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例题精选例1rs. Jons wa ove ght,tshe ti droe he ol car lie a wmhalf her age. She lveddrivig very ast, n w roud o the fat he had nevr, i erthity-fiv rs of drvn, been punshd 2 a drvng ofence (犯规,犯法)Then ondy se narly 3 her reord.A olice cr 4er,and te poicem ni sar ared ligtwithut soppng Ofcourse, she as stpped. It seemed6tt shod be pnished.7 rs. ns cm u to theudge, loked at hr iously and s tatshe was 8 d o i ca, an thathe 9whyshe had nottopedat th red10 wsmostprobbly that heyesad becomewe 11o ag, sothat he ha simply n s t.Wenthe ge dfinih ht e was2, MsJone opeed the big handbag she was 13 ntookout he sewing Without sayig aw, she 14 nedle with avery smal ee, nd treadedit athrrattemptWe he ad 15 doethis, she tookthe thradoutof te neele ain n hnded16 th e thethead o e judge, sayn,“Nw itis yor17 uppose yo drivea ar, d atyou are itsure aboutyrown eyesght.”he ju took e 18 ad ried to tad itAfter halfadzenties, he ha ilno ucceded. Thease (案例) gainst Mrs. one wa1, ndhe rcor 20 nroken.1 A. wihB.henC. thaD thi2 A. about.on. toD. fr3.AkpB.woC.misedD. lt4 A. watchdB.aterC. folowed D. r after5. A. asB. oC.runD. rush6.A. eB. ineedC. ceaiD. eaps7 A. Befor WhilC.ntilD. hen. . sB. verC.tooD. qite .casB eason. materD.trouble10.A. igt. lampC.sgn D. one1 . with. beause C.forD. of2. A. speangB. singC. takng.elling13. holinB.ettingC.ayngD. bringing. A tookB brughtC. pickedD. choe5 .lmot. dy. succesfllysuccesfl.A. bthB.llCeitherD eter1A. timeB.rnC. chcD. b8.A. tredB gasse . neeesD ee19 A. disme . passedC.settld studied20. . B. ket C. eemedD. emane答案与解析:1-5 CD -10 CBA 1-15 ABCDC16-20ABDAD1.C.act后接that,因为that 引导的是一个同位语从句。2.fo表示被惩罚的原因。3D她始终保持着记录,但那天她差点儿丢了这个记录,因为她闯了红灯。4.C.警车跟在她后面,用fllowed,而achd不妥,因为主语是警车,而不是人。nafter 也不对,警车在此之前没理由追赶她。.pas a red gh,而用go 则要说o by。6C用ertan,不用ure,因为ur常用人作主语。D此处cm为瞬间动词,不能用while。8C.这是too结构,表示太而不9Brson是说明某事某现象的理由,而cuse 则指火灾、水灾或事故的起因。10.A红灯,用rd igh。11wit此处相当于ecse o。12.B强调说话的内容用a,指说话的动作或讲某种语言用spea。13表示随身携带,不强调方向性,用arry,而bring则表示由远往近带来。4D此处是挑了一根小眼的针,如用took,bght和ic都要加up或out。1C从下文看,老太太显然是成功了。16A指针和线两者,所以用both。1Byour trn表示该轮到你了。18D.为什么是针呢?因为后边有一句说她要thread it。.Ae dismised被取消了。0.Drmained表示过去是这样,现在仍保持这一状态。seeed,语气不够肯定。pt此处应用w kept。四典型例题例2When Dave ws eighten, he ouha scondhan car for 20s that houd vl o an from ork e_than by bus. Iwrk qi wll rae ear, bt hen itot so od, and i wascostig him_uch nreasha he deedthat e had eter_i. He ae onghis friens ee if anyonewa paticulry_ 4_ t bya chep car, btey all kew ta its falling t pece, so_ f hem had any esire to bu i.Dves rindSmsatht e as _6_ whenthey mton evenng, and sa, “Wat 7_, Dve”Dave td him,nd Sam sweed, “ll,whataboutavtiing i inthe paperYu ma _oe fo i thaway h th st ote avtisement!” hinkng ha Sm9_as sensbl(合理的),he putn avertiement i an evnngpaper,whichred “r ale: smal car, 0_very litle perol, n wo ones. Barin at0.”Frtwosfter hadertisment frst appeed, hre ws no _11_Butthen on Satuayevning e adan enqir(询问).Aman rng up asaidheoldlke o12_ hm abt the car. “Al rigt,” Dav id, eelinghapp. e asede man wheheten ocock the next morngould be_13_o nt. “Fie,”the masid,“d _14 wife. e intend tog or a ride n to15_ it”The netmrning, at a quarte oe, Daepakedhe car in the sqae tsideis frotor, _16o w
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