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2020-2021学年上期高一英语期末模拟试卷01本试卷共85分。考试时长90分钟。一、语音知识(共10小题;每小题0.5分,共5分)请选出下列各组单词中下划线部分的发音与其他单词不相同的一个单词。1. A. amazed B. anxious C. donate D. major2. A. means B. cheat C. sweat D. breathe3. A. flood B. roof C. typhoon D. noodle4. A. title B. dialect C. survival D. whistle5. A. narrow B. however C. power D. crowd6. A. umbrella B. studio C. ugly D. bus7. A. recognise B. generation C. gymnastics D. strategy8. A. creative B. civilization C. case D. clue9. A. expert B. exercise C. extra D. exist10. A. architect B. headache C. champion D. character二、完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,共15分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。My Chinese speaking experienceIts one thing to study and learn a language, but its quite another when you finally get to use it.On the 11 from Venice to Paris, a group of girls my age sat around me. I had caught enough of the conversation to know that they were speaking Chinese, but at first I didnt feel 12 starting a conversation with the stranger next to me. If it didnt 13 well, Id be stuck next to them for the rest of the flight.As the food cart began to make its way down the aisle (过道) 14 us, I finally found my chance. I 15 to the girl to my left and asked, “Will you be having lunch?” in Chinese. She nodded her head, then realizing the language I had 16 , and asked me in English, “You speak Chinese?”I was a bit surprised. I 17 again in Chinese. “A little bit but not very well.” She nodded again and then returned to her magazine, 18 my effort to communicate with her. Perhaps I should have lied and said that I spoke better.Another time, at a dinner I sat next to a man who I knew spoke Chinese. I told him that I was learning Chinese, but 19 only speak a little and not very well. When 20 me use the language, he suddenly began to speak 21 in Chinese, but all I caught was that he told me that for Chinese people, the ability to speak a little bit is actually a lot. His behaviour was the complete opposite of my earlier 22 . I felt somewhat overwhelmed (不知所措). I never quite 23 the chance to continue or make any further efforts because the conversation returned to 24 as other people joined the table.All in all, my experience has 25 me that I still have a lot of work to do.11. A. subway B. train C. plane D. boat12. A. satisfied B. lucky C. happy D. comfortable13. A. go B. fit C. feel D. do14. A. beyond B. with C. off D. towards15. A. promised B. turned C. led D. referred16. A. owned B. used C. written D. advised17. A. agreed B. stressed C. tried D. delivered18. A. ending B. making C. focusing D. increasing19. A. should B. must C. need D. could20. A. letting B. seeing C. hearing D. helping21. A. rapidly B. extremely C. calmly D. seriously22. A. class B. experience C. lecture D. attitude23. A. got B. missed C. exchanged D. gave24. A. Chinese B. French C. English D. Italian25. A. requested B. left C. regarded D. taught三、阅读理解(共两节,30分)第一节(共11小题;每小题2分,共22分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。ANew Zealand Cruise (游轮) & Australian Open TennisIncludes tickets to the Womens and Mens Finals at the Australian OpenNumber of days: 16 days (Leaving: 31 January 2020)This holiday serves up the perfect experience for any tennis fan with tickets to the Australian Open, hotel stays in Melbourne and Sydney and a cruise around New Zealands coastline.Discover your itinerary (日程安排)Dayl-4 Melbourne (Hotel stay & Australian Open)Melbourne is famous for its markets, where youll find everything from local produce to arts and fashion. During your stay, experience all the excitement of the Australian Open, one of the worlds most exciting sports tournaments and 2020s first Grand Slam (大满贯). With tickets to the Mens and Womens Finals, youll see the best tennis stars in the world compete for glory in game like no other.Day 5-8 Sydney (Hotel stay)Sydney is far more than the Opera House, Harbor Bridge and inviting beaches. Walk along the coastal paths, with rock pools, where you can watch surfers ride the waves.Day 9-12 At seaDay 13 Milford Sound (Scenic cruising)Youll travel through amazing natural beauty in South West New Zealand, where mounta
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