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FX3U-ENENT-ADP与力控通讯需要用到 三菱的MXComponen软件1, plc那边 参数设置;三菱的MX Componen软件 的配置;XXXXCommunication Setting Wizard IntroductionThis Communication Setting Wizard will set the communication information for ACTYou can press Back at any time to change your selections XXCancelBack I Next II Finish吕Communication Setup Utility24Jgd Commbnicatiorsetup UtilityComrrentiTcommunicatioretti Wizard - FinishedTanThe Communication wizard has finished collecting in formation.Please Fmish to buiU the logical station number.CancelFinish力控那边at ll-回AB耳+韦虫.li 蟄 AE2:哆 APJCD 画)-羽 BSiRftLSR: 申,冒 8ECKHOFF(eZ) -虱 OELTA:feiiJEVERSOSiXEfi. 比站FATtC舟珪:】 亩鼻 FUJ FLECTTRkXS土)+ 谢 FTTMT汩士 下田 Hnu/svsciirri 刊站DFC- 站 CC- 三臺2墨刁 EB1 -Cttl liA .MO3:C0N.p=Si啰辑站号 Qogistat i oik nural) er ):姮包采藥寄存器最大亍数R兗成取消
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