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nboCulture Training nte es Ppef Grde9初中英语语法中考总复习教案定语从句I like thmusic hatI aing alon with 先行词 定语从句一.定义:在复合句中,用来修饰某一名词或代词的从句叫做定语从句。被定语从句修饰的名词、代词叫先行词。定语从句放在先行词之后。I ike msic that I can dance t. 先行词(物) 引导词She s a gir ( who aslogair.) 先行词(人) 引导词 二.引导词:关系代词:tat, hih, wo, hom,whse 关系副词:here, wh,wn 关系代词 关系副词tha指人指物主语宾语hn=介词 + which (iat/on) which指物主语宾语re=(i/ t、) whihwho指人主语whom指人宾语whse指人指物of+wic在定从中作定语 There ae the twns wo_ in h extdo. . le B. ives C. lived A clockis a machne hat _ eoe tme. A. ell . is ellng C. tls 先行词总结:从句谓语动词的单复数与_的单复数一致,(当引导词充当定语从句的主语时) It i hhing _ I lie. Ata B. when C. why She is a gir _ tdies well. Ahom B.where C. whc 判断找引导词是关系代词或关系副词,找出定语从句的主谓宾,看缺什么成分。 I like he mus_ h wite. / B.who C. why that 引导定语从句,充当定语从句的宾语时,可以省略。三.That与wh的区别:hat和whih一般可互换,但下列状况只用a. I su s s smethin _you anboro A. ha B.ih 先行词为:al, verying, nth, smehg, aythig, lte, muc,w等不定代词时. Iv read all theoks ha are not ine 先行词被ll, every,o, soe, an, lite, muh等修饰时. Thi s te fist book tat he as ad. 先行词被序数词和最高档修饰时4. Th th ony bokhtbelns to him. 先行词被heonl, te vey,the sam, the bes, he at等修饰时. There ome boksan a mathat Ihave seen 先行词既有人也有物6.Who ishe grl _spoke to ojut nw? Whichis the c _ asmade n ia? A tha . wo C. hich 当主句以who或ich开头时,定语从句的引导词用that,不用who或wic,避免反复3 t不能用于介词后及表达所有的,和非限制性定语从句四.其他的: h is e man _ I sawyeterdy. wh与t都可指人,但前面有who,背面只可用tht Thi s thhsein_ he lives . that B.whch C. who 先行词是物,且介词提前用wic sool (_my faher woks) ooks very butifl (my father wok ithe col) A. whch B. i tha C. inwhich Ishis the mnith _ yu wetto the zoysterda? . wo . whm whih He i a ( _ wecan learn). Awom Brm wi C. fmwhom 先行词是人,且介词提前用om He livs in a ouse,_ hsnytrees aound it. A. ta B. whic C. who 先行词(物)与引导词之间有逗号隔开(非限制性定语从句),用hi Iknow te bo_ bik is re 名词 Helovs the ro_ indowi towarsth eas. Do you now hgrl _ir is log .hch . hos C. tha 引导词背面有名词时,引导词用whse Hesaboy(_ sndt) (Tbo is confien.) 主语 eis the tehr fo _ yu ae witing (介词提前) H is the teacher( _yo are witng o.) (oar waig fr t teahr)A. who Bwhom C. whose 宾语先行词是人:引导词在句中作主语,引导词用ho 介词提前在句中作宾语,引导词只能用whom 引导词在从句中作宾语,引导词用wh/homhis th fcory _ m fater ors in. Ti is tactoyin_my fat woks Ths is h faoy _my fathr orks 先行词表达地点时,引导词用where,在句中作状语,whre不能作主语。()先行词是t reaon时,关系副词用wh,也可省略。 Tha is t reaso (why) I dii.Do you knw he ras(wy)se hs changed er mid?(9)先行词是一种表达时间的词如:time, our, ay, month, yar时,其所相应的关系词如在定语从句中作时间状语,则用关系副词he。 (即先行词是时间时,关系副词用hen) I stil remeber h da _ C _ I fi me MayA.tht B hc C. whe 一网打尽:冲刺中考英语语法训练定语从句I选择题1.he sil _ ismde in Hanghou ewell. A. hat B who C. w D /2.he an_today l tismesage fr yo. A. called . has aled C.hm clled . hocalld3.Doouivnar thuidin _l s yelo? A.tha B. wh .he D. it4Heeled hisaher othefam _hey livd. A. whi B. tht C when D her5.I oe of the bo _neveltefor school. A that is B.who is C who r D.who am6.ll_soud b ne a een dne. A. wht Bwhi C h Dwatvr 7.Jkomeerythin _he knew about it.A. what B. ha . ch D.who 8My fth works inthe factor _ths type o tru ismdeA n hre . n which C fr wic D. which9.hsh _we vsit lst wee wasbilt 196A/ were C. that D
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