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八年级英语下册Unit 5 Feeling Happy Topic 2 I feel better now Section B导学案(无答案)课型:对话课 阅读课课时:2课时学习目标:1. Learn some new words: feeling, fail, experience, suggestion, normal, soft2. Go on learning adverbial clauses of reason (原因状语从句):3. Learn some sentences of reassuring(安慰) others: Dont worry. There, there! Itll be OK.4. Learn to deal with unhappy feelings.(坏情绪).学习重点:学习目标第2点。学习难点:学习目标第3、4点。Task 1 预习热身(学生版:自学)一、过词汇、短语关:1.试拼读125-126页P11-12的新单词,小组内相互拼读。2. 在家听写P11-12单词。3. 读1a、2a找出下列重点单词、短语, 并在课文中勾画出来。英汉互译:(1)英语考试不及格 = (2)在某人的年龄时 _(3)给某人讲笑话 (4)似乎/好像喜欢我 (5)怎样和别人交流 _(6)怎样抑制这些坏情绪 (7)糟糕的事 (8)用号码给某人打电话 (9)soft music 10)sth. happens to sb 对话1aWhat main idea(主题):_Difficult points(难点):_How to solve them(怎样解决):_二、对话1a。句型:1. I am feeling really sad because I failed the English exam.意思是 . fail the exam =fail to pass the exam =not pass an exam 意思是 2.Why dont you talk to someone when you feel sad?意思是 . talk to sb. 意思是 3. Everyone gets these feelings at your age. 意思是 . at your age意思是 4. There, there! Itll be OK. 意思是 .(There, there!“好啦,好啦!”在这里是语气助词,表示安慰别人)三、对话2a。对话2aWhat main idea(主题):_Difficult points(难点):_How to solve them(怎样解决):_ 句型:1. but they dont know how to stop these unhappy feelings. 意思是 2. Its normal to feel sad when something bad happens to us. 意思是 happens to sb. 意思是 3. If you have any problem, please call me at 2676790.意思是 call sb. at意思是 _ 4. Its all right to show were sad. 意思是 _Task 2 活动探究【教师版:小组讨论教师巡答提出问题盘点提升(归纳/点拨/释难/延伸)】活动I、 学习1a, 1b,1c。(PPT导入后进入)一、听1a录音,回答问题:What suggestions can Miss Wang give Li Hong? What main idea(主题):_ 盘点提升(集体备课)Difficult points(难点):_How to solve them(怎样解决):_二.对话1a句型:略(见学生版) 三、 听1a录音,自读1a,讨论并翻译。四、讨论并掌握重点词组及句型和如何安慰别人。五、两人一组练习1a的对话,请几对同学表演对话六、完成1b。七、复习如何提建议,完成1c。活动II. 学习2a,2b。(PPT导入后进入)What main idea(主题):_ 盘点提升(集体备课)Difficult points(难点):_How to solve them(怎样解决):_一. 对话2a句型:略(见学生版) 二、 听2a录音,自读2a,讨论并翻译。三、讨论并掌握重点词组及句型和如何克服不良情绪。四、完成2b。Task 3小结及板书Section B安慰:Dont worry. There, there! Itll be OK. 建议:Why not tell your teachers about your feelingsIf we talk to others, listen to soft music or take part in activities, we may feel much better, and be happy again._Task 4 当堂达标:问题检测(巩固练习)。(一)单项选择。1. I didnt pass the exam the bad feelings.A. Because B. because of C. since D. for2. Its to talk with children.A. bored B. interested C. inte
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