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Module 6 A trip to the zooUnit 1 Does it eat meat?【预习先行】-、 朗读目标Unit 1 “词语学习”部分的短文,并将短文译成汉语二、同伴互查Unit 1 “词语学习”部分的短文朗读,修改短文译文。 【新知探究】三、听对话(Activity 3),回答问题。1. Where are the speakers talking?2. What is the name of the panda? 四、听对话,完成表格。AnimalsThings they eatDescriptionLions1.dangerous2. _meat and plantsElephantsplants3.pandas4.5.五、默读对话,突破语言难点【学以致用】六、跟读对话录音后,分角色朗读。七、根据课本37页第7部分,小组问答。八、走出座位,并询问伙伴信息。(所给提示词语供选用)What scyur favourite animal? Does come from ?Does .eat ?【达标测评】(选用)1.目标P21第四题 【课后巩固】1.背诵并默写目标Unit 1 “词语学习”部分的短文。2.根据课本P40 Ex1的所给信息,编写对话Unit 2 The tiger lives in Asia.【预习先行】二、同伴互查M6综合练习“词语学习”部分的短文朗读,修改短文译文。 【新知探究】三、阅读理解。根据课文内容,回答下面的问题。1. How many kinds of animals are there in the passage?2. What are they?四、阅读理解。根据课文内容,选择正确答案,将其代号填入题前括号内。()1.like water and they live in Africa and Asia.A. TigersB. Zebras C. Elephants2. How many pandas live in the zoos in China nowA. 30.B. 200. C. 1800.3. Thelikes eating plants and leaves, but it doesn eat bamboo.A. zebra B. monkey C. giraffe4. Which of the following (下列)is NOT true, according to (按口the passage?A. The elephant doesn at me et.B. The tiger is large and strong.C. Monkeys only live in Africa.五、阅读课文,完成填图。(学生自己准备动物图片或单词卡片,写下动物的特征。然后把它贴在P38地图上) 六、听录音,朗读课文。七、小组内互相复述课文。(复述过程可参考以下表格)AnimalsWhere they come romWhat they eatWhat they likeelephantAfrica and AsiaPlants, leaves, bamboo and fruitwaterpandasChinabamboo, plants and leavessleepingtigerAsiamany kinds of animalswater【学以致用】八、仿照课文,谈论自己喜欢的动物【达标测评】(选用)九、阅读短文,根据短文内容,回答问题。Many people like animals, and often keep one or more of dogs and cats as pe窗 物).If you keep a dog or a cat as a pet, you must look after it.A grown-up(成年的)dog needs two meals a day-not more. It can eat meat, fish, rice and some other things. Dogs like bone朝头),but you cant give them chicken bones. Remember to give them a lot of clean water.A dog should have a clean, dry box for sleeping(睡觉)in. Washing it once a week is good for its health. If it is ill, take it to a vet( 兽医).A healthy dog will bring you more pleasure.Be careful when you choose佻选)a cat. A cat has two meals a day with some meat or fish. It drinks a little milk every day. Sometimes you can give them vegetables to eat. Don t forget that they need clean water to drink.Take good care of your pets. They will be your good friends. Maybe they can give you some help when you are in need.1. What do dogs like eating?2. W川 pets be people s friends?3. What kind of bones can t we give to the dogs?4. What do cats like eating?5. Why do we give cats and dogs two meals a day?【课后巩固】2.根据所给信息,Name:HuanhuanHometown:Sichuan, China.Favourite food:BambooLike doing:Climbing trees, sleeping1 .背诵并默写M6综合训练“词语学习”部分的短文 篇短文。练 三、翻译下列句子。2 .北京动物园有很多种动物,比如大象,狮子和猴子。3 .猴子是我最喜欢的动物。4 .这些猴子来自美洲。5 .他们吃肉,水果,甚至鸡蛋。6 .这些猴子喜欢树,他们擅长爬树。7 .我很喜欢猴子,因为他们既聪明,又可爱。读、阅读短文,选择最佳答案。Betty is an American girl. She is thirteen. She is in Beijing with her parents. She doesH t know much Chinese. She cant speak Chinese well. Sometimes her friends dont understand (理解) her.Its Sunday morning. Shes going to the zoo to see the pandas. Sh e) waiting at the bus stop. At the bus stop she asks a Chinese boy how to go to the zoo. But the boy cant understand her. Then she takes out a pen and some paper. She draws a panda on it and shows the picture to the boy. The boy smiles and then shows her the way to the zoo.8 )1. Betty is in Beijing with her.A. brotherB. sister C. mother D. father and mother()2. She can speak Chinese.A. muchB. littleC. anyD. not()3. She is going to the zoo.A. by bikeB. by busC. by train D. on foot()4. Shes going to the zoo to.A. see her friends B. see tigers C. see monkeys D. see pandas ()5. The boy.A. shows her the way to the zoo B. doesnt know the wayC. goes to the zoo with her D. gives a map to her 五、完形填空。There is a zoo in our city. The zoo is very big. It has all kinds of 1. You cansee the tigers, elephants, monkeys, pandas,dolphins(海豚)and many 2 in it. 3 people visit it every day.Today is Sunday. Jim and his classmates 4 no classes. They are at the zoo. Jim likes pandas. They 5 from Sichuan. Tom 6 tigers are lovely, _7 Lily doesnt think so. She thinks 8 are dangerous危险的).She asks Tom 9the dolphins. She thinks dolphins are 10, and they can dance very well. Jim andhis classmates have a good time at the zoo.( )1. A. food B. animalsC. plantsD. books( )2. A. muchB. lots ofC. other D. more( )3. A. Thousands of B. Thousand of C. Thousands D.Thousand( ()4. A. is)5. A. wantB. areB. goC. haveC. comeD. hasD. live().A. thinksB. lovesC. speaksD. likes()7. A. tooB. andC. orD.but()8. A. itB. theyC. sheD. he()9. A. to seeB. to lookC. seeD. look()10. A. badB. cleverC. dirtyD.dangerous六、动物是人类的朋友,请以“My favourite anim
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