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如何才干做到不在乎别人的见解? 所属:成长励志 阅读:1635 次 评论:13 条-本篇文章来自, 文章版权归原作者所有。-Have you ever changed your mind, backed out of something or even given up on a dream because you were afraid of what someone else might think of you?你与否由于在乎别人对自己的见解而曾经变化过自己想法,背对自己的承诺,放弃自己的梦想?Im betting that youre a kind, thoughtful person. You want to make the people around you happy, and naturally enough you want them to think well of you.我相信你是个善良,有思想的人。你想让身边的人都感觉快乐,自然地,你也但愿她们对你有良好的评价。Theres nothing wrong with that: its part of emotional intelligence, and its a good thing.这没有什么不对的。作为情商的一部,这是个好事!But it can go too far.但物极必反。If youre constantly worried about what friends, family, colleagues or even strangers in the street might think, then youre using up a huge amount of energy worrying (and youre probably holding yourself back from your real goals).若你老是紧张朋友、家人、同事、甚至走在街上的陌生人怎么想,那么你将花太多精力来紧张(这样也许让自己远离了自己真正的梦想)。This is a tough habit to get out of but the below steps should help.这是个很难戒除的习惯,但如下的方式也许有协助。Step #1: Ask Yourself What Matters to You第一步:问自己什么对你重要I sometimes worry what people will think of my clothes, or my hair. The thing is, though, physical appearance really isnt that important to me. Sure, I like to look presentable but Ive got virtually zero interest in fashion, and I dont generally wear makeup.我时常紧张人们会在乎我的服饰,我的发型。然后事实是外表对我来说,不是那么重要。固然,我也喜欢看着美丽,但我对潮流真是完全不感冒,也常常不化妆。Its okay to have different values from the people around you. Maybe you hate cooking, even though your mom thinks you should be preparing a meal from scratch every night. Maybe you cant stand the gym, even though your best friend works out every day.你身边的人有不同的价值观,这是很正常的事情。也许你讨厌下厨,虽然你妈妈觉得每天晚上你应当亲手准备晚餐的。也许你不喜欢健身,但是你的朋友每天为此精疲力竭Be clear and honest with yourself about what really matters to you. Sure, other people might judge you for not meeting up to their standards but if youre true to your own goals and values, then you know youve got your priorities right.清晰坦然问自己:什么是最重要的。其她肯定会通过她们的原则来评判你,但是如果你知晓自己的目的和价值观,那么你也会意识到自己也有优先权。Step #2: Remember That Theyre Not All Watching You第二步:记住并非所有的人都在看你When I was a teen, I was bullied at school and even now I find myself worrying that other people are looking at me, maybe even laughing behind my back.我十岁的时候,在学校被人欺负了。到目前我仍然还紧张其她人正看着我,甚至在背后取笑我The truth is, though, Im not the centre of the world and neither are you! Most of the people around you are far too busy going about their own lives to think much about you.然而,事实上我不是世界的中心,而你也不是。大部分你身边的人都在忙自己的生活,主线无暇顾忌你太多。Maybe you think you said something really dumb at that party, or maybe youre convinced that the zit on your nose is so obvious, or that everyones talking about that mistake you made last week the truth is, they probably havent even noticed whatever it is that youre worrying about.也许你觉得你自己曾在晚会上说过某些愚蠢的话,或你坚信自己鼻子上的青春痘很明显,或觉得每个人还在讨论你上周犯的错。事实上人们都没有注意到任何你的紧张的问题。Step #3: Recognize That Their Opinion Cant Hurt You第三步:结识到她们的观点不能伤害你。So youre clear about what really matters and you know that youre not the centre of attention. Still, therell be cases where people make a judgment about you. Maybe its at work, or when youre with friends, or just when youre out and about.那么,你对自己重要的事情已经清晰了,也明白自己不是世界的中心。尽管如此,还是会有人们对你的评价。也许是在上班时,或当你和朋友时,亦或者当你出去的In most situations, peoples opinions cant hurt you. Sure, that mouthy kid down the road might yell something rude about your haircut, but theres no way his opinion can affect your life (unless you let it).多数状况下,人们的观点不能伤害到你的。固然,满口大话的孩子们也许会对你的发型说些不好听的话,但她的观点会影响你的生活,这是不也许的(除非你自己让它这样做。)There are a few cases where opinions will make a difference for instance, your bosss opinion of you but are you worrying about the people who matter in your life, or the ones who really dont?只有很少的观点会对你的生活产生真正不同的影响,例如:你的老板对你的见解。但,你是在乎那些对你生命重要的人,还是那些过客呢?You could spend your whole life trying to make strangers and casual acquaintances think good things about you (maybe by spending hours doing your hair every single time you set foot outside your house, or by paying for an expensive car that you cant really afford). The people who really matter, though, your family and friends, are going to love you for who you are.你也许花上自己的毕生来让那些陌生人和随便的熟人来提高对自己的见解(每次出门前,花上几种小时打理自己的头发,或买一辆自己更不无法支付的车)。而对你重要的人家人、朋友,喜欢的是真实的你Step #4: Accept That You Cant Control What People Think第四步:接受你不能控制别人的想法If youre a bit of a control-freak like me, this is a tough one but you cant control peoples thoughts. Youve got no idea what might go through their head, or why.如果你像我同样有点轻微的控制狂,那这就是个很难办的问题。但是你不能控制别人的想法,你完全不懂得什么样的点子会在她的脑子里面产生,以及为什么是这样?Different people respond in very different ways. Maybe your friend is really impressed when he sees someone wearing a flashy watch but you think that person shouldnt splash money around. Other people will think all sorts of things about
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