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Unit 10Youre supposed to shake hands.Section A (1a2d) 1重点单词:custom,bow,kiss,greet2重点短语:shake hands,be supposed to,the wrong way,hold out3重点句式:What are you supposed to do when you meet someone for the first time?You are supposed to shake hands.They are expected to shake hands.As soon as I held out my hand, he bowed.She kissed me on both sides of my face!1重点短语和句型2动词不定式的用法动词不定式的用法一、 预习课本P7374新单词并背诵,完成下面的汉译英。1风俗_2鞠躬_3亲吻_4和打招呼_二、认真预习1a2d找出下列短语和句型。1错误的方式_2欢迎会_3应该_4伸出_5当你第一次遇见某人的时候你该怎么办?你应该握手。_6他们期望被握手。_7我一伸出手,他就鞠躬。_8她亲吻了我的两个脸颊。_Step 1情景导入T:Now,class begins,good morning,boys and girls.Ss:Good afternoon,Miss Liu.T:Thank you,sit down please.You know I made mistakes?Ss:Yes.T:So,I greeted you in a wrong way.So I write here.Read after me: greet.Ss:Greet.T:Yes,very good.I greeted you in a wrong way.Now,what should I say?I should say “Good afternoon!” I also say I am supposed to say “Good afternoon!”Thats very easy,I think.Right?环节说明:以教师错误的打招呼开始本节课。目的在于:以知引趣,活跃气氛,同时引出本堂课的讨论话题是打招呼并自然地过渡到教学greet和be supposed to,符合学生由浅入深的认知规律。 Step 2完成教材1a1c的任务1学生领读1a中的单词,教师纠正错误读音,学生根据平时知识的积累将国家和风俗匹配,完成后小组内核对答案。(3分钟)2认真听录音,根据所听到的内容再次核对1a中的匹配是否正确。(3分钟)3再听一遍录音,并跟读对话。(2分钟)4结对练习1c中的对话,并请一些学生表演出他们的对话。(3分钟)5模仿1c中的对话,结合1a的信息与同伴编练新对话,并邀请几组学生表演对话。(5分钟)参考案例A:What are people in Korea supposed to do when they meet for the first time?B:Theyre supposed to bow.How about in the United States?A:In the United States,theyre expected to shake hands.6小结训练。(3分钟)(B)1.Everyone is supposed _ a seat belt in the car.AwearingBto wearCto be worn(A) 2.When we meet people from Korea for the first time,we are supposed to_.Abow Bshake hands Ckiss Dtouch nose3Youre supposed to _bow in Korea.(对画线部分提问)What are you supposed to do in Korea?4. We should greet the teacher when he comes into the classroom.(改为同义句)We are supposed to greet the teacher when he comes into the classroom.环节说明:听说结合,第一时间向学生传达语言目标,通过结对对话练习和小结训练,使语言目标得以强化。Step 3完成教材2a2c的任务 1在小组内认真读一读2a中的句子并交流句子的意思,为听力做好准备。(3分钟)2认真听录音,勾出Maria 在美国朋友家做客时出现的错误。(2分钟)3听第二遍录音,根据录音内容完成2b中的填空,然后小组内核对答案。(2分钟)4让学生利用2a,2b中的信息仿照2c 的形式练习对话,并要求多组同学表演对话。(5分钟)参考案例Dan:How was the dinner at Pauls house last night?Maria:Well,it was OK,but I made some mistakes.I was supposed to arrive at 7:00,but.5小结训练。(3分钟)(C)1.Why didnt you come to the dinner party?I _.Awill be invitedBcan be invitedCwasnt be invited Dam invited(D)2.He didnt do his homework carefully,so he _.Amakes some mistakesBmake a mistakeCmade few mistakesDmade many mistakes(B)3.Paul doesnt have to be made _. He always works hard.Alearn Bto learnClearning Dlearned(D)4.We should greet when we meet.(选出与画线部分相同的一项)Abow Bshake handsCsay goodbye Dsay hello环节说明:通过听、说、读、写学习训练让学生掌握了不同国家的风俗,并且使学生的口语表达能力在这一环节得到提升。Step 4完成教材2d的任务1学生自读对话,回答下面的问题。(5分钟)1)Where did John go last night?2)What are Japanese expected to do when they meet?3)What are people supposed to do when they see each other?2大声朗读2d中的对话,读熟后与同伴结对练习,分角色表演对话。(3分钟)3邀请三组来表演对话。(5分钟)4小结训练。(3分钟)(C)1.I will make a telephone call to you as soon as I _ Beijing.Awill arrive inBarrived atCget to Dreach in(C)2.There are many trees on _ sides of the river.Aeach BneitherCboth Deither(A)3.The girl came to the city for the first time,but _ my surprise,she knew it very well.AtoBforCinDat环节说明:将对话问题化,既能锻炼学生的思维能力又能加深对课文的理解。小结训练又对对话中的重要句型进行了巩固加深。Step 5问题探究 1每位同学都应该每天按时到校。Every student is_supposed_to_go_to_school on time.“be supposed to” 的意思是应该, to 后要用动词原形。相当于should。()2.What would you do when you see someone _ the first time in Japan?AatBforCinDto答案选择B,for the first time为固定短语,意为“初次,第一次”。()3.We should try our best to help the poor children in the poor area _.Awith different waysBunder different waysCin different waysDat different ways答案选择C,in.ways 为固定短语,意为“用方式”。请学生们做前面课时训练部分。Section A (3a3c) 1重点单词:relaxed,value,capital,noon,mad,effort
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