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BEC中级真题(第二辑)答案及听力原文Test 1ReadingWriting -Part 1 To:P. JonesFrom:Luisa GambonDate:21 November 2002Subject:LatenessMr Jones,I have noticed that you often arrive late for work, especially on Monday mornings. As your colleagues are starting to complain about that, you understand that unless this habit changes, I will take disciplinary action against you. Come and see me tomorrow at 9 a.m. in my office. Thank youBand 5All content points are covered, using natural sounding language and a consistently appropriate tone.Part 2 -Report on customer complaintsINTRODUCTIONThis report has the purpose of presenting the reasons for customer complaints in 2002.FIELDINGSThe customer complaints received in 2002 were 300 in January. Then they increased to 540 in February because of the computer systems breakdown.In March they fell to 230 because an improved order system was introduced.The reasons for complaints from January to March were analysed:l firstly the companv received complaints for incorrect orders delivered. These errors were fewer in March.l secondly the time taken to deliver is too high. but the company has planned to recruit new agents.l Finally customers complain for the poor product quality. In order to solve this problem more quality controls are making.CONCLUSIONSAt the moment all customers arent satisfied but many measures have been taken to improve their satisfaction.Band 4There is a satisfactory range of structures, with some errors, but these do not impede understanding. The content points are adequately covered, and the register is appropriate. The information is generally well organised, using headings and other discourse markers.Listening Test 1Conversation One.Questions 1 to 4. Woman: Personnel . . .Man: Hello, its Tim here, from Finance.Woman: Hi, Tim.Man: Ive had a letter from the tax office about a student who worked here last summer I wonder if you could look him up in your records.Woman: Sure, whats the name? Man: The surnames Jaye. First name Stephen. Woman: How does he spell his surname? Man: J-A-Y-E. Got that? Woman: Oh yes, here we are . . . lives at a hundred and eighty-three School Road,Barnfield . . . Man: Yes, thats the one. Woman: And you say he was working in Finance?Man: Uhm, Customer Services, actually. Woman: Aah - they had lots of students working for them last summer. Man: Well, the tax people want to know his exact job title - Im not sure why.Woman: Mm, let me see . . . He was an office assistant. Man: Right, got that. They also want to know about his monthly earnings. Woman: Lets have a look . . . five hundred and thirty-eight pounds seventy a month . . . Oh, sorry, he was a scale one, so thats four hundred and fifty-seven pounds sixty. Anything else? Man: Thats fine, thanks. Ill send them the information today . . .Now listen to the recording again.Conversation Two. Questions 5 to 8.Woman: Hello, Blackwell Printers. Julie Davidson speaking. How may I help you?Man: Hello. This is Mark Jones from Europe Holidays. I was hoping to speak to Steven Kirby about the stationery youre printing for us.Woman: Im afraid Stevens away until Friday.Man: Oh - you see Im not very happy with the business cards and I wanted to see if I could make a couple of changes to the paper too.Woman: Would you like me to pass on a message?Man: Yes, please. The thing is, Ive just received your proofs - the cards themselves are fine, but you seem to have misunderstood the quantities. Im sure I asked for five hundred for each of the marketing executives and seven hundred and fifty for me but youve put everyone down for seven hundred and fifty.Woman: Right, Ive made a note of that. Is there anything else?Man: Yes, well this is my mistake really. Could you ask Steven to move the company logo further to the left? Its too close to the address at the moment. I think thats all for now. Thanks.Conversation Three. Questions 9 -12Woman: Geoff?Man: Yes?Woman: I just want to finalise the preparations for the delegation next week.Man: Certainly. Its Thursday, isnt it?Woman: Yes. Now, can you make sure that each of them gets a name badge and an information pack. The badges are done, but youll need to prepare the packs with all the relevant information.Man: Ok, that shouldnt take too long. What about catering?Woman: Coffees organised for eleven and three, but lunch - its at one - we need to reserve it for twelve people . . . The office restaurant is closed next week . . . can you ring the Park Hotel? The Grand Hotel was a bit disappointing last time.Man: Ill get onto that.Woman: Now, theyll be coming straight from the station, and their taxi will bring them to the front gate, so make sure youre there to greet them. Thatll be about ten.Man: Ten. And then . . .Woman: Into Reception, I think. Make sure the new designs are on display, I
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