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Lesson 46 Do it yourself1、plead v.找借口,辩解-He was late, pleading oversleeping.plead for/ against 为辩护-The lawyer plead for justice.【律】承认Plead guilty 认罪Plead with请求,恳求-Andy pled with his mother to buy Mac for him.2、ignorance n.无知,不懂;不知道In ignorance of 无知地-I remain in ignorance of it until you tell.-直到你告诉我,我才知道这件事。Ignorant adj.Be ignorant of-He is ignorant of even the elementary facts.同:Be unaware of / have no idea ofHave not the foggiest idea 完全不知道Be in the dark毫不知情-He is still kept in the dark about his salary.3、gaily adv.愉快地,高兴地GayAdj.高兴的,快乐的Gay bird快乐的家伙-He was jumping gaily after knowing that she became the champion.Gaily华丽地Be gaily dressed 穿着华丽Gaily-colored色彩鲜艳的4、leisure n.空闲adj.空闲的At -从容地,有空地At ones在某人有空的时候wear休闲服time闲暇时间5、keen adj.热心的,渴望的Be on sth. / sb.爱好,喜欢-She is on dancing.-The boy is keen on this pretty girlBe keen on doing / to do sth. 渴望.-I am on travelling around the world.-I am on to go on a world tour.表“渴望”Be eager to do sth.Be anxious for to do sth. /sth.6、novice n.新手at.的新手-Joan told me that she was a at driving.同:Freshman/green hand/ green7、assemble v.组装,装配-Many buyers would rather the computers themselves.集合,集会-Thousands of fans d at the airport to see that super star.8、outlet n.出路;发泄方式,排遣;商品销路for.的出路/发泄方式-You are so tired that you need an for pressure.Outlets (奥特莱斯)品牌直销购物中心Out -inlet 入口Output产量一input投入Outcome 结果一income 收入Outlook前景一inlook内心省察Outbreak 爆发一inbreak 入侵Outtake排气管一intake摄入9、resourceful adj.足智多谋的Resource n.资源;办法,智谋Natural fresh water human HR department人力资源部 混:source n.来源,源头Water power sound light 光源 物种起源 the Origin of Species10、fuse v./n.box保险丝盒seat保险丝座Blasting 导火线Have a short (俚)急性子,坏脾气11、delusion n.错觉Be under -She is under that that boy is kissing her. 同:Be under illusionIllusiondisillusion 醒悟12、screw n.螺丝钉v.拧Screw 拧紧unscrew 拧开Screw cap/ top 螺旋盖Bottle capPot lid壶盖eyelid眼睑Pot cover 锅盖13、snap v.崩断,猛咬;厉声说话at sth.猛咬某物;迅速抓住某物at sb.对某人大声嚷嚷-John apologized to me for ping at me on the party.to it!快点,赶紧!口语n.-It is a snap.轻而易举=-It is a piece of cake.小菜一碟(小 case)Text:1、(L1)so置于句首的倒装还原:Our passion is so great for doing things for ourselves,that.-So many languages can he speak that he should have no problem travelling around the world.-So fine are you that it would be hard to find your peer.你这个人太好了,简直找不出第二个像你这样的。注:so于句首主句要使用部分倒装,若谓语是be动词则全部倒 装,that从句不倒装。-Joe likes rock and roll , so does Tom.-Joe doesnt like rock and roll, neither /nor does Tom.-As you sow,so will you reap.-种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。2、(L2)dependent adj.依靠的;取决于.的-Whether I go to the park or not is dependent on the weather.v.depend-It depends.看情况反:Independent dj.Be from-When we grow up, we should not depend on our parents too much and we should learn to independent from them.Declaration of Independence3、(L2) labor n.劳动;分娩v.费力前行Manual / force/ productivity/ market/intensity-Her lasted ten hours.-The young man ed up the hill with heavy load.-年轻人背着沉重的包裹费力地爬上山。4、(L5) embark v.上(船,飞机,汽车等);着手,开始工作Embarkdebark 使下船 for乘(船,飞机)去.-We at London for Liverpool. on/upon-She is ing on a new carrer as a secretary.-她正开始一个当秘书的工作新生涯。5、(L7) install v.安装,设置;使就职,任命methodheating system 安装暖气设备air conditioning-This professor was formally ed as president last Thursday.n.installation 就职,安装installment安装;分期付款6、(L8) go as far as to do sth.竟达到做某事的地步。同:Carry .too far 做.太过分-We sometimes can play jokes in daily life, but you can not carry your jokes too far.Go to extremes to do sth .做某事走极端Go to the length of doing sth .竟然做某事Go to great lengths of doing/ to do sth.竭尽全力做某事-The police and parents surely will go to great lengths to get their kids back from the kidnappers.Go to the whole length of doing sth.把某事做到底7、(L21)minor adj.较小的,较少的;次要的;未成年人 n./v. 辅修MinormajorEnglish majors and minors主修和辅修英语的人(专修或兼修英语的人)Minor inmajor inmatters细枝末节crime未成年犯罪Minoritymajority少数派,少数民族一多数未成年人成年人
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