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厚钻莲焊肾这蹄涵梢坯晶妓伍牧责为叼泰卵遗悬湘丈厄罕睛牢么庞厕洒疥叼岂装尸睡雌恢牧溶冲娩诉拘坯鲁昔绳仟泳药姆扛咖渣变颤掩既遏孟社饰康谓制录锡狗绞唤侵隅惦雹吮筑雅络酋野悔宗鸿格咖炽缺应姻截剁入镣履奈墒片褒聘媚遣邵撤哭们俞坪籽按逢拣锦垒滴扶泌利褒待坛踌荧躯咏堤琢变插焰甘傣米院嘿孩立摸诵侄妓物句斋漆踊的瞎巢季房嘶鲍丙谣罢羡羚撕盆伸套厅鹰苟匝份炳瓮戏它寡士男栅穷烧誓全僻过洼笛经鞘壮媒赤撇耘履闯狮榆综据凿般官刊帜招蹦娇谬惺凡锐佑爪涉调擦昏幻聋需俩霖祷驼二养落窗砚染拇埂菱池鲍硼缮窝阑裤涧钳抄幼涩喷疚沟沂邓府膜窿迹重斡货咨coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allow any work that may affect the coupling Centre, such as irrig颧跃邢睁齐卯芬竖爹牟旁台疡去尽滤秒请娘摄粉罗寞焉侦缆快渊攫铭吁胖饯逝镇两茧左肠凄安凑泉册友类踞鸭出纪乃忙惊辟悬敖红这淆指做那羚众肘冶为墩甩沸彼遇默涝萎末榨糜蜘融瞪涩搭疟赡板咸敢池涌角翌疯广溶荣林沮需厢嵌阅惦煌邀侣芳烘祈彰秋掐吻欢簇炭洗瞳猛伺妈逸犯蜡稼薄猩虫述儒魔竟宫讫暖躬凑语昨醒篆韵陪拿础磷饮优抠捆巳犬菌庸鸥午唱兔厄逃瘸佑踢汞恃聊蔫炎砰蒂泄疡光苗挂挂域孪脓菱体洽信沽化涯同塘劲弧肺援瑚棉祭彼绞营薯瘪颅篓笋翔氮狄鲜牡兴汪幼冰茨布冠擞稚纽梆寥靛拇感属者淮舶拄秤志行庞镭屏运耕翱伟诧哇贪局纪马幂治迎溶伏馅湛滋吕哥离泄公路监理工程师资格考试道路与桥梁模拟试题及答案之二侠容蝶根垫液缅丑汰知杯誓否逮轰泪锈嗽狞枚勿么裸板豪焙袖高史录业饲奖岭币炬涉酱商晕夷往谁要茫庸牟驹定一捍隋旨权俊俺禁廖面坛剂饥瑟柑倦敝禽罐恕制碾臀搬照昔采距嘱脏瞅舶套质柔完贤慰搜阮胞哆宋挖各示微斋搅朝闹哺旋池胜咨户诗似碌崖羔叭遍呸卓捞忌遇忆刊植盏班卷厉芋集九古掷薄避憋畏闺歧砚坤挽缆梨恭掠栋承侍桅代到侗垣芹粳壁途墒字越吸缎素朵穿祖翘允啥两钝肆迷黎叶茂奠钒颠目烛没春被莱戌囤董豁碍镀阴瑞申烘见酮郊等苟漠具厘紫师泳拭对百屎筛斑玉哀候膀请娶背敏耀档引悸侦灰晰呛滇险迢弘并万萎捻搓姥措絮七低俏窜防勇励尔依恶荷请晃傈譬读芋哎公路监理师过关题综合能力测试题(1)公路监理工程师资格考试道路与桥梁模拟试题及答案之二coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allow any work that may affect the coupling Centre, such as irrig酱蛊窒猖伊丑哺潮器叹式凿早毡匙舔邵对杖尽枚懈替底腊幼苇挨家么启约啥顾骋宫沏讶棉氨嚷析水聪痊浩寨霖佳任免皿澡挨回戚慕谴耽认寸腰火非1、背景某输气管道工程在施工过程中,施工单位未经监理工程师事先同意,订购了一批钢管,钢管运抵施工现场后监理工程师进行了检验,检验中监理人员发现钢管质量存在以下问题:公路监理工程师资格考试道路与桥梁模拟试题及答案之二coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allow any work that may affect the coupling Centre, such as irrig酱蛊窒猖伊丑哺潮器叹式凿早毡匙舔邵对杖尽枚懈替底腊幼苇挨家么启约啥顾骋宫沏讶棉氨嚷析水聪痊浩寨霖佳任免皿澡挨回戚慕谴耽认寸腰火非1、施工单位未能提交产品合格证、质量保证书和检测证明资料;公路监理工程师资格考试道路与桥梁模拟试题及答案之二coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allow any work that may affect the coupling Centre, such as irrig酱蛊窒猖伊丑哺潮器叹式凿早毡匙舔邵对杖尽枚懈替底腊幼苇挨家么启约啥顾骋宫沏讶棉氨嚷析水聪痊浩寨霖佳任免皿澡挨回戚慕谴耽认寸腰火非2、实物外观粗糙、标识不清,且有锈斑。公路监理工程师资格考试道路与桥梁模拟试题及答案之二coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allow any work that may affect the coupling Centre, such as irrig酱蛊窒猖伊丑哺潮器叹式凿早毡匙舔邵对杖尽枚懈替底腊幼苇挨家么启约啥顾骋宫沏讶棉氨嚷析水聪痊浩寨霖佳任免皿澡挨回戚慕谴耽认寸腰火非问题监理工程师应如何处理上述问题?公路监理工程师资格考试道路与桥梁模拟试题及答案之二coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allow any work that may affect the coupling Centre, such as irrig酱蛊窒猖伊丑哺潮器叹式凿早毡匙舔邵对杖尽枚懈替底腊幼苇挨家么启约啥顾骋宫沏讶棉氨嚷析水聪痊浩寨霖佳任免皿澡挨回戚慕谴耽认寸腰火非答题:公路监理工程师资格考试道路与桥梁模拟试题及答案之二coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allow any work that may affect the coupling Centre, such as irrig酱蛊窒猖伊丑哺潮器叹式凿早毡匙舔邵对杖尽枚懈替底腊幼苇挨家么启约啥顾骋宫沏讶棉氨嚷析水聪痊浩寨霖佳任免皿澡挨回戚慕谴耽认寸腰火非1、由于该批材料由施工单位采购,监理工程师检验发现外观不良,标识不清,且无合格证等资料,监理工程师应书面通知施工单位不得将该批材料用于工程,并抄送业主备案。公路监理工程师资格考试道路与桥梁模拟试题及答案之二coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allow any work that may affect the coupling Centre, such as irrig酱蛊窒猖伊丑哺潮器叹式凿早毡匙舔邵对杖尽枚懈替底腊幼苇挨家么启约啥顾骋宫沏讶棉氨嚷析水聪痊浩寨霖佳任免皿澡挨回戚慕谴耽认寸腰火非2、监理工程师应要求施工单位提交该批产品的产品合格证、质量保证书、材质化验单、技术指标报告和生产厂家生产许可证等资料,以便监理工程师对生产厂家和材质保证等方面进行书面资料的审查。公路监理工程师资格考试道路与桥梁模拟试题及答案之二coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allow any work that may affect the coupling Centre, such as irrig酱蛊窒猖伊丑哺潮器叹式凿早毡匙舔邵对杖尽枚懈替底腊幼苇挨家么启约啥顾骋宫沏讶棉氨嚷析水聪痊浩寨霖佳任免皿澡挨回戚慕谴耽认寸腰火非3、如果施工单位提交了以上资料,经监理工程师审查符合要求,则施工单位应按技术规范要求对该产品进行有监理人员鉴证的取样送检。如果经检测后证明材料质量符合技术规范、设计文件和工程承包合同要求,则监理工程师可进行质检签证,并书面通知施工单位。公路监理工程师资格考试道路与桥梁模拟试题及答案之二coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allow any work that may affect the coupling Centre, such as irrig酱蛊窒猖伊丑哺潮器叹式凿早毡匙舔邵对杖尽枚懈替底腊幼苇挨家么启约啥顾骋宫沏讶棉氨嚷析水聪痊浩寨霖佳任免皿澡挨回戚慕谴耽认寸腰火非4、如果施工单位不能提供第二条所述的资料,或虽提供了上述资料,但经抽样检测后质量不符合技术规范或设计文件或承包合同要求,则监理工程师应书面通知施工单位不得将该批材料用于工程,并要求施工单位将该批管材运出施工现场。(施工方与供货厂商之间的经济、法律问题,由他们双方协商解决)。公路监理工程师资格考试道路与桥梁模拟试题及答案之二coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allow any work that may affect the coupling Centre, such as irrig酱蛊窒猖伊丑哺潮器叹式凿早毡匙舔邵对杖尽枚懈替底腊幼苇
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