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基于基础地理数据库的地理本体自动构建研究-地图制图学与地理信息工程专业毕业论文优秀毕业论文A bstractW ith ontology w as introduced to the field of G IS , G eo-ontology is paid gradually attention to by the advantage of describing the system s conceptual m odel in levels of sem antic and know ledge, and w idely used in geographical know ledge representation, inform ation retrieval,heterogeneous inform ation processing, etc. It can provide context sem antics for different of geographical data sources, address heterogeneous problem s w ith the lack of sem antic know ledge associated, and achieve inform ation sharing and interoperability to G IS data. B uilding G eo-ontology is the basic of research in G eo-ontology. The research and application of geo-ontology are based on the basic com pletion of geo-ontology. C urrently, there are not a set of com prehensive and standard criteria for the construction of geo-ontology,and notuniform building m ethods and tools.B uilding G eo-ontology is still in the stage of the traditionalm anualm ethods, low efficiency and error-prone.A rtificially building G eo-ontology is undoubtedly a very com plex, tim e-consum ing and labor-intensive process. H ow to efficiently build G eo-ontology is to be solved problem in the research of G eo-ontology.In this regard, the thesis proposes a m ethod of autom atically building G eo-ontology, w hich is based on fundam ental geographic database, to im prove the efficiency of geo-ontological construction. Firstly, the thesis supplem ents theexpressionof G eo-ontology w ith O W L via Spatial relation M odel. Secondly, based on the research and analysis of corresponding relationship betw een fundam ental geographic databases and G eo-ontology,the thesis defines the m apping rules and com plem ents the conversion from fundam entalgeographic database to G eo-ontology.O n this basis,the thesis designs an autom atically building G eo-ontology tool,based on fundam entalgeographic database, verified the validity of generated G eo-ontology by an exam ple, and com plem ents the initial aim s w hich reduce the w orkload, save developm ent tim e and im prove the efficiency of building G eo-ontology.K ey W ord s:G eo-ontology;Fu ndam entalgeographic database;M apping;O W L ;- II -精品参考文献资料目录摘要 .I?A bstract.II?1 绪论 .1?1.1 研究背景及意义 .1?1.2 地理本体研究现状. 1?1.2.1 国外研究现状 .2?1.2.2 国内研究现状.3?1.2.3 现状分析 .3?1.3 本文的研究思路与方法 . 4?1.4 本文的研究内容及组织结构.5?2 现有理论基础研究 .6?2.1 本体概念. 6?2.1.1 本体定义 .6?2.1.2 本体的分类.6?2.1.3 本体的构建准则 .7?2.1.4 本体的构建方法 .8?2.1.5 本体的构建工具 .10?2.2 地理本体.12?2.2.1 地理本体的涵义 .12?2.2.2 地理本体的逻辑结构 .12?2.2.3 地理本体的空间特征 .13?2.2.4 地理本体的构建 .13?2.3 本章小结.14?3 地理本体的形式化表达.15?3.1 本体描述语言 .15?3.1.1 基于谓词逻辑的本体表达语言 .
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