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【英文读物】Car PoolChapter 1Happy birthday to you, we all sang, except Gail, of course, who was still screaming, though notas loud.Well, now, I said jovially, glancing nervously about at the other air traffic, what else can we allsing? The singing seemed to be working nicely. They had stopped swatting each other with theirlunch boxes and my experienced ear told me Gail was by this time forcing herself to scream. Thisshould be the prelude to giving up and enjoying herself.Boing down in Texas in eighteen-ninety, Billy began, Davy, Davy Eisenhower.A-B-C-D-E一 sang Jacob.Dere was a little elicopter red and blue, Meli chirped, flew along de air-waysThe rest came through unidentifiably.Ba-ba-ba, said a faint voice. Gail had given up. I longed for ears in the back of my head becausevictory was mine and all I needed to do was reinforce it with a little friendly conversation.Yes, dear? I asked her encouragingly.Ba-ba-ba, was all I could make out.Yes, indeed. That Gail likes to go to Playplace.Ba-ba-ba! A little irritable. She was trying to say something important. Ba-ba-ba!I signaled for an emergency hover, turned around and presented my ear.Me eat de crus of de toas,1 Gail said. She beamed.I beamed.We managed to reach Playplace without incident, except for a man who called me an obscenity.The children and I, however, called him a great, big alligator head and on the whole, I think, wewon. After all, how can a man possibly be right when faced with a woman and eight tinychildren?I herded the children through the Germ Detection Booth and Gail was returned to me with anincipient streptococcus infection.Couldnt you give her the shot here? I asked. Ive just got her in a good mood, and if I have toturn around and take her back home . and besides, her mother works. There wont be anyonethere.Verne, dear, we cant risk giving the shot until the child is perfectly adjusted to Playplace. Yousee, shed connect the pain of the shot with coming to school and then she might never adjust.Mrs. Baden managed to give me her entire attention and hold a two-and-a-half-year-old child onone shoulder and greet each entering child and break up a fight between two ill-matchedfour-year-olds, all at the same time.Chapter 2Me stay at school/ Gail said resolutely.There was a scream from the other side of the booth. That was Billys best friend. I waited for theother scream. That was Billy.Normal aggression, Mrs. Baden said with a smile.I picked up Gail. Act first, talk later.known. Mrs. Baden didnt leave people to fight battles alone.Mrs. His-tara looked at Mrs. Baden, but Mrs. Baden only nodded and smiled encouragingly at her.The doctor was gently pulling the needle out of Gails vein. The room was silent. Even Gail satlarge-eyed and solemn.Mrs. Crowley, Mrs. His-tara began, obviously dragging each word up with great effort, would itbe accurate to tell my son that Gail has received no hurt from him? We must, you see, preparehim for the Return Home.Regina looked around at us and at Gail. She hadnt dared let herself look at Mrs. His-tara yet.Doctor! Regina called suddenly. Look at Gails mouth!Even from where I was, I could see it. A scaly growth along both lips.Thats a temporary effect of the serum, the doctor said. We tried an antitoxin before wedecided to change the blood. It is nothing to worry about.nOh.HMrs. Crowley, Mrs. His-tara began again, it is much to ask, but at such a moment, much isrequired. If you could come yourself, and if Gail could endure to be carried.But Gail did, indeed, look queer, and she stretched out her arms not to her mother but to Mrs.His-tara.The tides, Mrs. His-tara said, have cast us up a miracle.She gathered Gail into the boneless cradle of her curved arms.Regina took her sunglasses out of her purse and hid her eyes. Mind your own damnedbusiness, she told Mrs. Baden and me.It is our damned business, I whispered to Mrs. Baden, and she held my arm as we followedRegina down the hall.Mrs. His-tara threaded her way through a cordon of other Hisereans who must have been flownin for the occasion. I couldnt see the children, but I could hear them.Him cold! said Gail. Him scared!Hes scared of you, Regina said. Were sorry, Gail. Tell him were sorry. We didnt understand.Gail laughed. A loud and healthy laugh.Gail sorry, she said. Me thought you was to eat.There was a small sound. I thought it was from Hi-nin and I held Mrs. Badens hand as though itwere my only link to a sane world.Dat a joke, Gail said. Hi-nin posed to laugh!Then there was a silence and Regina started to say something but Mrs. His-tara whispered,Please! It is a thought between the children.Then there was a small, quiet laugh from Hi-nin. In truth/ he said with that oh, so familiar lisp,“it is funny.”Me
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