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2012.10月学校“代言课”教案Module 8 Unit 1 Is it a monster?授课教师:樊平丽一、教材分析本模块主要学习一般疑问句Is it?及回答,本单元的主要内容是学习一般疑问句Is it?及其回答No,it isnt. / Yes, it is.是本模块中的重要内容,学好本单元,为后面的学习做好铺垫,教材以连环画的形式呈现出课文的内容与句型:Is it a cat/dog/monster?并给出回答No,it isnt . / Yes, it is. 材料生动有趣,能激起孩子的求知欲。二、学情分析本课的教学对象是三年级学生,他们刚刚接触英语,对英语的求知欲很强。他们活泼好动,善于模仿,好表现,老师的肯定更能激发他们的学习热情,他们对英语的发音仍需要多模仿,多正音。三、教学目标(一)知识与技能1能够听懂、会说并认读单词no,not,yes, monster,kite2掌握句型:Is it ?并会用Yes, it is. / No, it isnt.进行回答。3. 能理解课文中讲述的故事。(二)过程与方法:通过学习模仿、小组讨论交流等方法,学会运用所学的英语。(三)情感态度价值观:通过学生与同伴做猜图等游戏,培养学生的合作精神和组织能力,同时培养学生的英语思维能力。四、教学重点:1新词monster/kite 的识记2 在语境中灵活运用句型Is it ?的灵活运用及回答Yes, it is. / No, it isnt。五、教学难点:能准确地模仿课文的语音和语调。六、主要教法:情境教学法、听说法七、教具:录音机、单词卡片、图、实物、课件、挡板等八、教学过程Step 1: Warm up and revision1) Sing the song and say the chants.Song: 1,2,3,4,stand up!Chant: Pen and pencil. I am a cat cat cat2) Greetings.T: Good morning, boys and girls.Ss: Good morning, Miss Hua.T: Pleased to meet you.Ss: Pleased to meet you, too.T: Are you happy today?Ss: Yes!T: I am so happy too. Because there are so many parents here. lets give them a warm welcome! Clap, clap, clap!3) Free talk How are you? What colour? How many boys? Step 2: Presentation1Present the task.1) T: Whats this ? S1: Its a pencil. T: Is it a pencil? S2: Yes. S3:Yes.S42) T: Whats that? S1: Its a door. T: Is it a door? S2: Yes. S3: Yes. S4.3)T(show the card) : Whats this?S: Its a cat. T: Is it a cat?S1:Yes. 5)同法引出单词monster. Monster. 2) Learn the new sentences “Is it a?”A(课件出示一长方形)T:Is it a book? T:If we want to guess something , we usually say “Is it a?”(T. writes the sentence on the blackboard. Let the Ss repeat pair by pair.)Ss:Is it a book?T: Yes. B(课件出示一圆形)T : Who can guess? Is it a ?(ball)S1:Is it a ?S2:Yes./No.Work in pairs:Is it a ?Yes./No.C(课件出现一个菱形) T : Who can guess? Is it a ?(kite) S1:Is it a ? S2: Is it a . . T:No. Its a kite. Teach the word “kite”.Let the Ss repeat group by group.D Listen and guess T:Listen to the sound carefully. Can you guess?Is it a ? Let the Ss listen to the sound of bird/ cat / dog/, and guess what it is. S1:Is it a ? T:No.Step 3: Practice 1. Finish the task in pairs.Now we will play a game “看谁猜得准?” 。T:(老师把一样东西藏在身后)Can you guess?S1: Is it a?T: Yes. /No.Now work in pairs.S2: Is it a?S1: Yes. /No.Choose some best students come to the front to act .Step 4: Consolidation1)Open the Activity Book, listen and circle.2) “找朋友游戏” :教师手持礼物盒,边走边唱:Looking for, looking for, looking for my friends.唱完之后停在一个学生面前,让学生猜老师手中盒子里的东西。如果学生猜中了,老师就说:Oh, you are my friend.(老师解释friend的意思并与这个学生握手。) 3)T:What have we learnt today?Read the words on the blacboard.Step 5: Assignment1Look! This is todays homework.1)Listen to the tape then read Unit 1 for three times.2)Play a guessing game with your deskmate.3 ) Role play the text with your family.( Some students)九、板书设计:Module 8 Unit 1 Is it a dragon? Is it ? No, it isnt.Yes, it is.
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