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学习必备欢迎下载三年级英语上册竞赛试题听力部分、判断所听内容是否和图画一致,打“、或划“x”10分) 线()()()()()、听音,排序。根据你所听到的内容排序,订级: 班1在下面的横线上(10 分)将正确顺序的序号填3*装I!正确的顺序是:三、听音,选出你所听到的单词(填序号)。(10分)()1、A. bag B. bird C. black D. bread()2、A. carB. catC. cokeD. cake()3、A. penB. paintC. pandaD. pi nk()4、A. fourB. fiveC. faceD. fin ger()5、A. mon keyB. milkC. mouseD. mouth1. Happy Teachers Day!B. Thank you.2. A. Me, too.B. Show me the red flower.3. A、Here it is.B、Here you are.4. A. No, tha nks.B. I like tea.5. A. I like orange.B. I dont like it.五、根据你听到的内容将答案用数字填在相应的横线上。(10分)四、听音选答语。(10分)1. 2.3. 4.5.笔试部分一、根据汉语提示,将正确序号填在题前括号内.(15分)()1.下列哪种动物是中国的国宝?A. mon keyB. panda C. bird()2.我国表示喜庆的颜色是什么颜色?A. redB. blue C. white()3.好朋友告诉你,他有一只可爱的玩具熊,你会对他说:A、Oh. no B、super C、Good bye.()4.下列哪种动物能成为你家的宠物?A. elepha ntB. dogC. tiger()5有一段时间没看见玩伴了,你会对他说:()A、How are you? B、Nice to meet you .C、How old are you?()6爸爸要你吃些鸡肉,但你不喜欢,你会对爸爸说:()A、Great B、No. thank youC、thanks()7.当别人称赞了你,你应说:()A. Yes. B. Tha nk you!C. No.()8.范老师,下午好”这句话的正确翻译是什么?A. Good bye, Miss Fan. B. Miss Fan, good after noon.C. Good after noon, Miss Fan.()9.打电话时,首先要怎样和对方打招呼?A. Good morni ng. B. Hello! C. How are you.()10.当同学把他的兄弟John介绍给你认识时,你对John说:A. This is John.B. Nice to meet you.C.My Name s Joh n.二、在E栏为A栏的句子选择正确的答语。(15 分)BA()1 This is Joh n.aFine. tha nks()2 May I have a look?bNo. tha nks()3 Hap py New Year!cYou re welcome()4 How ma ny dolls?dHappy New Year()5 How are you?eNice to meet you()6 How old are you?fMy n ame is Mike()7 Here you are.gThank you.()8 Have some juice.hI m nine.()9 Thank youiNi ne()10Whaf 申our name?jSure三、连词成句,只填序号。(10分)1. is This you for2. to school Let go3. that Who S boy?4. grapes you like Do?5. How apples do have many you四、圈出正确的单词,并抄在横线上。(10分)THPCARSDHOECAUFOAONOHLTJTBCATEBASISTERMCDRESSNIKEDOGOATEBOOKBUST1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 三年级英语上册竞赛试题听力材料、判断所听内容是否和图画一致,打“、或划“ X”(1分)。1. This is my face.2. Stamp your foot.3. Climb like a mouse.4. Drink some tea.5. Make the cake.6. Ack like a rabbit.7. Let s go to school.8. Show me two and three.9. Smell the coffee.10. Che n Jie is from Chi na, and Amy is from Can ada.、听音,排序。根据你所听到的内容排序,将正确顺序的序号填 在下面的横线上。(10分)-Happy Birthday to you. -Tha nk you!-I have a cat.-May I have a look?-Let s go to school! - OK!-This is Sarah.-Hi, Nice to meet you!-Have some French fries. -Tha nk you.三、听音,选出你所听到的单词(填序号)。(10分)1. bird 2. coke 3. pink 4. five 5. mon key四、听音选答语。(10分)1. Happy Teachers Day!2. I like white.3. Where is my ruler?4 Have some tea.5. What do you like?(10 分)五、根据你听到的内容将答案用数字填在相应的横线上1. How old are you? I am 10.2. I like the number 8.3. My number is 912.4. My room nu mber is 356.5. My phone number is 3756417.
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