD.exploited【答案】A【解析】考查动词词义辨析。implement “实施,执行”;impart “给予”;compliment “恭维,称赞”;exploit “开发,开拓”。句意:二十世纪九十年代早期社会实施各种措施来鼓励存款,刺激投资以及激发工作的积极性。选项A符合题意。6. 翻译题In 1924, a Mexican philosopher wrote a book dreaming of the possibility that, in the future, all races on the planet would merge into one type of man. This of man is being borne in Los Angeles, in the cultural sense if not the anthropological (a.人类学的) sense. A vast mosaic (n.拼盘) of different races, cultures, religions, and moral habits are working toward one common aim. From the perspective of a world submerged in religious, ethnic, and racial conflict, this harmonious cooperation is something unbelievable. It is truly striking.What is common aim that harmonizes competing cultures in one place?It is not only the better living standard. What attracts immigrants to America is the essential characteristic of American culture: the chance to try. There is a combination of two things that are important: culture and space. The culture allows you to try to be somebodyto find yourself, your place, your status. And there is space not only in a geographical sense, but in the sense of opportunity, of social mobility. In societies that are in crisis or are stagnant(a.停滞的)or even are stable there is no chance to try.If the immigrant to America at first fails, he always thinks, “I will try again.”If he had failed in the old society, he would be discouraged and pessimistic, accepting the place that was given to him. In America, hes thinking, “I will have another chance, I will try again.” That keeps him going. Hes full of hope.【答案】1924年,一位墨西哥哲学家在他的一本著作中,梦想着未来地球上所有不同种族都融合成一种类型人的可能性。在文化的意义上,即便不是在人种的意义上,这样一种类型的人正在洛杉矶诞生。由不同种族、不同文化、不同宗教和不同道德行为组成的巨大合成体正奔向一个共同的目标。世界充满着宗教的、种族的、民族的冲突,从这个角度来看,这种融洽的合作令人难以置信。也的确令人瞩目。使得在一个地区的相互竞争的文化和谐共存的共同目标是什么呢?目标不仅仅是更高的生活水准。吸引移民前来美国的是美国文化的主要特性:有尝试的机会。文化与空间这两个重要方面结合了起来。文化使你得想办法出人头地去发现自我,找到自己的位置、自己的地位。还有空间,不仅仅是地理意义上的空间,更是指机会,指社会身份的流动性。在充满危机的社会中,在停滞不前的社会中甚至在那些稳定的社会中没有尝试的机会。如果美国移民开始时遭遇失败,他总是想:“我要再试一下”。如果他在原来的社会中遭遇失败,他就会失去信心,变得悲观失望,接受自己所处的地位。在美国,他想的是:“我还会有机会,我还要试一下。”这使他坚持下去。他充满了希望。7. 单选题With the ( )of Mary, all the girl students are eager to go to the party.问题1选项A.exhibitionB.exceptionC.exceptD.reception【答案】B【解析】考查名词词义辨析。exhibition “展览,展览会;显示”;exception “例外,异议”;except “除之外”,是介词;reception “接待,接收”。句意:除了玛丽之外,所有的女生都希望去聚会。选项B符合题意。8. 单选题An international treaty signed several years ago ( )trade in plants and animals of endangered species.问题1选项A.bansB.eliminatesC.promotesD.protects【答案】A【解析】考查动词辨析。ban意为“明令禁止,取缔”;eliminate意为“排除,取消”;promote意为“促进,推进”;protect意为“保护,保卫”。由主语an international treaty(国际条约)和宾语trade in plants and animals of endangered species(濒危动植物的贸易)可知谓语动词用ban符合逻辑。句意:几年前签署的一项国际条约禁止濒危动植物贸易。9. 单选题The new secretary has written a remarkably ( ) report only in a few pages but with all the details.问题1选项A.conciseB.clearC.preciseD.elaborate【答案】D【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。concise “简明的”;clear “清楚的”;precise “精确的”;elaborate “详尽的”。句意:新秘书只用了几张纸就写出了一份包含所有的非常详尽的报告。选项D符合题意。10. 单选题Global warming is causing more than 300,000 deaths and about $125 billion in economic losses each year, according to a report by the Global Humanitarian Forum, an organization led by Kofi Annan, the former United Nations secretary general.The report, to be released Friday analyzed data and existing studies of health, disaster, population and economics trends. It found that human-influenced climate changes was raising the global death rates from illnesses including malnutrition(营养
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