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Module 5 Look after yourselfUnit 1 Wed better get you to hospital一、教学目标的展示:1. 记住会用单词、短语:look after, catch up, agreement, blind, call off.2. 通过学习能获取这次意外事故的主要信息。3. To be able to talk about an accident.重点:记住并会运用本单元的单词及短语。难点:1.能够听懂事故发生的时间、地点、现场人物和事故发生的过程;能够根据听到的细节进行信息判断。2. 能够叙述过去发生的事故,讲清时间、地点、原因及受伤情况等。二、New words and expressions.catch up 赶上agreement 协议blind 失明的;瞎的ouch 哎哟(用于表示突然的疼痛)call off 取消;决定终止三、新课导入。What happened to him?Do you think he is seriously hurt?What should you do if you have an accident?四、Listen and answer the questions.1. Has Tonys dad ever had an accident?2. How long did it take for the wound to get better after Tonys dad cut his finger?3. What patrs of his body hurt after Tonys dad fell off his bike?3. What is Tony reading about for his school trip?五、Listen and readListen carefully and complete the accident report.Where:_Who:_What happened:_How the person was hurt:_六、Read the dialogue and answer the questions:1. Why did Mr Jackson decide to go and look for Tony and Daming?2. What happened to Daming?3. When did the accident happen?七、Listen againBetty: Im tired, Mr Jackson.Mr Jackson: Lets _the others. Theyll _ in a few minutes.Betty: Whos _?Mr Jackson: Tony and Daming. Theyre always at the back of the group. I thought we had an _ to stay together.Betty: They were walking_ than usMr Jackson: I think its going to rain. Ill go back and _ them.Tony: (Moving closer)Help! Its Daming. Hes had an accident. He _when he was running down the steps. Hes hit his head and his leg _. I think hes broken his leg.Mr Jackson: When did he fall?Tony: About ten minutes ago. Mr Jackson: Ok, show where he is There he is! Hey, Daming, how do you feel?Daming: My leg hurts, and I cant see very well. Will I _?Mr Jackson: No, youve cut your _ too. Theres blood on your leg. Can you move your foot?Daming: Yes. Ouch! But I cant walk.Mr Jackson: Wed better _ you to hospital. Ill _ help on my mobile.Daming: Is it serious? Will I live?Mr Jackson: Of course you will! Its _. Tony, tell everyone we have to _ the walk and go back home.八Language points1. Theyll catch up in a few minutes. catch up 追上; 赶上e.g. He drives fast enough to catch up the train.If you miss a lot of lessons, its very difficult to catch up.Ill help _ the city parks.A. catch up B. cheer up C. clean up知识链接catch up with 赶上/追上keep up with 跟上,不落在后面come up with 赶上;接近,走近;想出,提出,提议中考链接【2013黑龙江绥化】 Its too noisy here. I cant stand it. Me too. We have to _ new ways to solve the problem.A. catch up with B. keep up withC. come up with D. make up with After discussing, the students_ some good ideas to work on the project.(08陕西) A. put up B. set up C. caught up with D.came up withIn the race, Wu Dong ran fastest. No one could _ him. A. get on with B. hurry up C. give up D. catch up with 2. Ill call for help on my phone. call for 喊着叫某人来e.g. Shall I call for the police? He called for the waiter. call for 还有“要求,喊着叫人取来某物,邀请,需要” 的意思。 The boy called for his clothes. Jane will call for you tomorrow morning. I call for a new book.【09漳州】 Im sorry I cant find the library book. Im afraid you have to _ it. A. send for B. call for C. pay for D. wait for3. Its nothing serious. 这里nothing serious表示“不很严重,没什么大事”。e.g. Dont worry! Nothing serious! He came off the bike but nothing serious happened. Keep calm.Its nothing serious.注意:形容词作定语一般要放在名词的前面,但当形容词修饰不定代词something, nothing,anything时要后置。I feel like _ this weekend. A. doing different something B. doing something different C. to do something different D.to do different something【湖南益阳】 You have just read the newspaper. Did you find_ in it?A. interesting anythingB. anything interestingC. interesting something4. We have to call off the walk and go back home. call off 取消;决定终止 The match was called off because of bad weather. 由于天气不好,比赛取消了。 If it rains, we shall call off the picnic. 如果下雨,我们就取消野餐。知识链接与call有关的短语还有: call on 拜访某人;号召 call at 参观某地 call for 喊着叫某人来;邀请,需要 call out 大声呼叫 call in 尤指向工作单位打电话汇报 call up 打电话;召唤九、Exercises. Choose the proper phrases in the box.have been to call for help catch up with wait for happened to1. You will have worked harder to _ the top students in your class.2. I hear you _ Africa as a volunteer.3. The children cant _ the coming New Year.4. The young man had to _ at once on his mobile phone.5. The girl is missing. Whats _ her?. Fill in the blanks
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