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Module 2 Unit2I. 根据中文意思写出英文单词1.不同寻常的_ 2.明亮的,鲜艳的_ 3.总共_4.汹涌/粗糙/大概的_ 5.预先;进步_ 6.提供,供给,补给_7.空气,大气层_ 8.旅游业_ 9.计划_10.日出,朝霞_ 11.观看,看待;景色,景观_ 12.目的地_13.美,美好的人或物_ 14.埋葬,埋藏_ 15.经典的;经典作品_16.陡峭的,急剧的_ 17.官方地,正式地_ 18.宣布,宣称_19.无限的,无休止的_ 20.平和的,温暖的_21.冒险,冒险经历_adj._ 22.安排_n._23.沙漠;抛弃_adj._ 24.不舒服的_v._ 25.防御,保护_n._adj._ 26.让人疲劳的,累人的_v._ 27.探索,勘探_n._ 28.天堂,天空_adj._29 30.出版,发表_n._II.词组翻译1.提前,预先 11.固定航班2.以防,万一 12.超过,高于3.近距离地看 13.与和谐相处4.旅游景点 14.在它最温暖的时候5.安排某人做某事 15.是的家园6.水和食物的供应 16.与是完美的吻合7.被埋在;专注于 17.厌倦8.变得汹涌 18.按照预定时间/计划9.把吓跑 19.防御;为辩护10.沉默地坐着 20.某人自己的III.根据首字母填空1.We have made all the a_ for the interview.2.He has made great a_ in maths in the past term.3.Advertisements have been posted up everywhere a_ the new show.4.An o_ at the railway station said the train would arrive late.5.I was s_ to death when I saw something strange moving towards me in the dark.6.Some great people v_ money as dirt and devote their whole life and energy to the happiness of others.7.Tom is sleeping in class, with his head b_ in his arms on the table.8.Now that spring and m_ weather have come, nature wakes up from its long winter sleep.9.At first Kate did not know which sweater would be the best, but a_ she decided to choose this one.10.Some cats are seen w_ around the neigborhood because theyre all heading to the house of that little old lady who leaves food out for them every night.11.There were 30,000 people a l visiting the museum to see the treasures in the collection on the first day it was open free to the public.12.The climbers saw the snow-white mountain top against a b background of blue sky, forming a beautiful picture.13.The writer will make a few changes in part of his new novel before it is p (出版)。14.A large number of people go to Colorado every year, due to the b_ of natural environment.15.Relations with our neighbours arent very h_ at the moment.IV.完成句子1.本周末杰克要和朋友们一道去北京旅行。Jack will _ _ _ _ _ Beijing with his friends this weekend.2.当与别人聊天时,你必须学会什么时候该说话,什么时候该保持沉默。When _ _ others, you must learn when to speak and when to _ _.3.问题如此出乎意料,以致托比一时竟不知该怎样回答才好。The question was _ _ _ Toby was at a loss for a reply for a moment.4.我正要离开,就在那时有人敲门。I _ _ _ leave _ someone knocked at the door.5.如果可能,我想搭乘上午的班机去伦敦。Id like to _ _ _ _ _ London, if its possible.6.你可以安排一辆车去机场接我父母吗?Would you please _ _ a car _ _ _ my parents at the airport?7.别忘带把伞,以防下雨。Dont forget to take an umbrella _ _ it rains.8.当地政府计划向所有孩子提供免费教育。The local government plans to _ all kids _ free education.9.秘书不断告诉老板工程的最新消息。The secretary _ his boss _ _ the latest news about the project.10.演讲者定于明天发表演说。The speaker _ _ _ make a speech tomorrow.11.为了在即将到来的考试中取得成功,最近他一直在埋头学习。_ _ _ _ _ in the coming exam, he has recently been _ himself _ study.12.对于重大问题他一向不会操之过急。Its typical of him to take time to _ _ important things.
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