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欢迎阅读本文档,希望本文档能对您有所帮助!TED英语演讲:人类越来越聪明,而阅读的内容越来越蠢你最近一次读的书是什么?这本书你读了多久?你现在一年读几本书?现代人读书越来越少,这已经是全球公认的事实。而一些新的统计数据发现,即使是那些依然读书很多的人,或许也没有他们自己认为的那么有文化了。下面是小编为大家收集关于TED英语演讲:人类越来越聪明,而阅读的内容越来越蠢,欢迎借鉴参考。People Are Getting Smarter, Contents Are Getting Dumber演讲者是The Escapist 杂志的总经理,亚历山大;马克利斯(Alexander Macris)Today, we’re gonna talk about the content we consume and what that consumption is doing to our minds.今天我们要来谈谈我们消费的内容,以及这种消费对我们思维的影响。But before I started to talk about content I wanna talk about something else we consume.但在讲内容之前,我想先谈谈我们消费的另一种东西。I wanna talk about food.我想谈谈食物。When we consume food, we experience its taste and we benefit from its nutritional value.当我们吃食物的时候,我们能体验到它的味道,并从它的营养价值中获益。Taste is subjective. For person to person it can vary.味道是主观的。不同的人有不同的感受。Nutrition is universal and objective.而营养是普世的、客观的。Those of us don’t like our broccoli might say that food and taste and nutrition don’t go well together.我们当中那些不喜欢西兰花的人可能会说:食物、味道、营养不可兼得。Others, strange people, like healthy food.另一些比较古怪的人则喜欢吃健康食品。At minimum we can agree that food can be tasty without being nutritious and vice versa.不过我们至少能达成一个共识:食物可以好吃但没有营养,反之亦然。Now one time the American diet consisted primarily of nutritious food such as organic vegetables, whole grain, grass-fed beef.曾几何时,美国人饮食的主要成分都是有营养的食物,比如有机蔬菜、全麦、用草喂养的牛的肉。But as food production became market-driven, food companies found that making food tastier is cheaper than making food nutritious, that consumers actually prefer tastier food rather than healthier food.但是随着食品制造业变得市场导向,食品公司们发现制作更好吃的食物比制作有营养的食物更划算,而且消费者实际上也更喜欢那些更好吃的食物,而不是更健康的食物。Overtime, nutritious food was supplanted by inexpensive cheap food that was available to everybody didn’t have a lot of nutrition, while healthy nutritious food was limited to the dietary elite, the people that shop at Whole Foods.随着时间推移,那些有营养的食物被廉价的食物取代了,那些营养不足的人很容易就能获得这些廉价的食物;而只有那些饮食精英才能获得健康的、有营养的食物,也就是那些在全食超市购物的人。The gradual erosion of the nutritional value of our food was ignored by almost everybody until the obesity epidemic transformed our love handles into passion Bannisters.而几乎所有人都忽略了这种对食物营养价值的侵蚀,直到肥胖症大面积爆发,并把我们的人鱼线全都变成了游泳圈。And now we’re the fattest country in the developed world.结果现在我们是发达国家中最胖的。I believe when we consume content it’s a lot like eating food.我觉得,我们对内容的消费和对食品的消费是非常相似的。Like food, content has a taste to it.就如同食物一样,内容也有自己的味道。When you experiencce The Avengers, it tastes differently than The Dark Knight.当你看复仇者联盟的时候,它的感觉和黑暗骑士是不一样的。Which you prefer is just a matter of taste.不管你喜欢哪个,都只是个口味问题。Never before has the content menu offered so many varied excellent tastes.在内容领域,我们还从未有过这么丰富的口味可供选择。If you enjoy consuming content, the world is an amazing place.如果你喜欢消费内容,那这个世界真是太美妙了。But content also has a nutritional value.不过,内容也是有营养价值的。Just as food feeds our bodies, content feeds our minds.正如同食物供养着我们的身体,内容供养着我们的思维。And as with food, the nutritional effective content is objective and universal.而且和食物一样,内容的营养价值也是客观而普世的。I’ve summarized the findings from over 40 studies on how content consumption affects us.我总结了40多项研究的发现,它们都是研究内容消费是如何影响我们的。Nutritious contents increase our knowledge. It expanse our vocabularies. It improves reflection, critical thinking, problem-solving, visual acuity, imagination.有营养的内容能够让我们增长知识。它能扩充我们的词汇量。它能提升我们深入思考的能力、批判性思维的能力、解决问题的能力、视觉敏锐度以及想象力。Unhealthy content shortens our attention span. It damages our concentration. It weakens our problem-solving skills and increase impulsivity. And like simple sugars, it leaves you addicted and wanting more.不健康的内容会缩短我们的注意力时长。它还会损害我们集中精神的能力。它会削弱我们解决问题的,还会让我们更冲动。而且,就像单糖一样,它还会让你上瘾、让你欲罢不能。We already know that the American diet of food rapidly changed in the 20th century in a way that made it tasty but less nutritious.我们都知道,美国人的饮食在20世纪经历了急速的变化,越来越好吃但是越来越没有营养。The American mind has also changed rapidly.而美国人的思维也同样经历的急速的变化。Did these changes leave our mental diet a healthy balanced on? Or have we began to feed our minds as badly as we feed our bodies, consuming nothing but junk all day?这些改变有没有让我们的思维食谱更健康、更均衡呢?还是说,我们喂养自己思维的方式变得和我们喂养身体的方式一样糟、每天只吃垃圾食品?If our mental menu is nutritious, we should see people get smarter and sharper. If our mental menu is unwholesome, we should expect to see a spreading epidemic of stupidity that would parallel the epidemic of obesity.如果我们的思维食谱是有营养的,那么我们应该会看到人们变得更聪明、更敏锐。如果我们的思维食谱不那么健康,那么我们应该可以想见:愚蠢会像肥胖症一样变成一个严重的流行疾病。Let’s start by examining our reading habits.我们首先来看看我们的阅读习惯吧。Reading, it turns out it’s the most nutritious way you can consume content.我们发现,阅读是所有内容消费方式中最有营养的。The better you are at reading, the better you are at thinking.你的阅读能力越强,你的思考能力就越强。And how do you get better at reading? By reading.而你要怎么提高阅读能力呢?答案是:靠阅读。Educators call this principle the Matthew effect.教育家们把这个原则称为马修效应。In a series o
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