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British TV dramas, with their unique sense of humor, delicate plots and rich cultural connotations, are attracting more Chinese audiences, especially young people. As they say, those who watch British series despise those who watch American ones; the Americans despise those who watch Japanese shows; and the Japanese disdains those who watch South Korean ones. Lets have a look at some of the most popular British TV shows in China.凭借独特的幽默感、精妙的故事情节和丰富的文化内涵,英国电视剧正吸引着越来越多的中国观众,尤其是年轻观众。如他们所言,看英剧的瞧不起看美剧的;看美剧的瞧不起看日剧的;看日剧的瞧不起看韩剧的。今天,我们就来看看在中国最受欢迎的一些英剧吧。Sherlock神探夏洛克Talking about the top ranking British TV series, Sherlock will be definitely on the list. According to statistics provided by Youku.com, the video website where the TV program was initially released with Chinese subtitles, viewership for Sherlocks third season premiere totaled 89.73 million people, making it one of the most popular TV shows on the web.说起人气超高的英剧,神探夏洛克一定榜上有名。视频网站优酷最早放出该剧的中文字幕版,该网站的数据显示,神探夏洛克第三季的首播集收视人数达到了8973万,让此剧成为互联网上有史以来最多人观看的剧集之一。The BBC-produced videos are based on the classic detective stories in The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle, and yet this time the setting is moved from the 19th century to the 21st century. The actors portraying the protagonists, Holmes and Dr. Watson, Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman, have become new favorites for young people.这部电视剧由英国广播公司(BBC)出品,内容改编自亚瑟柯南道尔的福尔摩斯探案集里的经典推理故事,不过这次故事背景从19世纪换成了21世纪。扮演主角福尔摩斯(Holmes)和华生医生(Dr.Watson)的分别是本尼迪克特康伯巴奇(Benedict Cumberbatch)和马丁弗里曼(Martin Freeman),他们现在都是中国年轻人心目中的新晋男神。Downton Abbey唐顿庄园With its deep sense of British culture, complicated plots, historical background and high production quality, Downton Abbey won the hearts of many Chinese fans. On Youku.com alone, the programs nine-episode fifth season has been viewed nearly 20 million times in total.凭借着深厚的英国文化气息、曲折复杂的故事情节、历史背景和高水准的制作,唐顿庄园俘获了不少中国粉丝的心。仅在优酷上,该剧第五季的第九集就收获了近2000万的总浏览量。The series, set in the fictional Yorkshire country estate Downton Abbey, depicts the lives of the aristocratic Crawley family and their servants in the post-Edwardian era - with the great events of history affecting their lives and the British social hierarchy. It has won numerous accolades, including a Golden Globe Award for Best Miniseries or Television Film and a Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Miniseries or Movie.该剧背景设定在约克郡一个虚构的乡村庄园唐顿庄园,描述了后爱德华时期贵族大家庭克劳利家族及其仆人们的生活,他们的生活和英国的社会等级制度也随着历史上发生的大事件而不断变迁。唐顿庄园荣获无数荣誉,包括金球奖迷你剧和电视电影类最佳剧集以及黄金时段艾美奖最佳迷你剧或电视电影剧集。Black Mirror黑镜Satirical themes, high technology, the uncertainty of modern life and humanity - yes, that is the British series hit Black Mirror. The speculative fiction enjoys increasing popularity in China season after season since its first release in 2011.讽刺性的主题,高端的科技,现代生活和人性的无常没错,这就是大热的英剧黑镜。这部科幻作品自从2011年开播以来,随着每一季剧集的播放,在中国的人气一路水涨船高。The TV series earned a super big wow among Chinese audiences for its film-like editing and production quality, its creative and unexpected plots, delicate and stylish narrative approach, and satirical yet thought-provoking themes. It discusses and explores the relationship between new technology and human life, media and society, morality and ethics. Each episode is an individual story, with different settings and casts.这部电视剧因为其可媲美电影的剪辑和制作水准而让大批中国观众拍案叫绝。它不落俗套而又出人意料的情节,精妙而又紧跟潮流的叙事手法,以及讽刺但又让人深思的主题都让人啧啧称奇。它探索了新科技和人类生活,媒体和社会,道德和伦理之间的关系。每一集都是一个独立的小故事,故事背景和演员也都不同。The Black Mirror was created by English satirist Charlie Brooker and was first aired on British Channel 4 in 2011. Charlie Brooker once explained the series title to The Guardian: If technology is a drug and it does feel like a drug then what, precisely, are the side-effects? This area between delight and discomfort is where Black Mirror, my new drama series, is set. 黑镜由英国讽刺作家查理布鲁克(Charlie Brooker)创作,2011年在英国电视四台首播。查理布鲁克曾经向卫报解释过此剧的标题:“如果科技是毒品的话而且它的确很像毒品那么,它到底有什么负面影响呢?这片介于开心和不适之间的区域,就是我的新剧黑镜的立足点。”Mr. Bean憨豆先生The Mr. Bean series has been a global craze for years and China is not an exception. Rowan Atkinson, the British actor who created the humorous character, is quite a star among Chinese audiences. The creative yet daily-life plots and his unique British personality make Mr. Bean one of the most successful British TV characters.憨豆先生系列喜剧风靡全球多年,中国也不例外。英国男演员罗温艾金森(Rowan Atkinson)在中国也是一位大明星,他创造了“憨豆先生”这位令人捧腹的幽默角色。故事情节颇有创意,可讲述的又是日常琐事,再加上他独具一格的“英式性格”,让“憨豆先生”成了英国电视史上最成功的角色之一。Mr. Bean and the animated series are available on many video websites in China, such as Youku, Tudou, Iqiyi and Letv. On Iquiyi alone, the 26 episodes of the 2002 Mr. Bean animated series received 3,390 million viewing times.憨豆先生及憨豆先生动画版在中国很多视频网站均可观看,如优酷、土豆、爱奇艺和乐视。仅仅在爱奇艺一家网站上,2002年出品的憨豆先生动画版的26集节目就有33.9亿的浏览量。Meanwhile, the image of Mr. Bean has also been used in funny stickers on social media, such as Weibo and QQ.同时,微博和QQ等社交媒体也使用“憨豆先生”的形象作为搞笑表情。Hustle飞天大盗Hustle is the British TV
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