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-100:00:00,00 - 00:00:05,00Subindex build by Linnethttp:/linnet.126.com http:/blog.csdn.net/redbirdli火鸟字幕合并器SubindexV0.4 绿色软件联盟www.xdowns.comBuild time 10.10.04 23:13:09100:00:12,20 - 00:00:20,20200:00:30,74 - 00:00:33,94(水蜡树街)300:01:33,64 - 00:01:36,13I shouldve known that you would be here 我早该想到会在这里见到你400:01:36,71 - 00:01:38,73Professor McGongagall 麦教授500:01:49,89 - 00:01:51,72Good evening, Professor Dumbledore 晚安,邓不利多教授600:01:55,53 - 00:01:58,52Are the rumors true, Albus? 传闻是真的吗,阿不思?700:01:58,86 - 00:02:00,66Im afraid so, professor. 我想是真的,教授800:02:01,30 - 00:02:03,90the good and the bad 有好消息900:02:02,60 - 00:02:03,90也有坏消息1000:02:04,30 - 00:02:05,50And the boy? 那个孩子呢?1100:02:05,80 - 00:02:07,27Hagrid is bringing him. 海格会把他带到这儿来1200:02:07,71 - 00:02:11,94Is it wise to trust Hagrid with something so important? 你觉得这么做明智吗?1300:02:08,97 - 00:02:11,94把这种大事交给海格去办?1400:02:12,14 - 00:02:16,24Professor, I would trust Hagrid with my life. 教授,我可以把自己的命交到海格手中1500:02:36,03 - 00:02:37,52Professor Dumbledore, sir. 邓不利多教授1600:02:37,84 - 00:02:39,03Professor McGonagall. 麦教授1700:02:40,04 - 00:02:42,34No problems, I trust, Hagrid? 没遇到什么麻烦吧,海格?1800:02:42,61 - 00:02:43,70No, sir. 没有,先生1900:02:44,31 - 00:02:47,87Little tyke fell asleep as we were flying over Bristol. 小家伙一飞到布里斯托就睡了2000:02:49,61 - 00:02:51,01Try not to wake him. 小心别吵醒他2100:02:52,85 - 00:02:54,01There you go. 你看2200:03:00,02 - 00:03:04,83Do you really think its safe, leaving him with these people? 你觉得把他交给这些人好吗?2300:03:05,10 - 00:03:06,53Ive watched them all day. 我在这里观察了一整天2400:03:06,76 - 00:03:10,17Theyre the worst sort of Muggles. 真是一群无可救药的麻瓜2500:03:10,64 - 00:03:14,70They really are- The only family he has. 他们真的是他在世上唯一的亲人2600:03:15,01 - 00:03:16,60Hell be famous. 这孩子将来会非常有名2700:03:16,81 - 00:03:19,87Every child in our world will know his name 我们世界中的每个孩子2800:03:20,11 - 00:03:21,14Exactly. 都会知道他的名字2900:03:20,11 - 00:03:21,14完全正确3000:03:21,91 - 00:03:25,31Hes far better off growing up away from all of that. 最好是让他成长时远离这一切3100:03:28,69 - 00:03:30,85Until hes ready. 等他能够接受的时候再告诉他3200:03:43,47 - 00:03:45,13There, there, Hagrid. 好了,好了,海格3300:03:45,34 - 00:03:47,83Its not really goodbye, after all. 又不是再也见不到面3400:03:55,95 - 00:04:00,08德思礼夫妇敬启萨里郡小惠因区水蜡树街四号3500:04:00,75 - 00:04:01,88Good luck. 祝你好运3600:04:02,79 - 00:04:05,19.Harry Potter. 哈利波特3700:04:12,16 - 00:04:16,33Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone 片名:哈利波特神秘的魔法石3800:04:23,11 - 00:04:25,41Up. Get up! 起来!起床罗3900:04:28,68 - 00:04:29,51Now! 快呀!4000:04:43,86 - 00:04:46,96Wake up, cousin! Were going to the zoo! 快醒呀,表弟!要去动物园罗4100:04:57,44 - 00:05:01,97Here he comes, the birthday body. 喔,我们的小寿星来了4200:05:02,21 - 00:05:03,70Happy birthday, son. 生日快乐,儿子4300:05:05,72 - 00:05:08,38Cook breakfast. And try not to burn anything. 快去煮早餐,不准烧焦东西4400:05:08,62 - 00:05:09,98Yes, Aunt Petunia. 是,佩妮阿姨4500:05:10,15 - 00:05:13,89I want everything to be perfect. 我希望今天一切顺心4600:05:14,16 - 00:05:17,15.for my Dudleys special day! 这可是我们达力的大日子4700:05:17,43 - 00:05:18,26Hurry up! 快呀!4800:05:18,83 - 00:05:19,92Bring my coffee, boy. 给我咖啡,小子4900:05:20,16 - 00:05:20,99Yew, Uncle Vernon. 是,威农姨丈5000:05:23,07 - 00:05:25,33Arent they wonderful, darling? 是不是很棒呀,亲爱的?5100:05:28,71 - 00:05:29,87How many are there? 共有几个?5200:05:30,07 - 00:05:31,8736. Counted them myself. 三十六个,我自己数的5300:05:32,11 - 00:05:35,3836! But last year I had 37! 三十六个?但去年有三十七个5400:05:35,58 - 00:05:37,88But some are bigger than last years. 但有些礼物比去年的大一点呀5500:05:38,12 - 00:05:39,55I dont care! 我管它有多大5600:05:39,75 - 00:05:43,02This is what were going to do. 好,好,待会儿我们一出去5700:05:43,25 - 00:05:46,59Were going to buy you two new presents. Hows that, pumpkin? 就再去替你买两个新礼物好不好呀,小乖乖?5800:05:50,76 - 00:05:52,20It should be a lovely day at the zoo. 快到动物园了5900:05:52,40 - 00:05:53,86Im really looking forward to it. 定可以玩得很开心,真期待6000:05:57,87 - 00:05:59,86Im warning you now, boy. 我警告你,小子6100:06:00,10 - 00:06:03,56Any funny business, any at all. 要是有任何怪事发生只要有一点点的怪事6200:06:03,78 - 00:06:07,27.and you wont have any meals for a week. 你就一个礼拜不准吃饭6300:06:07,48 - 00:06:08,34Get in. 上车6400:06:09,78 - 00:06:12,58(爬虫类馆)6500:06:16,59 - 00:06:17,92Make it move. 叫它动嘛6600:06:21,49 - 00:06:22,48Move! 动呀!6700:06:23,36 - 00:06:24,89Move! Hes asleep! 快动呀!它在睡觉6800:06:26,06 - 00:06:27,50Hes boring. 它无聊死了6900:0
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