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2022年专接本-大学英语考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 不定项选择题There are many ways to help improve your health like eating healthy food, taking exercise and getting medical help. But the easiest and cheapest way to improve your health is just to sleep for eight hours or more every night. The general sleeping rule is that the younger you are, the longer sleep you need. But regardless of(不管)age, some people need to sleep more while for some a few hours is enough.The problem with sleep is that more and more people in the world are not sleeping enough. According to the World Health Organization over half the people in the world may be sleep-deprived. Having less sleep not only makes people feel fired but also causes accidents. In the United States alone, sleepy drivers cause at least 100,000 traffic accidents a year. Also sleep problems can cause medical problems such as high blood pressure.(血压)Why are so many people sleep-deprived? Part of the reasons may be cultural. In the American culture, people put a higher value on work than on sleep. In fact, people who sleep a lot are usually seen as “lazy”. Also, you can sometimes hear some people say proudly that they dont have much time to sleep. They only sleep for four or five hours a night. It seems that the less you sleep, the more work youll do.How do we teach these people to learn the value of sleep? Perhaps they may listen to the advice of Dr. James Maas, an expert(专家)in sleep. He. says, “Sleep is like a credit card.(信用卡)When you sleep less, you are only borrowing time. You always have to pay it back. The more hours you dont sleep for, the more hours you should sleep for to pay back the hours on your sleep credit card.”For those who value work more than sleep, they should listen to what a famous person once said. “Dont think you will be doing less work because you sleep during the night. That is a foolish(愚蠢的)idea which is held by people who have no imagination. You will be able to do more.”1、According to the writer, the easiest and cheapest way to improve health is to _.2、What does “sleep-deprived” mean in Paragraph 2?3、According to Dr. James Maas, what is sleep like?4、What do the words of the famous person mean in Paragraph 5?5、What is the best title of the passage?问题1选项A.eat healthy food every dayB.take exercise as much as possibleC.get medical help whenever necessaryD.sleep for eight hours or more every night问题2选项A.Having a good sleep.B.Excited about sleep.C.Having less sleep.D.Interested in sleep.问题3选项A.An hour.B.A report.C.A credit card.D.A piece of paper.问题4选项A.Sleeping during the night is foolishB.Sleeping during the night is helpful.C.People have no courage.D.People always do less work.问题5选项A.The Value of SleepB.The Value of StudyC.The Ways of Eating LessD.The Ways of Making Money【答案】第1题:D第2题:C第3题:C第4题:B第5题:A【解析】第1题:【原文考查】事实细节题【选项释义】根据作者的说法,改善健康的最容易且花钱最少的方法是_。A. 每天吃健康的食物B. 尽可能地多锻炼C. 必要时获取医疗帮助D. 每天晚上睡八个小时或更长时间【解题思路】本题可根据“the easiest and cheapest way to improve health”定位到第一段第二句“But the easiest and cheapest way to improve your health is just to sleep for eight hours or more every night.”,由此可知,作者认为最容易且花钱最少的改善健康的方法是每天晚上睡八个小时或更长时间。故本题选D。【干扰项排除】A、B、C选项均不正确。第2题:【原文考查】词语理解题【选项释义】第二段中的“sleep-deprived”是什么意思?A. 睡个好觉B. 对睡觉感到兴奋C. 睡眠不足D. 对睡觉感兴趣【解题思路】本题根据“sleep-deprived”所在的句子和前一句“The problem with sleep is that more and more people in the world are not sleeping enough. According to the World Health Organization over half the people in the world may be sleep-deprived.”可以得知,世界上有越来越多的人有睡眠不足的问题,超过一半的人都可能睡眠不足。由此可推知,“sleep-deprived”和“not sleeping enough”所表达的意思是一致的,均意为“睡眠不足的”,C选项意思与之相近,故本题选C。【干扰项排除】A、B、D选项均不是正确意思。第3题:【原文考查】事实细节题【选项释义】根据James Maas博士的说法,睡眠就像什么?A. 一小时。B. 一份报告。C. 一张信用卡。D. 一张纸。【解题思路】本题可定位到倒数第二段中James Maas博士所说的话中的“Sleep is like a credit card.”,由此可知,James Maas博士认为睡眠就像一张信用卡。故本题选C。【干扰项排除】A、B、D选项均不正确。第4题:【原文考查】推理判断题【选项释义】第五段中的名人所说的话是什么意思?A. 晚上睡觉是愚蠢的。B. 晚上睡觉是有益的。C. 人们没有勇气。D. 人们总是少做工作。【解题思路】本题可定位到第五段中的名人所说的话“Dont think you will be doing less work because you sleep during the night. That is a foolish idea which is held by people who have no imagination. You will be able to do more.”,由此可知,这位名人认为晚上睡觉不会导致你少做工作,反而会让你能够做更多的工作。由此推知,他认为晚上睡觉是有益的,故本题选B。【干扰项排除】A、C、D选项均不正确。第5题:【原文考查】主旨大意题【选项释义】本文最好的标题是什么?A. 睡眠的价值B. 学习的价值C. 少吃的方法D. 赚钱的方法【解题思路】本题为主旨大意题,通读全文可知,本文主要论述了睡眠的重要性,也就是睡眠的价值,A选项符合题意,故本题选A。【干扰项排除】B、C、D选项均不是文章的主旨。2. 单选题In Britain you may often hear “Drop in any time” or “Come to see me soon”, but you cant really do that. People just say those things to make you feel welcome. It is better to telephone before visiting someone. If you receive a written invitation to an event that says “RSVP”, you should reply to let the person who sent the invitation know whether or not you plan to go.You should
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