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22X自由演讲稿(4篇) i woul keto oraulatethe gverment an pople f out ric onyou2th yer femocrac ourpafula negied transitiorothe oppressive y of aprheid t deocrc in 9 sere as ainpiration to millios. it wa lng and fficul srugle for freem that cost manylve. som feared ha outh arica’ frt trul democratic eetons woud leadtmoe once,bu hey were proe wrgan the eacefu elction ed onthi day 20 year agowee a tesamet heptimism,the vsin nd theouragef th new soth africa.as mlons of peopleexercised ther gh to ote for he fst me, yu shhe rd hatdeocracnd an to irmination i all its forms wee univera asirations. an th poes o truc, recnilatin and forgveness nitiated byhe t lon mandela d led b rchbisop ut ws an example tou ll. your succssfu trasiiondemonstratd what outry can chieve n its pepl sand iteinhe corse ofjustie a freedom.ice at ransiton,t links etwen souh africaand he unitedkingom havednedand maturd. we ar prod to sharesuch ong tes wth your contry i areas om cincetotrato cutre, and ihoe e can cotinue to or cosey ogether nelsomande sidat he dwn of dmcracyin 1994 thatsouh fria hdentered aconantthatwold build ciety in whichall south aficans, blacand hite, woldbeale,he said, “;to wal al, ithut ay farin er hear, asued o tei inalienble right thuman dnity;a ribow nation tpe ith itelf a the rld”;.thisvison oldcontnue to inspireoperss h world for manyast coe加拿大自由党领袖贾斯廷特鲁多获胜英语演讲稿 un ways, m frens, suny was. th i whatpsivepoiic cando. ths i ht a causativ,hopeful &nash; ahopefu viina pltfom an a togther an make hape. canadians dsh;canadasrom al aoshis gea utr sntaclear essage tonight. i#39;s tiefra chagin hscoutry,my iends, aal changi al ant tscficly thank god friendsate tlfordanderal buts.ktie adgerr aretwooth smartest,thest, hardest wokinpeopl u willf anywr. hy ar wthmhe onvion tat politis dosn'thave tbnegtiv d pesnal be successful, h&nas; t you an appl to te bettergls ofour ntur, and you cain whie dong . toniht,myey go frend,e poed that i hop i isan initon tolikeminddpp tstep pand pichin, toget inolvd i epubli ife of this conr ad o knwhat a positiv, opiitic,hopeful son fplc ie sn;a aive eam;it caeporfulfce for chage and alsowt to thakthncreilolunteethat mae tighthppen.over 80,00cnadians o ind inthe creof his campaign. thy knockedn thenihbur'doorshey mdphone calls. they sn eals hundrds o thouands mor suoteus actlywthheirfriends a online. econvincd ti neghbours a their families. and al ofthesepele ad o thnincoon: thy cr ly out their fmie, ercmunitiesand thr country. tey believe tha beter i possible d that actictizns caplyrapart in mkng it hapen nw, this movemen we'v bilw ful y thsezig luneers,and fo thebottom f myet, thnk yo no, iat to take ammnt speak abut my ollges acoss the asle.tonigt,ieceivdphone cllsfom llofthm, nclung from mr.harpr thn haper hs seredtis cutry f adecd,nas with anyne wo havtd thir lfe thi cotr, ehim or hiservice.now, over the coure of thi ai,i hadth oportuit avea coue obreprnal onvraiosith im abo ouramilis. it eminded me f th extaodr ndunque sacrificstatare made byanybdy who erves hiscountryat e highestleve, awt to remnd eron, as ';vesd my ies over he coseof thcmaign:conervtives ae ot o eis,ey#39;re our nighous. leadersip botbngin oleof alferentperptie other. no, yu're all going t hear a lot tonigh ad toorow aboutm an about ourcampn.los of peol re thvelts f opnionsauthy we wee sccesfulel,for treyeas, weadaey old-fashnestrtegy. w metwith a talked ith amany canadianss ecud,and w listed. we wonhs eltion bcauseelstened. we di t hard ofloginit aoss teounty.wet with hundred peoplin the ead owitn thrcticn wihousds of eole inrmpton i the midl f ths campagn. you built thisplatfrm. you bul thsmovee.you od usht yoned tbe successfu.utl uwhat kid of gov
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