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. . 经贸大学经济管理学院毕业论文中美农产品冷链物流的比较研究和启示专业名称: 国际经济与贸易班 级:C 国贸 11-5学生:#X指导教师:#X完成时间:2015 年 3月 / 摘 要 近年来,我国农产品的产量不断增长。随着水果蔬菜、肉类等农产品的市场的需求日益增加,以与人们对于农产品的高质量的要求和对高品质生活的追求,农产品冷链物流体系的建设变得更加迫切。农产品冷链物流在国外发达国家如加拿大、日本、美国等已经发展成熟,形成了较为完整的冷链物流体系,然而在我国起步晚,市场规模小。我国农产品在物流过程中的损耗大、成本高,严重影响到了我国农产品的质量安全和农产品的品质。 本文分析了我国农产品冷链物流的发展现状,从我国和美国农产品冷链物流比较的视角出发,对美国和我国农产品冷链物流现状做了对比研究,探讨了我国农产品冷链物流发展中村子的问题-我国的农产品冷链物流基础设施不足,设备落后,第三方物流较少介入,政府在农产品冷链物流方面制定的相关法规与政策比较少等等,确定了我国农产品冷链物流发展中存在的具体差距,针对以上不足,总结美国农产品冷链物流对我国的经验教训,并借鉴美国的先进经验提出了适合我国国情的农产品冷链物流发展的对策,这对于建设和完善我国农产品冷链物流体系有着重大的意义。关键词 农产品;中美;冷链物流;现状;对比研究;对策Abstract In recent years, our country agricultural product production increasing. As the fruits and vegetables, meat and other agricultural products market demand is increasing, and people to the requirement of agricultural products of high quality and the pursuit of high quality life, agricultural cold chain logistics system construction is becoming more urgent. Agricultural products cold chain logistics in foreign developed countries such as Canada, Japan, the United States has grown up, formed a relatively complete system of cold chain logistics, late in our country, however, the market is small. Big loss, in the process of agricultural products in China logistics cost is high, the serious influence to our country agricultural product quality safety and quality of agricultural products. This paper analyzes the situation of agricultural products cold chain logistics in China, from the perspective of our country and the United States agricultural cold chain logistics is, to the United States and Chinas agricultural products cold chain logistics present situation made contrast research, discusses the problems of the village - developing agricultural cold chain logistics in our country agricultural products cold chain logistics in our country inadequate infrastructure, poor equipment, the third party logistics is less involved, the government in agricultural cold chain logistics less relevant laws and regulations and policy, etc., determine the specific gap existing in the development of agricultural products cold chain logistics in China, in view of the above shortcomings, summing up the experience of the American agricultural products cold chain logistics in our country, and put forward the suitable for our country draw lessons from the advanced experience of the United States the situation of agricultural products cold chain logistics development countermeasures, for the construction and improvement of our agricultural products cold chain logistics system is of great significance. KeywordsAgricultural products;China and American;Cold chain logistics ;Status;The comparative study;Countermeasures 目 录一、我国农产品冷链物流发展现状.1 (一)农产品冷链物流成本高、技术设施落后.1 (二)农产品冷链物流供应链存在安全隐患、体系不健全.1 (三)农产品物流环节多,效率低下.2二、美国农产品冷链物流的先进经验.2(一)农产品冷链物流基础设施先进.2(二)农产品冷链物流规模化、专业化、社会化程度高.2(三)农产品冷链物流组织化程度高.2(四)政府宏观调控与市场调节功能健全.3三、中美农产品冷链物流的比较和分析.3 (一)冷链物流的设备因素比较.3 1.冷链物流运输率远低于美国.3 2.蔬菜水果冷链水平比较.3 (二)冷链物流的政策环境比较 .4 1.物流标准.4 2.法律法规.5 3.政府扶持和监管.5 (三)冷链物流的市场化程度比较.5 1.农民专业合作社.5 2.第三方物流.5四、美国农产品冷链物流的发展对我国的启示.5(一)加快冷藏运输设备的研发改进, 减少运输耗损. 5 (二)完善冷链物流体系,加大政府指导力度.6(三)改造传统物流模式,大力发展第三方物流.6(四)加快农产品冷链物流的人才培养和引进.6参考文献.7中美农产品冷链物流的比较研究和启示 我国每年消费的易腐食品大约为10亿吨左右,其中,需要冷链运输的超过了55%,但是只有12%左右的食品能够实现冷链运输。我国每年果品腐烂达1200多万吨,蔬菜1.3亿多吨。从数据推测,我国每年因为缺少冷链物流而浪费的农产品占到一亿亩耕地,占我国总耕地的5%左右,可供1.5亿人一年的口粮或20亿人一年的水果。由此可以看出,我国的农产品冷链行业还只是处于起步阶段,发展水平比较低。 一、我国农产品冷链物流发展现状我国农产品冷链物流起源于五十年代的肉食品,开始的比较晚,发展比较缓慢,并且主要是用于外贸出口。1982年,我国颁布了食品卫生法,推动了农产品冷链物流的发展。近年来,我国建立了不同程度的农产品冷链系统,使得农产品冷链物流行业有所发展,他们是以一些优秀的食品加工行业的龙头企业为先导,带动其他行业的发展。但是与美国这样的发达
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