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原文:DEVELOPING OF TRANS-CENTURY MINING SUBJECTWITH NEW TECHNOLOGY AND NEW THEORYAbstract: Mining subject needs further development and towards which the development would being the problems concerned over all along and to be succeeded with the public good enough attention to discussions to reach an identify of views admittedly. The emergence in succession of new-and-high techs in the mid-and late twentieth century is perhaps the most fascinating and epoch-marking event that has given to all the subjects certain but different degrees of impacts to become more closely interrelative and interdepartmental each other and feature specifically from that of the past for their entirely new conceptions in the result of formulating many new theories,new technologies and new subjects that mining subject is inevitably and unexceptionally the one inclusive. The acuter gives in this paper his opinion regarding the problem of the development of mining subject proving with many convincible facts and most informative new idea,Key words: mining subject; mineral industry; mineral economics; new-and-high tech.1 The Importance of Mining Industry in the National EconomyToday, it has been paid unprecedented attention to the development of technology worldwide.The advance of space engineering,information engineering ,biological engineering and marine engineering,the discovery and the research and development of the new energy and new materials increasingly change every aspect of human life both at present and in the future.The words Science and Technology being the First Production Force has fatherly and penetratingly pointed out the important role of new technology in the course of national economy construction.In the competition of several big countries in the world striving for the exploration of outer space ,one should not forget the essential fact that there are more than five billion people living on the earth. To assure the survival of mankind on the earth , four essential requirements should be considerably fulfilled ,namely,the nutrients , materials,fuels and the environment. The nutrients mainly are air,water,forests, grains and miscellaneous plants,all of which are acquired from the nature. The materials refer to iron ,ferrous metals,rare metals,precious metals,chemical raw materials and building materials. The fuels cover coal,petroleum,natural gas ,oil shale,uranium,thorium and other radioactive elements. These also occur in nature. The last one is the ecological environment depending on which mankind lives. In the above three essential substances,the materials and fuels are through mining engineering extract frombining industry is a conventional industry, however ,with the advance of the new technologies and the introduction of them into mining industry which will be reduced of itself final1y- a technology-intensive industry. The emergence of highly mechanized and automated mines and robot-operated manless working face marks the renewal and substitution of technologies of mining industry and proves the fact that mining industry.However,is conventional industry, but not sunset industry. As long as mankind live on the earth,mining industry will last forever and never decline and fall,instead,as mans living demands increases ,the output of fuels and raw materials will be increased by a big marg and mineral industry will still gain a much greater development.2 The Object of Study of the Mining Subject2. 1 The Tasks and the Special Features of 1liining SubjectHistorically and the Special Features of 1liining Subject the development of mining subject has its own course of change and development both at home and abroad. Since mining industry is closely related with geology, metallurgical and energy industry consequently in the subject relationships ,they are interrelative and interdepartmental each other. As mining subject branch of science dealing with the extraction and utilization of minerals and the resources from inside the earth,on the sake of the complexity and multiplicity of the rock mass and mineral resources of great nature which makes the basic theories of mining subject being more complicated than that of any other engineering subject. Especially in the following aspects featured: the objects of mining subjects are the ore bodies occurred in nature that they differ each other in structure,quality,and property.3 Five Urgent Requirements on the Tendency towards the Trans-century Development of Modern Mining Subjects3. 1 Renewing the Knowledge of Strata 11ZechanicsAbove all rock and or ore properties are the prerequisites of the subjects of the study of mining engineering regardless of whether it is excavation ,comminuting or strata ,stability strata mechanics is required to make the study along two aspects:(1)From the micro-study to the macro-study(2) The study of the contradictions between rock-breaking and rock stability in the course of mining and excavating. Therefore it is a v
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