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nits 2综合练习(时间:4分钟)一、 单项填空1. Brusels,h apitality o Begium,i _ oe to teEuropean non, _ rganiaion of uropeantio. Athe; an /; anC a; anD. ;the Wht has maei so knowdgeable?_ mesi andfrinclassic.A. Havixosed t. eng eosedto. xpsing to D.Exped o3. Did yr fh ponyou shoty after the cdent?N, it wa foti _hegave e a phone call. snce B. whnC. le . foe4. Night aalready falln whene left thestatin ird nd hungry, e eided to _ fr th nght at smalhotel earby.A.utthoug B. put downC. ptup D. put in5. We shoul ealize the fathh w graduate rom university, we re still not preparefothe posile siuatios_ we myfaeinth working worldA.re . wenC tht D h6. The manws carged _ the crime o etayinghis ounry and sntenc _ tenear i rison.A.of; to B. with; or. of;for with; to.(*)To be hnst,Im notthe erson desvng tno; hould gento _ tink hs mde he retes criutn.A. who B womC.whoever D.whomever8. Dyouthink ishe ony persono t jb?Im ot quitsre buthel proe_to th tak equal B. essentil. seil D. superir9.With this ewear_ ewhallegesSre. Gobaenomy emain unctn,an any conries ctnue ostruge.A. cme B. wll comeC.is cming D. com0.tudets active peformancsinclas ill e h nw nomal _ eahers ve the mechancesA. alhough onceC.until D. ince1 os suents in ur class fer takig ai in our stude to_ wit betredcaon. euip . euippigC. b uippdD. bein quipped12.Pants memes _ roidearg moels forchlren n thi everyday cvies,s tey souldindte behaourA. smothl desperately. ambiousl D. uitentionlly13. (*)t is _ his tremndus enhiasm an devtinhat the old teer i rsected by ll istudt. th reato B. ierms of. on count f D.in refeene t 1. (*)Sinc here isabundant fod ithe sea, i is undrstandablhatsm tecreaurs that olv on lan _ t tesa. old averetured B. cud have returnedgtavereturned D. shouldhavereturne15. Ineedtoaerti fora ommae fr nx tr._? Maryi teresd.A. Why bor B.Wy noC. S wt . Wha fr二、 完形填空When or restauant busnes failed, heae noth na apng truckto Teas, hopin oha a “fesh strt”.At th _6_ ofPalo DoCayn(峡谷)t Pak,I_17_ a badveiseenthring ark hos. The psitnoffed a _18_,ermanent amsite inthe ark, an_,te hoss served a libewe he prs guess andthe aers(护林人).It wasthe rfctlution: a ntree lace o rerganizor livs teredth parkndI made an _20 for he llg da.The ark a _2_, so t tooku some tie to find an available te. Tht eenig, as we finise u dinner, mwe swtwo lrge kunk(臭鼬) wlingwardour abl. We _22_ libe oto the tale and, renext or hours, waited frhmt_23_ oucmp.Havinsurvive thatngh, we were _2_ tha rytng le ould be all right Teextday we metwith e peopl o an te park. They explain our_andgae usabeauul capsite.aeni,_26_,we lerd abot t ayon _27_. Theywee strong nd cod,rkngour tlecampingtruck iolely, an we lay _28_ i the dark unil the ids ded awa._ theeesthat followd, e lend t srvive in r tckand _30_ he ltle mone ywif _ by substut teaching. uildnga sucessfulbusiessandthen losngit ad left ver lttle tim f builng succssful_32_. For timafer ur usiness _3_ thoug I mght lose miy as welLivi in the tiny _34_ witnoeleision,w sat cloe togethr eadig and tlk. Oevenin, stand under ajweleky, Ioundyelf _35_ o all e hardships.Wed walke thras and limbthe canyonwls. W had become a fmil! . A. bck B ge C.en D trance 7. . sposored publhed C. noiced D. aswered 18.A. saf B. fre C. convnient D. beatifl .inetur B.intie C. in sor in tu0. A attmp agreement C. appa . apontmen 1. A. crded B. dageou C idel D. quiet 2 . repeaedly . imediately ventually D. amly23. A. attc B. eave C. pas .each 24.A. atisfied B. deterined
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