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七年级英语上册 Unit 4 Having Fun Topic 1 What can I do for you Section D教案 仁爱版The main activities are 1 and 5. 本课重点活动是1和5。. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1. Learn the phonetic alphabets:/:/, /, /C:/, /i/.2. (1)Review some countable nouns: egg, banana, shoe, coat, vegetable, pant(2)Review some uncountable nouns and some useful expressions: milk, salt, fish, rice, bread, juice, a glass of apple juice, six bottles of milk, two bags of salt3. Review the usage of “some” and “any”.4. Review some useful expressions about shopping. Teaching aids 教具多媒体/音标卡片/单词词条/录音机/日用品/学习用品/课件. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:8分钟)1. (学生两人一组以Shopping为题目自由交谈。)Example:(1) S1: What can I do for you, sir?S2: I want some milk.S1: How many bags do you need?S2: Four.S1: Is that all?S2: Yes. How much is it?S1: 16 yuan.S2: Here you are. Thanks.S1: Youre wele.(2) S3: Can I help you, madam?S4: I want some clothes for my daughter.S3: Would you like this one?S4: Oh, I dont like the color.S3: What do you think of that blue one?S4: Thats fine. How much is it?S3: 80 yuan.S4: OK. Ill take it. Thank you.S3: Youre wele.(3) S5: Could you help me do some shopping, S6?S6: Sure, what do we need?S5: We need some bread and some salt.S6: How much salt do we need?S5: Three bags of salt.S6: Is that all?S5: Yes, I think so.S6: Oh, some bread and three bags of salt.S5: Yes, thats right.2. T: Now, lets e to Section D. (教师在黑板中部上方板书。)Section DStep 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:8分钟)(教师呈现音标卡片/:/,要求学生认真读,接着播放录音,要求学生听、跟读并模仿。板书音标/:/在黑板上,并出示词条thirteen, purple, T-shirt, skirt, 教师将这些词条贴在/:/这个音标下面,放成一列,同样方法完成/, /C:/, /i /。)/:/C:/i/thirteenteacherorderthirtypurplewelefourteenfortyT-shirtlaterfortyheavyskirtlettertallworryStep 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:6分钟)1. (教师播放1录音,学生听并从单词中标出含有该音素的字母或字母组合。)2. (教师让学生做游戏,在游戏中听读本课4个元音音素。教师准备一些词条发给学生,让学生读出这个单词,然后将含有4个元音音素的词条粘在黑板上相应的音素下面,最后老师总结归纳音标,完成1。)/:/C:/i/shirtcolorfortyfiftyworkerdollarballhappynurseletterfourmonkeythirtyoverdooreightyStep 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:15分钟)1. (完成2,教师和学生一起核对答案。然后学生之间练习对话。)2. (学生按正确的语序排列课本3的句子,组成一个对话,教师和学生一起核对答案,然后叫几组同学表演这个对话。完成3。)(1)S1: What can I do for you, boy?(2)S2: Id like two bottles of milk and three kilos of eggs.(3)S1: Is that all?(4)S2: Yes. How much are they?(5)S1: 15 yuan, please.(6)S2: Here you are.(7)S1: Thanks.3. (教师播放课件,课件在备课时已按本课的语法项目和功能做了编辑,课件中会出现本节课要掌握内容的组合情景镜头。)(1)组合镜头A:商场物品。T: Boys and girls, what can you see?Ss:I can see (教师把学生回答的商品按Group和Group归类板书。)Groupegg, banana, shoe, coat, vegetable, pantsGroupmilk, salt, fish, bread, juice(2)组合镜头B:餐馆(教师教学方式同上)rice, a glass of apple juice, six bottles of milk(3)教师让学生观察上列的Group和两组词,归纳总结可数名词与不可数名词的语法规律。(根据总结,用a, an, some, any填空。完成下面的练习题。) I have desk. They dont have rulers. She has eraser. Does she want water? Ill buy bottle of milk. Do you need bags of oranges? They would like glasses of apple juice. She doesnt have English book.(4)组合镜头C:购物(教师要求学生把听到的话说出来,同时教师板书出来。)I want clothes for my daughter.Oh, we dont have milk.Do you have vegetables?Would you like bread?(教师要求学生用some, any填空,并归纳其用法。)(5)组合镜头D:另一购物场景(教师要求学生把听到的话说出来,同时教师板书或用多媒体呈现。)What can I do for you, madam?I need two bags of salt and two kilos of eggs.Thanks a lot.Not at all.How much is it?Its only 70 yuan.Thats fine. We will take it.May/Can I help you?Im just looking.What do you think of this green skirt?Oh, I dont like it at all.How much is it?Its 280 yuan.280 yuan? Are you kidding?(教师让同学熟读以上购物用语,并要求默写。)(放录音,跟读完成4a和4b。)Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:8分钟)1. (做游戏。)教师要求学生模拟购物。学生拿出自己的东西:小食品、学习用品及生活用品。先做记号,再标上销售价格,然后放到教师指定的柜台上摆卖,卖场设食品专柜、学习用品专柜和生活用品专柜。完成5。)Example:S1: Can I help you?S2: Yes, please. I want a coat.S1: How about this one?S2: It looks nice. Can I try it on?S1: Sure. How do you like it?S2: Its a little small.S1: What do you think of that green one? Will you try it on?S2: Thanks. Oh, its OK. How much is it?S1: Its 100 yuan.S2: Thats fine. Ill take it. Thanks.S1: Youre wele.2. Homework:教师要求学生课后交一份模拟购物的销售报告单。内容包括物品名称、销售价和营业额。(报告单如下:)Sales ReportThings Pricea coat 100 yuan _ _ _ _ _ _ Total ¥_板书设计:What can I do for you?Section D/:/C:/i/Group Countable nouns and useful expressions:thirteenteacherorderthirtya banana/a coat/an eggpurplewelemorningfortya pair of pants/shoesT-shirtlaterfortyheavysome vegetables/orangesskirtlettertallworryGroup U
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