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2014年秋季学期六年级上册一二单元练习题一、根据图片选择合适的句子,把序号填在横线上。1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _ 6. _ A. We go to Beijing by train. B. They go to school on foot.C. I go there by ship. D. Mike goes home by subway.E. We go to the USA by plane. F. John goes to Australia by ship.二、给下列单词分类,把序号填在横线上。A. red B. bus C. stop D. wait E. plane F. yellow G. train H. go I. green J. subway1. 交通灯颜色:_.2. 交通灯含义:_.3. 交通工具: _.三、完成句子。1. A: _ is the park? B: Its in front _ the supermarket.2. A: _ can I get to the cinema? B: Go straight _ 20 minutes.3. A: _ me, is this your book? B: Yes, it _.4. The post office is _ to the bookstore.四、 按要求做题。1. Is there a bookstore near here? (做肯定回答) _2. The library is in front of the park. (就划线部分提问) _3. It is far from here. (改为一般疑问句) _4. My home is near my school. (改为否定句) _5. Slow down and stop! (翻译成汉语) _ Stop and wait. (翻译成汉语) _五、 根据对话内容,把对话补充完整,把序号写在横线上。A. Is your home far? B. What about you? C. I usually go to school by bus. D. Is your home near here?Amy: How do you usually go to school? Bob: _ _Amy: I often go to school on foot.Bob: _Amy: Yes, its very near. Look! The white house behind our school is my home. _Bob: Yes. My home is far from our school. 六、 选择题。( ) 1. How _ you go to Shenzhen? A. doing B. do C. does( ) 2. Lets _ to the park. A. goes B. going C. go( ) 3. I must pay attention _ it. A. to B. to C. in( ) 4. Is it far _ here? A. near B. from C. next( ) 5. In the USA people _ bikes must wear helmets. A. on B. go C. at( ) 6. You can go at a _ light. A. red B. green C. yellow( ) 7. _ at a red light. A. Slow down and stop B. Stop and wait C. Go七、连词成句。1. the, to, go, park, Lets ! _2. pay, to, I, attention, must, lights, the, traffic . _3. come, How, to, you, do, school ? _4. stop, we, and, wait, must . _八、阅读,判断句子正T, 误F.Tom: Lets go to the library this weekend.Bob: Great! But how do we go to the library?Tom: Its easy. Come to my home on foot. We can go there by bike. I have two bikes.Bob: OK. But where is your home?Tom: Near our school. The pink house on the right is my house.Bob: Which floor?Tom: The third floor. Room 3B.( ) 1. Bob and Tom are going to the library.( ) 2. They go to the library by bike.( ) 3. Toms home is near the school.( ) 4. Toms home is on the fifth floor.( ) 5. Tom has three bikes. -温馨提示:如不慎侵犯了您的权益,可联系文库删除处理,感谢您的关注!
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