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专项.5 ee pars(练)词义辨析Its sid tat he_ fr e Wednesays cofrce i educatin as well ashil ae shutle B.ngi C.band hme2.Young chidensmemes cant disnuih ewee _andeality .fatasy Bouvei C.s Dcreaure3.As h hook er had, arrg_ bac nd forth Aashed Bwun sid D.eanded4.he iea wkin osaneterpriss hat _young pope nowdas. A.msin B.aoit .ttratiorrangeme5.As w all no, rson as his wn _ ferin A.unqe B.ret C.cent Datletc6Thloaloernmn astak eare to _thedirict histrc bld. A.sig .nvine Cinen D.pesevTebeatful bir is sml,th aotal_ fatthee inhes. Ancio Blenh .letr D.decde8.Tre re not may,oly iny _,woa n avur of tsch Arank Bet C.miry Dtte9.Iormin technology ha _ pdy seth1960s,binging at onvnence o peopls life. .duced prsered C.cosed D.advad1.If they hav passed the examian,stdntscan aply r _ tomor tan uivety. A.attracio admision Causemn .ascon【答案】 AA D C B.情态动词和虚拟语调专练1.On ofu rule is tat evey tunt_wear chool ifm whl at scol Yo_gethe ahierepired thiweek I wonteedt un next nth. hee grpes lok rllybeutifu.They_!e teprca pound. ey xpeiv,ant thy?I hard theywent sking in th moutais lat winr.It_(be) truebecausetherea lt sothre.5No p_cr a mobeponeinto the exinatinroom during the ntionallege enrncexminatio6.ut fo teencoraging cers r the auince,our em_ (w)such aimportantmath You _ (tae) uhc wth yu,you knwha shop actedcheks.8 torths iterutin,he meetin _(fn)haf an ur ao9 Th upt mohe thought theelf,“ only I _ (know)whats gingon n lioys hed right ow.”10 I ou had isten tome,e_ ()a th artMoeoer.l riv.【答案解析】 .shll句意:没有人可以在高考时将手机带入考场。hl用于第一人称以外的人称时,可用于“严禁,禁令”中。6.coudnt have wn 考察虚拟语调。句意:要不是观众们鼓励性的欢呼,我们队不也许赢得这样重要的比赛。根据该句中的“Bufor”可知,此处应用虚拟语调,表达与过去事实相反,再结合句意可知,应用uldntha won。7.neenthavte考察情态动词。句意:你本没必要带这样多钞票的,你懂得那家店接受支票。nednthave done表达“本没必要做某事”,符合句意。 1.would be 考察虚拟语调。句意:要是当时你听我的,那么我们目前就在约会现场了。你挪过去,我来开车。if从句表达与过去事实相反的假设,而本空表达与目前的实际状况相反的假设,说话人此时还在路上。 III.短语填空itin eas reah;aiarwith;aerofit ;coo life; geoun; naeer;gt cloe to ; o won; in aance;com tr 1._ yae td. Yuve ben working f ho2.Its aitt herif bok t tikets _.3.A small doato an helpm ils wish _.4It is sai hat ote is _ of etown cre5.Are you _thomputrsoftwr heye?6.O e baif ur salforecas w may begin to_n ye.ouevercoolthour roe,but wih our friedsyoualy _.8.Treinowyyor otherca st hrewl he to _ i someho.9Thechil wa _ s faher,ge itsfathes fistname1.Hikng is gea ay traveYou may _natue adtke xrcisat t sam ime.【答案】1No wonder 2.i dane 3.ome re 4whieasy reach 5fmilirwith 6.arofit 7cme to if 8.get rod9.named afte 0getclse to I.完毕句子.ithlthee tracon,noodr turism is rn_(只要有迪斯尼乐园的地方)(iseyland)2.Ifyoulike as,you nvist hfarmare,ndlrn how pop n nint Enan _(经营农场,饲养动物)(ru)3.I ouhtikets atthepaksentrance,ut _(也可以有网上购票).(avalae)【答案】1wrve thre is Disyland 2.ran therms nd too are tir nials.ticetsaralavalaelineV 单项填空1.Tehemepakyae rly st fmlar _ isDisneylan,whi canbe foun insvera parts of the orl .for Bto .ith D.about2Lat wek I tok a trprazil anexperined _ aairpln crs in te jngle. urvive o srvive .srived .uving3.uooe many xcelotes arb,_poi auteevce to te park. A.mstf hc B.motof them
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