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六年级下册第一单元检测题1Wte(写出下列单词的比较级。)(1)tall _ (2)_ (3)stog_ (4)yung_ (5)smal_ (6)hrt_()heavy_(8) thin_(9)big_(10)lng_itethe opite word.(写出下列单词的反义词。) ()tllr_ (2 ) longer _(3 ) yone _( 4)smller _( 5) thne_ 3 选择(1) Imtoyrs _than her. .tallr B .shrter . old D. biger( 2 ) Im tller _yo.A. ths . an C. thaD .h (3)_mkyissmller . Wha B.hih C hoD.ow ( 4 )_heay ae yo . Wha . h . WhicD. How(5)y hnds re igr n _.A yur B me C. yorD. yo()_heavirthanyour iste A.Wh B hse C Ho D. Whos4 Cple th entence. (根据汉语完成句子。)(1)我的手比你的手大。 _hand are _tan_.()抹香鲸比虎鲸长。A er wae is _tha akille hal in is size.()一些斑马比马大。Some zbra _ _ han horss.( ) 那只黄色的猴子比棕色的猴子壮。 The yellooke s _ _the rwn on5.Rerrange hses (连词组句。)()than tallrrotheyou youeW W w ._.(2)heavy you hw ar_(3) yors than iger hadmy re_(4) you which likeonkey_() tronge the is yllowmone_6.Cmpet tesentences(根据实际情况,完成对话)(1)How tall ar yu_ Ww ( 2 ) Hoheavy re you _ ( ) Hw bg ae ufet_ (4) H old a yu_ ( 5 ) Hln are ou les_7 Read and math.(连线。) ( 1 ) 它的尾巴长。 It headis small.(2)它的脑袋小。 He tall.(3)他的个子高。Its tal islong(4)它的身体更壮。 It s funnie.(5)它更滑稽 。 t stronger8.Red and choose.(读问句,选出一句合适的答语。)( )(1)Ho longis yor enci A.20 ton .15m( ) ( 2 )Ho bigar or fee A.100cm. B. war e7.( ) ( )Whoshviethan yu A.k.B 3.( ) ( )How oldare yo A.14 yer. .34cm.9Read and nswer. (阅读短文,回答问题。)Ihae ree good iends. ike stller thnTom. Mryi srterthan om. To is tronger hn MayMike is tonger tha Tom. ry i yonge thnMikTm is lder n MkeWe aregoo friend. i hm veymu Do you like my fries (1) Whoisallr thn ay(2) W i hrter thanMke (3) Who i roge ha Tom (4) Who is oder th Mie () Who is ynge tha i
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