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8A Unit 2 School lifePeriod 8 CheckoutTitle(课题)CheckoutType(课型)New(新授课)Period(课时)8Supporting theories(理论支撑)1. 多元智能理论要求在对不同能力学生的处理时能力目标的提出要有所区别,这样就能照顾到不同层次、不同能力的学生的学习需求,提高所有学生的学习积极性和兴趣,进而让课堂的高效的实现水到渠成。2. 任务型教学。以学生为主体、教师为主导、训练为主线,面向全体,分层教学,充分体现教学的实效性、双向性和引导性。采用灵活多变的教学手段,培养学生的学习兴趣。3. 情境教学法。有效教学情境的创设,能帮助学生迅速进入切实高效的学习氛围,引导学生主动建构自己的知识技能,体现学生在课堂中的主体性。4. 合作学习。通过交谈、讨论等形式让学生交流学习,培养学生的合作学习意识。提倡合作与交流,增强集体意识和荣誉感。注重学生的能力培养,力争课堂的优质高效。Aims and demands(教学目标)Key points and difficulties(教学重、难点)To use the deductive skills in selecting correct information. To remember the words by putting them in different word families.Teaching Methods(教学方法) Task-based Approach Situational Teaching MethodAids: 课前准备(教具、活动准备等)Blackboard; Multi-medium 教 学 设 计课前延伸1. Search for information about school life in different countries.2. Finish the exercises of this part.让学生课前自主学习,小组协作学习为上课做准备。Teaching Plan(授课计划)Studying Plan(学习计划)Aims(设计意图)课内探究学StepRevision and Lead-in1. Preview work. (Check the answers.)2.A game of brainstorming.Ask Ss to say something about school life using comparative structures.让学生在课前预习时,通过小组合作的形式解决了相应的难题,树立了信心。通过与英国学校的比较,复习学科,通过对最喜欢学科的描述,复习形容词的反义词,利用头脑风暴热身,既检查了学生的预习情况,又激发了学生的学习兴趣,营造了轻松的课堂气氛。Step II Presentation1. A game about sports.Let Ss finish the Part B, on Page 37. Give a summary to the words we have come across in the unit by forming word groups. Check the answers. If possible, get the students to give more words and then add them to the table. 2. A game about stationery.Let Ss complete Part A, Page 37. To complete these exercises, students must use the deductive skills.比赛学习能激发学生的竞争意识,参与意识。课堂气氛紧张,活跃。枯燥的单词归类一下子变得趣味盎然。用实物操练吸引学生的注意力,并使学生有话可说,有东西可练。导Step III Practice1. Ask students to read the two parts and try to remember them.2. Do some exercises on the paper.训练学生通过合作解决问题的能力,适时进行过程性评价。通过当堂练习与反馈,对学生进行适当的解题方法及技巧的指导。练Step IV Production Discussion:1) Watch a short video about school life.2)Discuss: My ideal school lifeQuestions:What is your ideal school life?关于学校生活的周星驰搞笑电影片段,启发学生讨论自己的理想学校生活,训练学生的书面表达能力,提高学生的口语表达能力。课后提升Step V Homework1. Surf the Internet for more info. about school life in more countries. 2. Finish some exercises.利用网络了解更多信息,通过更多练习,达成语言输出的目的。 3
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