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您好,您所提交的申请材料已交给相关系主任,面试安排在即,请尽快认真准备电话面试,尽量做到对答如流,录取与否,面试因素非常关键。祝顺利入读我校!面试指导一 个人已有信息 (重点是国内的学习情况)姓名,学校名称,专业,年级,修完全部学分及课程,至少 23门重要课的名字Im _. Im studying in _ university in _ major for the past 3(4) years.Ive obtained all the credits for my bachelor degree , about _ courses , _% of which is about _ , _% of which is about _.Among these courses, A course, B course, C course are very important.学习成绩优秀, 请说明:My GPA is _. / My ranking in my class (major) is _. / I have won scholarships for several times.I have got IELTS/TOEFL/TOEIC _. or my TEF/ TCF is _.曾经参加课外活动或实习,有某些特长,请说明,以体现与人交流,活动策划,组织,管理等能力。有较好实习工作经历者(请指明单位名称、任职时间,职务职责、日常工作及工作整体描述):I have taken part in many extra-curricularactivitiesFor example; I have joined _association as _.Also, I have done one (or several) internships, as _ atdepartmentof _company, responsible for _, etc.A.个人兴趣爱好 B.是否有参加一些社会团体(如志愿者活动等)C.是否有海外旅游经历 D.是否能列举当前国际/中国社会重要的政治、经济大事件及你的看法1. Character and valuespersonality? Warm-hearted, hard-working, good communication capacity, good negotiation capacity,goodlogical thinking, strong organizing capacity etc.2.Do you have social responsibility? Social activities?If yes, can you give me an example?3.Have you traveled to other countries? If yes, describe it. For example: If you have been to Europe, please tell me what kind of the impressionyou have? The climate? The culture? The buildings? The characteristics ofthe local resident? In comparison with what you are familiar with.4.Have you been studying abroad? If yes, describe it. 5. Regarding recent major international event, what is your comment?Pleasebe aware of currentlocal politics and global important event.注意:如果你没有英语成绩,老师会问你的英语考试时间,请准备想好何时考英语。练习例题:1. Why did you choose your major in China?Personal interests andexpected future career;2. How many courses have you learned in Chinese university? And what courses are the most important for you? And why?3. Can you describe these courses? Please give the general information about the courses: Function of these courses? And the general principles of these courses?4.Have you had any improvements after your university study?What kind of achievement have you made before? You GPA and your languagelevel?5.Do you have any internship experience? If yes, can you describe it? Internship / Working experience /extra-curricularactivities:How many times?What position? What were you in charge of?Any difficulties? How did you solve them? What have you gained from this experience? Even if your internship position was not important, but could you describe your position in aview of professional manager?What function of that position among the chain of an enterprise?以下论文相关信息主要用于签证提问: 重要课程描述 家庭基本信息(父母姓名,工作单位和职位等) 论文需注意以下几个问题:1.论文题目2.论文字数(一般本科的要求是在10000字以上)3.论文分为哪几段,每一段分别写了什么内容,每一段大概写了多少字4.找了多少参考文献,记住其中至少5个参考文献的出处是哪一篇文章或者哪一份刊物5.论文指导老师对你论文的评价是什么二 雷恩高商学习安排及就业计划Why do you want to study in France? Why ESC-Rennes? Major? Career plan?Because my university has cooperated with ESC Rennes for several years. Ive checked ESC Renness official website and some other related sites such as Financial Times. ESC Rennesranked 23th among all the business schools worldwide for its Master in Management programme in 2014, it also ranked 17th for its employment in the world, 3rd in France.ESC Rennes is one of the best elite business schools in France, almost all the courses in this school are taught in English. My programme istaught in English 100%.While I am studying in ESCR, Ill also get opportunity to learn or improve my French because school will offer free French language courses for international students, the2-week winter sessionat 1 of ESC-Rennes European partner will be very interesting.In the third semester, there will bean internship of 6 monthsfor me, also AIS coursebefore Master programme will be very useful.I have checked the information of my master major online. There will be _ courses in all, such as A course,B course,C course , all these courses will be very useful for my future career , because I want to be _ in _ organization or company .非常重要就业计划What is your specific plan of your career?What kind of enterprise? What department? What position? What is the daily routine of this position? Are you ready to be eligible for your expected position? Explain why your profile/personality and past experiencewill match with your professional prospects?Could you describein detailswhat you can contribute to your enterprise when you will be a
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