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8000词汇速记表示“反”的前缀: anti-, ant- anticlockwise a.逆时针方向的antarctica n.南极洲(the South Pole)antiseptic a.反腐的(rotproof) n.防腐剂antirust rustproof antimissilesynonym n.同义词 ?反义词antonym synonymous antonymouscontra-, contro- contrary contrast The two brothers are in stark contrast. contradiction n.矛盾(predict)controversial a.有争议的(conversation)controversial personcontroversy (argument dispute) countercounter strikeencounter v.遇到(confront)encounter difficulties / obstaclesan unexpected encounter 不期而遇?countermeasurecounterpart n.对应的人或物?counteract counterbalancecounteract the poisoncounterfeit v.伪造 n.赝品(fake)It is against law to money ob-object oppose obstacleobsess v.迷住,使困惑She is completely obsessed with himHes dead, but she is still obsessingobscure a.模糊的 v. 使朦胧The point of his speech is obscure.Smog obscured our viewobnoxious a.非常讨厌的,引起反感地 an obnoxious smell /person / behavior? obsceneobscene pictures ?obscene bird (crow)obstinate a.固执的(stubborn)He is so obstinate that he still tries to defend his theory, although it has been proved wrong.二、词根串记:1.cap:头拿cep, cip,cup,ceivcapital punishment capacity n.容量(?capacious spacious)landscape n.风景(scenery)capture v.捕获(escape captive),截图 We captured the criminal.capsule n.胶囊,太空舱?handicapped (= disabled ) His lack of English handicaps him.exception n.例外reception receive perception n.理解,感知(perceive) Whats your perception of the matter? 你对此事有什么看法? deception v.欺骗(deceive deceptive) deceive sb. with fair words(花言巧语) ? Self-deception forcepsparticipate take part in anticipate v.预期,期望(foresee) anticipate a weather change principal n.校长,负责人 a.主要的 principal difficultythe municipal governmentcipher n.密码(?解码)disciple n.信徒,追随者(follower) (否定自己,被人拿住,还觉得很快乐) Judas was one of the 12 disciples of Jesus. occupy occupation obtaintain: 拿contain attain obtain maintain sustain The two countries have maintained friendly relations for many years. We do not have enough money to sustain our campaign for long.stain n.污点(stainless steel) v.玷污 White clothes stain easily. retain v.保持,保留(remain) This village still retains its old world character.detain v.拘留sum: 拿summary (abstract)summer consume consumptionassume v.承担,假设,假装 I made a mistake and I will assume responsibility for it. He assumed a look of innocence. ?resume Now that you are well again, you can resume your work. summon (call in) summit2. ced,cess: 走procedure processaccess Vs approach accessible assessable accessory Medicine should not be kept where it is accessible to children. recession n.(经济)衰退(depression) The caused thousands of bankruptcy. concession n.妥协,让步(compromise) This is our lowest price. We cannot make further .(外贸) ?unprecedented unparalleled success / difficulties /scale?predecessor forerunner As a scholar he is not in the same street with his predecessors. The “Transformers 2” continued the worldwide success of its predecessor. ?exceed excess The driver exceeds the speed limit. excessive speed / drinking? succeed inherit heritage It has been raining for 7 successive daysgress: 走process progress regress To stand still is to regress aggressive a.侵略性的,攻击性的congress n.议会,国会(parliament)digress v.离题(away from the point) The old professor used to digress from his subject for a moment to tell his students a funny story transgress v.超越限度,违反(法律规则)vent: 走advent n.到来,出现(adventure) Our life had changed greatly since the advent of television. ? vent ventilate the basement is badly ventilated and smelly. convention n.大会,惯例(conventional)inventory n.存货,存货清单 The inventory showed that the store was overstocked. ?intervention (armed intervention ) His brought their quarrel to a climax ?contravene contravention violation contravene the traffic regulations Leaving a car in a no-parking area is one of the commonest traffic violations. ?avenue revenue revenge He revenged his dead brother. ?circumvent tax evasion They opened an office abroad in order to circumvent the tax laws. vad, via: 走evade v. 躲避,回避(inevitable inedible)invade v.侵入;侵略(invasion incursion)pervade v.弥漫,遍及(permeate) An unpleasant smell pervades the house. Science and technology have come to pervade every aspect of our lives. via viable trivial deviate We will contact you via Email. His statements sometimes deviated from the truth. 3. cide,cise:切、杀suicide autocide homicide scissorssuicidal explosion
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