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西安市第一中学-第二学期期末考试高一英语试题 I: 语言:(共5小题,每题1分,共分)1 oserve A mdet B. occson.focus D.gob. ereore A. trhou B. the C. no D. mooh.hmour A.mue .truggle C. suppot . budt4.quston Aasciaton B. ttactn C. connction Dsuggestio5. anr . nonality B. ra C. fornte D exlation :单选 :(共15小题,每题1分,共15分)6. _yun iorilage are ow living_mc or comfortale ife than wedi A. A ; B.Te; the C.;a D Th ; a 7. TheEnglishteachr ellsth sudets to ae _for dift raes an arciat theiverity o ohecultures A. erc B. sypaty C. repec D.regret 8 A armnius ocieysve importn, so al te law must tctly _.A watce B. oberved C car Dhanl9 ah tme I _ god esay enreding nwspaper , Iut itout an eep i. wrout B comcross C.careabout D.pu o 10Or gvement pla to fight gistair poluinwilfouso_ informatio nd handlng PM25. A xessing . erentng C. gatherin D anowlding 1. Genrall peakig, alst al th kisre _abot hoeverything aodthemos. A curius B carful . anxious D. exid 2Before study e dd not ave ta a ould ll u thoe hanes were all or large . A. that .how .when D.whete he questioie s _ ento fiftee mits to complt d b usdl with te asseen interview. A. mail B. exactl . apoxial D precise 14. _ Sally , our monio, waslae or cls ths monig_ _ ? s fraIko , e never came atefrcla. A. How cme B. what for C. Sowat Why not15. _tee ewteatents , polewith highblood prese can live a long and active ife . A. Acording to B. Thans to C. A for . Istea of16. t e cnfernce , plt eadrs fom maycoutries promised to orktogeterto defedth wor _errorism and other hras. A.fr . ut C. gains D. byond 17. ok !ere aresmny mistaes in ourcmposiio You _h paidattentio t it. Amay .st C. c . houd 1. Wen hereturned , e ae o theubliher requst_ h should ritea bookfobos bsd n te lfe he experincd. Awhen B. tha . which D. hy 19. ither he jug or te ayrs_ wrong one cas atthatmoment. A.is B. ere D. was 20_ the prram, hey haveto sahee for nother to eks. A. Nt copetin B. Not hvn olet C. otcompled D. Havng nocompleteII: 完形填空(共0小题;每题1分,满分20分)Dadwas nt only my best frid, but yopass (指南针).While e wsle, e _21_ me withhiactions andadvice.Hetagh m one imoran _:“Belive yoursel.”f here wa oe hraem da _3_ iked o hear, t wa “Ica.” dd nt av chnce to finishhigh school nd _2_ jobs o sprt hi lrg fai, _2_h neer complaned Through efeduction and ears of ard rk, mda bece nexclt jornalit.henI was in hig school,I hd a _6_ ti witmath.tried o l me,ut _27 suggled. S mmath teach suggesedI meetwih hima :00 ach mrnn eoesol fr _28_ hep.I ld Dad,“Thats 29_!ir! I an at!” H replied, “Youe doinit. Ill end you t scool.”Ev rnin t :4, wed lee the _0_.epie (尽管)workng 12 hours ery da, Dad nvere 31_ riving me to chooler mons of_32_, was fi thfin examI was so _33_.On te df the fial,my a ued m aai, “ue, _4_ yourself. Youcan do it.” is wrd made me raliz Ieed t trust in my _35_ and in te hour of workId _3_.Wen I got my _37_ proudly, the first eon I lldwa my faher. He cred, “Y! You dservd t!”venow, wnverI _38_ hat a akstomuch fo e, I tik ack to that exam. N mater hw_3_ometigis, if oure wllingo o, yu can uced. m foreve _40_ toDadfo that lesn1A. understoodB.orveC.guided D.psse22.A. hitoy essoC.sk D.languag23.A. lyB.amt.ever D.neer24A. took B.st.leftinished2.A. so BorCbut Dan26.A. goo Bfree.terrib short27. il B.nary.hardly Dpobably2.A.e B.practical.medate D.xtra29A.wondrful BcazyC.epensi D.ecesa30.ous B.schoolCffe D.farm31.A. suggested BriseCenj
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