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2021-2022年二年级英语下册 Unit 3 Lesson 19(1)教案 冀教版(一起)一、教学设计思路首先演唱歌曲“Its time for lunch.”,复习上节课的内容,活跃气氛。然后教师出示“garden”的图片,学习该单词,引出今天学习的主题“In the garden”。教师让学生在歌曲、进行手工制作、画画等活泼有趣的活动中巩固所学的内容。二、教学目标(一)知识能听懂、会说单词“garden”。(二)能力能熟练演唱歌曲“The garden song”。(三)情感培养学生热爱劳动的情感。三、教学重点1能听懂、会说单词“garden”。2能熟练演唱歌曲“The garden song”。四、教学媒体教学图片、电脑课件(录音机、磁带)五、教学过程1导入教师同学生一起演唱歌曲“Its time for lunch.”。2呈现新课(1)教师出示“garden”的图片,让学生认识这个单词。然后引领学生来看看Li Ming和奶奶在园子里正在做什么,他们又说了些什么。(2)教授歌曲“The garden song”。教师先引导学生明白歌词的意思,然后播放歌曲,边做动作边唱歌。在唱到“Lets go to the garden!”一句时,可以指着“garden”的图片,在唱到“one by one”时,可以做伸手一个一个摘苹果、弯腰一个一个拔萝卜的动作,在趣味中学习歌曲。3操练(1)手工制作“garden”。准备好胶水、画笔、剪刀等用品。先画好、剪好园子里想要有的东西,然后粘贴组合成一个“garden”。看看哪个学生不仅剪贴的园子漂亮而且用英文介绍的也不错。(2)以“My lovely garden”为主题画画。然后用英文来简单介绍一下。(3)欣赏歌曲“Apple tree” “I like apples”(参见“优秀课件” )4课堂评价(1)教师指导学生做活动手册的相关练习。(2)表扬积极参与和配合课堂教学活动的学生,鼓励学生活学活用,敢于开口,积极地同伙伴进行对话练习。(3)教师要善于控制课堂气氛,避免过分喧闹和安静。教师要提供给每一个学生开口发言和参与表演、展示自己的机会。附送:2021-2022年二年级英语下册 Unit 3 Lesson 19(2)教案 冀教版(一起)教学目标:知识目标:单词:cherries, strawberries句型:Whats in the garden? Im picking the cherries. I like cherries. Fruit is good.技能目标:能听、说、认读单词cherries, strawberries,听懂,会说,理解句型Whats in the garden? Im picking the cherries. I like cherries. Fruit is good.情感目标:培养学生的合作精神和创新意识,引发学生学习英语的兴趣。 培养热爱生活,热爱运动,以及与人交往的情感。学习策略与方法:小组合作交流、歌曲游戏表演、全身反应法。教学重难点:Im picking_.句型的运用。教具、学具准备:多媒体课件、卡片、录音机。教学过程:时间步骤教师活动学生活动设计意图调整预设2minsClass Opening 1.GreetingT: Hello. Good morning.Nice to see you.How are you today?Are you happy? Today, well learn Lesson 19 In the garden1.Send greetingFollow the teacher.简单而亲切的问候,可以使学生快速进入学英语的状态。3minsReview 1. look and say”2. read the phrases.1.Give the order to find a student to act.2.show some phrases1、one student act, the others guess what does he/she do.2. Look at the cards and say the phrases to review.通过活动,营造一个轻松欢快的课堂气氛。提高学生的学习兴趣,既复习了旧知识,也自然过渡到新知识。5minsNew conceptspresentation1.Show ppt to present the two new words. 2.Lead to read.3.Ask to make sentences to practiceFollow the teacher. Read together, boys or girls. Or individually and touch the card.通过卡片展示,直观形象,吸引学生的注意力,激发学生学习兴趣。3minsPractice 1listen and touch . Speak out the wordsTouch the word cards follow the teachers order.3minsNew conceptspresentationTeach the sentence “Im picking_.” by ppt. Listen and read.通过动作的提示帮助学生理解句意。4minsPractice. Listen and do.Show ppt, ask them to pick the fruit while saying the sentences.Do and say.通过游戏是学生及时巩固所学新词。5minsListen and imitate.Answer questions.Read text together.Ok, Li Ming and his friends are in the garden. Lets look, what do they do in the garden. Open your English book, Listen and say. Play the tape. And give the questions.What does Li Ming pick?Follow and imitate.Answer questions.Lets read again. Read text in groups.通过听读模仿练习,让学生受到纯正英语的熏陶,理解课文意思。5minsPractice. Activity Books.explain the meaning Do the exercises.。2minsclosingsongClosing with a song利用song结束本节课,使学生对下节课的英语学习充满期待。Homework Read L19.Preview :20
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