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Reading 1Please introduce yourself briefly, said Jack. It was when I sat face to face with the teenager in charge of school basketball club I applied to. Feeling exactly concerned and upset, I tried to calm myself down. My memory flashed back. Having packed books, overcoats and other items in my suitcases l got on the bus, waving goodbye to my window with dusty curtains. As usual, I saw people walking dogs which are quite loose outdoors. I have got to admit that I felt ignored when I entered high school. Soon, I began to be tired of the life. I disliked it when I set down teachers words and devoted myself to my study just in order to achieve high grades. I preferred to play basketball. Firstly, it made me more powerful and creative. Secondly, it was a guarantee of being healthy. I entirely fell in love with it. Too many times, at dusk, in spite of the thunder, I shouted on the playground on purpose. Need I join a series of such clubs? I added up all the advantages and disadvantages and decided it may settle my problems. Luckily, Jack was content with my performance. In company with other members, 1 no longer suffer from loneliness. However I went through many injuries, from which I soon recovered. I felt grateful for my partners tips on how to get along with others though sometimes I disagreed with them. I appreciate their help. I wouldnt swap the experience with anyone for anything. Reading 2One writer born in 1960 A.D. said, I dont know any American girl who can resist an English accent. Actually, it may be interesting if we look at the dialects of a language. We cannot imagine what it would be when people in Singapore, Malaysia speak English or when a native American discuss with a Danish, an African or a in English. It should be recognized that even in Britain, people from southeastern, northwestern, eastern and mid western part will find it hard to understand each other because of their accent. Also, the spelling of the same word differs sometimes. Britain has to use underground, flat, lift, , and petrol which they call subway apartment, elevator, truck and g when they are in America. So one question comes up. Why dont they have the same expression? Apart from the gradual change of words in history, it is the fear of losing identity that plays an important part. In official documents, it is requested that language should be kept pure in many countries like Russia. English was spread to the whole world mainly through voyage. At present, based on traditional English, different countries have their own English vocabulary and usage. No doubt that a good command of a foreign language is far from easy. First, enrich the vocabulary and expressions. The lauer makes one sound native. For example, go straight until you reach the first block and you will see many cabs driving like lightning. Second, make frequent use of them. All in all, keep m mind that gradually you can speak any language fluently if it is used frequently. Reading 3I like the saying that the world is a book and those who do not trav a oy onepag I am fond of keepingjoumals in myjoulweys. Now, I am sitting reading the journal of last spring when I was a new graduate and was scheduled to climb one unknown mountain. I prefer to do explorations rather than just enjoy views. Ever since my childhood, I have cycled to many places by organising a small team. Though I have many shortcomings. generally I am reliable. My attitude towards travelling is that never give in once I have determined on it. Before setting out, I bought myself an insurance. I had designed the route in detail and taken down the forecast. My mother was quite stubborn that I should stay home. I knew she cared about my safety and I tried to persuade her to change her mind finally. Packing the parcels, a wool coat, a pillow and a kettle to boil food like potatoes, I set out as usual with some necessary fw Upon reaching the destination, I found a valley beneath the mountain at an altitude of 3000 metres. Out of it new a river, It was a good idea to find out its source. I paced along the bank and suddenly a cave came into sight. I bent forward to enter it. It was too dark. So 1 lit the candle. The Rame is bright enough to allow me to see that it was a W. At midnight, 1 made up my mind to go out. Now, r still cannot help thinking how the statues inside were transported there since the narrow entrance was the biggest disadvantage. Maybe it deserves another visit. Reading 4My grandpa once told me that history is one war after another with natural disasters in between. Unluckily, I went through a frightening earthquake when I was 8 yeat s old. It was a big event injuring millions of people and doing much damage to thc nation. Before the earthquake, a cyclist was coming to my home sending congratulations to me with a letter when the floor began to quake. It frightened everyone. My parents threw me out right away. I was s
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