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常用旅游英语300句应急最实用re ca I cath a ax?哪里我可以叫到出租车? taxi zone is rgt n th left corer over ter.出租车站台就在左边转角处。Are u free?您有空吗?Sur.Wher yu gong?固然。您要去哪里?Dri me bato Sna Clar.载我到圣塔克莱拉。Sata laa? OK Ta bou20iesay.圣塔克莱拉?好的,大概是20英里远。How uch will it cost?需要多少钱?Thatllbirtysix dollars, ir.先生,车费是36元。Hre you a. You can eep te chge给你。零钱不用找了。Yure very generous你真慷慨。Thas alright. Your a lot fhelp.没关系。你帮了很大的忙。Takee to he ilway stton载我到火车站。ke me bc.载我回去。W is hhrge fo that?那要多少费用?w mch exta d I ave to pa o that?我还要此外付多少?Keephechange fryorself.找回的钱你留着。Techange is yors.找回的钱给你。Dont givme te chag nymoe.不必给我找钱了。s this th bus tatgos y temll?这班公共汽车通过商业街吗?No, itn. B you an transfrfm this bs o bus nmbe 24.不,不通过。但是你可以搭这班车转乘路。Good.Ho muchis the far?好。车费多少?Its seventy-fie cet or adul adtry cets for chdrn under telve.大人75美分,2岁如下的小孩30分。Will it ct fo th rafer?转车要钱吗?YesWhen y et one anse bu, st ho te bus rir thisticket stb.要。当你上了转乘的公共汽车时,就把这张票根给司机看。Yoll ol v to pay anoher tncentsandnicle foryour child.你只需此外再付10美分,而你的孩子只要再付5美分。Th oundpreygood听起来挺好的嘛!Yo cataeasat n.目前你找个座位坐下吧。When yore red o ge of, eemr to pres te buton nr yurseat当你要下车时,记得按你座位旁的按钮。I thsbusgoi to Dallas?这车开往达拉斯吗?Gtm off t theFifth Avene.请在第五大道让我下车。Wr cnIput tecoin?硬币要放在哪儿?How lng ds t k?要花多久时间?Cn otellme h toget t he railroa tatio?你能告诉我如何去火车站吗?May I elp , ir?需要我帮忙吗,先生?Id lie to cas om tralles hck r.我想在这儿兑换某些旅行支票。rtainly. Do yu haveany dentfictin?固然可以。你有任何证明文献吗?es, ave yPasort. Hee it is.是的,我有护照。这就是。Fine. Hwhw u lik toexcang,sir?好的。您要兑换多少呢,先生?Whas th exchng rae toay?今天的兑换比率是多少?Adolla i vau ehpinttwoRMB an一美元价值8.2元人民币。iv hndre dolars,pleas. nd oul yugive e tn dolar i smallche?请换50美元。再此外能否给我10元的小面额零钱?Here youo, si.可以,先生。Wil tak log?要好久吗?No. lease dors e cck at teback.不会的。请在支票的背面签名。OK.好的。Aything an Ihelpu th?有我能帮忙的地方吗?Are yo beingaie on?您需要服务吗?Idlke t netome RMBuan t US ollar,leas.请将我的某些人民币换成美元。leas cah his check.请兑现这张支票。I wantto pckupthcar toorw morning t seven Are you oen the?我想在明天早上点提车。那时你们开门了吗?s, weare, M.W. ow are u goig pay?对,我们开门。你打算如何付钱?My I pay n cash?可以付钞票吗?edprfer credit crd, i ou ha one.如果你有信用卡,我们较喜欢信用卡。es,of course.可以,固然可以。Hw lgwill u keepte ca?这车你要用多久?ust three ays只要三天。r you goito reurithee?你要在这里归还吗?N.I wantoleavit in Chiag.不。我想把它留在芝加哥。Tt ll b fine那可以。Hrs m sa ad.这是我的vis卡。Just a minute. Hee your receit.请等一下。这是你的收据。Do yo mnd if I py in cah?你介意我付钞票吗?yo haeany objecions om paying in cah?你反对我付钞票吗?Myplans oce oev it n icago.我的筹划使我必须将它留在芝加哥。Aythin else, i?先生,还要别的东西吗?ha al fr now. Howmch do Iwe yo?目前这些就够了,我要付你多少钱?Th bfty-five olars and tw cets.一共55元2角。Can you makea ttl cheape?你不能算便宜一点?Oh,ns.e aredy gaveyu a dsount on ech item.哦,不行,先生。每一件东西我们都给你打过折扣了。OK. undersand.Thn you好吧,我懂了,谢谢你。Ay disct, OK?可以打个折扣吗?It s tooexpeve. How about hlf the ric?太贵了,半价怎么样?Ony aipercen discount?o bou tenty ercent?只打九五折?八折怎么样?ha apric! Lowr t,pese?这样高的价格!请降点。Illtk i. But the prie s a t high.ow aoufrewapping?我买了。但价格有点高,免费包装怎么样?Good aerno. h thetrle?下午好。有什么不舒服吗?I ha apety hig fverineyeteray ornig.从昨天早上起,我就始终发高烧。Anything els?尚有其他的吗?Ye.I haveanupse stomch是的,我的胃很难受。I see Welae a goodlokatyou.我明白了。我们会好好替你看看。oy have anyothersmptms? ny more tan thosyoue scre?你有无其他的症状?除了那些你已论述过的?N. ats abut al.没有。大概就是这些。Wl, nt tinkits anth serou.嗯,我想没有什么严重的。Im rie to hr ht.你的话使我松了一口气。Im v troule ng.我吃东西时有困难。ha Ieaont a down.我吃东西时感到恶心。ting willstay down whe I ea我吃下去的东西全吐出来了。Im havn some trubekeeping fooddown我吃东西时感到困难。Thasoad ofm mind.这一来我心里轻松了。Tht rief.真令人欣慰。Thas reassuring.真令人安心。Ar herean tour forteGrnd Canyon?有到大峡谷的旅游团吗?Tere e sevra touof he Grand ayo到大峡谷有好几种旅游团。ae you beento ur Toit IformaioCnter?你去过我们的旅客服务中心吗?o, hvent. Would ou sowm wre that is?不,没去过。你可以告诉我去哪里吗?Sure. phea to you let好的。往前走,在你的左边。I heard tha some turs actuall o dowinto t cnon Is that tu?我据说有的旅游团真正下到峡谷里去了。那是真的吗?es.Its a ea way really se thcaon.真的。那是真正参观峡谷的好方式。I adiio, is greatecise o, sne we do ltokig.尚有,那也是个好的运动,由于我们要长距离徒步旅行。That sou
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