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2011年4月高等教育自学考试全国统一命题考试综合英语(二) 课程代码:00795I. GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARYComplete each of the following 15 sentences with the most likely answer. Write the letter corresponding to your choice on the answer sheet. (1 point each, 15 points in all) 1. The idea of traveling through _ space to other planets interests many people today. A. a B. the C. / D. one 2. Id get the book for you _ I could remember who last borrowed it. A. only if B. if only C. except that D. in case that 3. We had to get him to the hospital right away. Otherwise, it _ too late. A. is B. will be C. was D. would be4. I think your sister should know _ to spend her money on fancy goods. A. other than B. rather than C. better than D. more than5. If negotiations for the new trade agreement take _ , serious food shortage will develop in several countries. A. too much longer B. the longest C. much too long D. the longer6. He was a man of ready advice. He _ advise anyone on anything on the spur of the moment. A. should B. could C. must D. might7. I didnt go to his party last night, because _ I changed my mind.A. on a second thought B. on the second thought C. on second thoughts D. on the second thoughts8. _ we do, it must conform to the interests of the people.A. Whatever B. Whichever C. Whenever D. Wherever9. We must make young smokers realize the harm of cigarettes to their health and help them _ smoking.A. rid B. leave C. quit D. cancel10. You can do what you like, but I do not want you to be_.A. on the way B. along the way C. by the way D. in the way11. It is hard to act according to the _ which you dont believe in.A. principles B. judgements C. procedures D. attitudes12. John was _ leaking information to a foreign company.A. suspected of B. suspicious of C. doubted about D. doubtful about13. The _ physicist has been challenged by his colleagues.A. respecting B. respectful C. respective D. respected14. Newly woven baskets of this kind often _ a strange smell.A. give away B. give over C. give off D. give up15. Im rather confused; would you please _ your proposal to me again?A. expose B. expand C. explain D. exploreII. CLOZEFill in each of the 15 blanks in the passage with the most likely answer. Write the letter corresponding to your choice on the answer sheet. (1 point each, 15 points in all)Most living things undergo two types of biological change during their lifetime. One is 16 , an increase in the size or efficiency of an organism. The other is aging, which involves a decrease in size or efficiency.Signs of aging begin to 17 in most people between the age of 30 and40. Heredity determines most of the ways a person changes while aging, but environment also 18 . Graying hair is probably the most common sign of aging. All the senses decline with age. For example, the eyes lose their ability to adapt 19 darkness, and they require brighter light for reading.Movement becomes harder with age. By age 80, about half the muscle cells have been replaced by other kinds of tissue. In women 20 , bones lose calcium and become more likely to 21 . As a person ages, the bodys ability to combat infection declines. This change occurs because the white blood cells of 22 is called the bodys immune system lose their 23 function.Many people believe that with advancing age, an individual loses the ability to learn, remember, and make decisions. But 24 disease or injury damages the brain, a healthy elderly person who 25 active probably suffers no serious decline in 26 ability.No one completely understands the aging process. Some scientists 27 that human aging will ever be controlled. Others believe that aging can be 28 . Usually, normal human cells can be kept 29 in a laboratory for only a limited time. But 30 cells, such as various kinds of cancer cells, can live for a long time. If scientists can determine how such cells survive, they may gain an insight into the process of cell aging.16. A. to grow B. growth C. to be born D. birth17. A. take place B. get worse C. appear D. drop18. A. plays a role B. leads a way C. makes a decision D. offers a chance19. A. in B. with C. for D. to20. A. especially B. specially C. exceptionally D. specifically21. A. split B. hurt C. crack D. break22. A. which B. what C. that D. it23. A. protective B. productive C. selective D. detective24. A. till B. if C. besides D. unless25. A. extends B. expands C. remains D. maintains26. A. mental B. physical C. visual D. social27. A. suspect B. fear C. doubt D. regret28. A. suppressed B. mastered C. ignored D. conquered29. A.
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